Diagram of Uterus

The diagram of uterus helps us understand the various functions that the uterus carries. The structure of the uterus consists of the upper body and lower body called the cervix. The implantation of the zygote occurs within the uterus. The uterus diagram in class 8 and class 10 is important in the reproduction chapter. The diagram of the uterus gives us a visual depiction of uterine health.

The diagram of uterus with labels is given below:

Diagram of Uterus

Table of Content

  • What is Uterus?
  • What is the Structure of Uterus?
  • What are the 3 Layers of Uterus?
  • Functions of Uterus
  • Conclusion – Uterus Diagram
  • FAQs on Uterus Diagram

What is Uterus?

The uterus, also known as the womb, is one of the main parts of the female reproductive system. The diagram of uterus shows that it is present in the female pelvis and is hollow and muscular. Its most crucial role is its relation to pregnancy. The uterus is where a fertilized egg implants and develops into a fetus during pregnancy. It also plays an important role in the menstrual cycle and menstruation.

What is the Structure of Uterus?

The uterus diagram shows that it shares a similar shape as that of a ‘pear’. It is divided into multiple parts like:

  • Fundus: The larger upper portion of the uterus. It has two horn like structures on top which are the fallopian tubes.
  • Corpus: This is the centre main part of the uterus and this is where the fertilised egg comes and attaches to it.
  • Isthmus: This part lies between the corpus and the last part of the uterus called the cervix.
  • Cervix: The narrow lower portion of the uterus that connects to the vagina.

What are the 3 Layers of Uterus?

The uterus diagram shows that it is made of three layers:

  • Perimetrium: This is the outermost layer and is made up of connective tissue also called the serous membrane. This is protective in nature.
  • Myometrium: This is the most elastic and middle layer of the uterus. This expands during pregnancy and can stretch a lot. This is muscular in nature.
  • Endometrium: This is the innermost layer of the uterus. This lining sheds during menstrual cycle.

Functions of Uterus

The uterus performs several important functions in the female reproductive system. These functions include:

  1. Implantation : After fertilisation, the embryo moves towards the uterus and attaches itself to the myometrium. This process is called implantation.
  2. Menstruation: If the pregnancy does not occur, the inner lining which prepares itself for the embryo now starts to dissociate and sheds itself. This is the monthly discharge of blood and tissue from the uterus.
  3. Nourishment of the Fetus: During pregnancy, the uterus acts a home to the developing fetus and provides it with food and minerals through the placenta, a temporary organ formed in the uterine wall.
  4. Labor and Childbirth: The muscular walls of the uterus are responsible for the coming out of the baby during childbirth. The uterine walls contract during labor to push the fetus through the cervix and out of the body during childbirth.
  5. Involution: After childbirth, the uterus undergoes involution, a process where it gradually returns to its pre-pregnancy size as a result of the shrinking of its muscular walls and the removal of the leftover placental tissue.

Conclusion – Uterus Diagram

Understanding the diagram of uterus with labels is crucial for understanding its vital role in the female reproductive system. The labeled uterus diagram provides a visual representation, helping in education and awareness about uterine health. The diagram of uterus class 8 and class 10 is important from exams point of view hence must be studied properly.

FAQs on Uterus Diagram

What is the Uterus?

The uterus is a hollow muscular organ which is the present in the lower female pelvis.

On Which Side is the Uterus Located?

The uterus is present in the middle of the pelvis, usually between the bladder and the rectum.

What is the Difference between the Uterus and the Cervix?

The cervix is the lowermost part of the uterus, which expands and connects to the vagina. The uterus consists of fundus, pylorus, isthmus and the cervix.

Is Uterus and the Womb Same?

Yes, the other name for uterus is the womb. The embryo grows and develops within the uterus.

What are the Main Functions of the Uterus?

The main functions of the uterus includes childbirth, menstruation, helps in the growth of the embryo and provides nourishment to it.

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