VECC Work Experience For Internship

I am here to share my Internship experience at the Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Department Of Atomic Energy(DAE) which is a branch of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) located in Kolkata, West Bengal.

On the first day, I was told to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript (ajax and jQuery), Groovy language which is based on Java and MySQL for database management systems. They used Grails which is an open source framework. For the front end, they used HTML, CSS and JavaScript and for the back end, they used Groovy on Grails and for the database they used MySQL.

On the second day, I was assigned a project on vendor database Management Systems. There I was told to add CRUD operations which stands for Create (Add button), Read, Update (Edit button) and Delete (Delete button) a particular vendor if its details were not valid.

The infrastructure inside the campus was quite overwhelming and impressed me with the machines with the latest technology.

I was able to complete my assigned task during my training period and received the certificate. The mentors I got were very friendly and quite helpful.

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