Uses of Water in Daily Life

Uses of Water: Water is the fundamental need of our daily life. It helps us to perform basic functions of life. From drinking water, agriculture to cooking food, Water is the most fundamental need of living being. There are also several uses of Water in industrial purposes. Let’s know in detail about Uses of Water in daily life.

Uses of Water in Daily Life

Uses Of Water

Water is the basic need of human and living beings. We use water in our daily life for drinking, cooking, washing. While, animals and birds drinks water for survival. As a human we uses water at industry also. For example, to generate electricity to make soft drinks, Water is the best natural gift. There are various type of sources of Water from which we consume the water. It hydrates our bodies, essential for maintaining health and wellness, and supports agriculture.

The uses of water include the following

1. Domestic Use of Water

Water is essential for daily house chores which include boiling, steaming, and simmering food. Water has certain unique properties for which they are used for washing clothes, dishes as well as food items. Water is also used for generation of electricity and in air coolers.

2. Uses of Water in Agriculture

Agriculture requires huge quantities of water for growing fresh produce as well as to sustain livestock. It is used for functions of irrigation, pesticide, and fertilizer application as well as crop cooling. Proper usage of water is very important for management of crop yield and productivity. Water is also used for livestock, dairies as well as fish farms.

3. Industrial Uses of Water

Water is used for industrial purposes like hotels, restaurants, offices and also in manufacturing industries like paper, chemicals, automobiles, steel etc. and significant amount for cooling. Water is also used in smelting facilities as well as petroleum refineries.

4. Medicinal Uses of Water

Water is use for medicines in the field of hemodialysis and for dental procedures and for washing of surgical tools. Water should be treated thoroughly before used in hospitals as well as clinics. Important cause of water contamination include legionella, giardia etc.

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Characteristics Of Water

Some of the important characteristics of water are:

  1. Water molecule consists of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.
  2. The chemical formula of water is H2O.
  3. The freezing point of water is 0˚C.
  4. The boiling point of water is 100˚C.

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Hydrologic Cycle Of Water

The hydrologic cycle of water include the following steps:

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10 Uses Of Water In Our Daily Life

Some important use of water includes in domestic, commercial, industrial as well as medicinal uses. Other important use of water are given below.

  • Drinking Water: Clean and safe drinking water is fundamental for maintaining health and well-being. It is helpful in the overall functioning of the human body.
  • Hygiene and Sanitation: Water is vital for maintaining hygiene and sanitation within households. It is utilised for bathing, washing hands, and cleaning dishes and clothes, contributing to the prevention of illnesses and the overall health of the population.
  • Industrial Processes: Industries heavily depend on water for various purposes, such as cooling, cleaning, and as an integral part of manufacturing processes. Sectors like manufacturing, energy, and mining rely significantly on water for their activities.
  • Energy Production: Hydropower, a renewable energy source, plays a crucial role in electricity generation by harnessing the energy of moving water. It is also essential for cooling thermal power plants and nuclear power generation processes.
  • Transportation and Recreation: Water bodies, including lakes, rivers, and oceans, serve as transport routes, facilitating the movement of goods and people. Additionally, these water bodies offer recreational opportunities such as boating, swimming, and fishing.
  • Ecosystem Support: Water is the lifeblood of various ecosystems, from wetlands and rivers to coral reefs and oceans, supporting the diverse forms of life within these environments.
  • Cooking and Food Preparation: Water is an ingredient in cooking and food preparation, where it is used for boiling, washing dishes, steaming, and cooking various food items.
  • Waste Disposal: Water is crucial for the elimination and treatment of waste. Municipal sewage systems and treatment facilities ensure proper waste removal, preventing contamination of water bodies.
  • Firefighting Process: Water plays a vital role in firefighting, serving as a key element in extinguishing fires and safeguarding property and lives during emergencies.
  • Recreation and Aesthetics: Water features such as waterfalls, ponds, and fountains are incorporated into urban landscapes and recreation areas for their aesthetic value. They contribute to the overall ambiance of cities, providing peaceful surroundings for residents and visitors.

Types Of Water Sources

The water sources come in many varieties, each having distinct characteristics and functions. The major types of water sources are:

Ground Water Sources

Groundwater sources are reservoirs for water that are stored below the earth’s surface, in porous rock soil or aquifers. These sources are accessed via wells and are an essential element of the world’s water supply. Groundwater is usually of good quality because the natural filtration processes that occur as water flows through the earth remove numerous contaminants. The characteristics and examples of groundwater sources are

  • Aquifers: These are subterranean structures of water-bearing rocks or sediment. They contain huge quantities of water, and their depth can differ considerably. For instance, the Ogallala Aquifer in the United States as well as the Guarani Aquifer in South America are notable examples.
  • Wells: They are designed to tap into groundwater. They can range from shallow wells that tap into a table of water near the surface to deeper wells that tap the water of deeper aquifers. For instance, in Australia, the Great Artesian Basin is a source of water that is accessed through underground artesian wells.
  • High reliability: Groundwater sources are more stable and less susceptible to short-term climate fluctuations. However, excessive extraction could result in declining levels of water and longer-term sustainability issues.

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Surface Water Source

Surface water sources include natural bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and streams. These sources are extensively used to supply the production of drinking water and irrigation, as well as different industrial processes. Some examples and features of water sources that are surface include:

  • Rivers: rivers are flowing surface water bodies typically used to supply water. For example, the Nile River in Africa and the Amazon River in South America are famous examples.
  • Lakes: They are important sources of freshwater for several regions. Lake Baikal in Russia and Lake Superior in North America are two well-known examples.
  • Streams: Streams smaller than rivers are essential sources of local communities as well as ecosystems. Some examples include the Ganges in India as well as the Danube in Europe.
  • Variable quality: The quality of the surface waters can fluctuate due to fluctuations in the seasons or pollutants due to human activity or natural processes. Proper monitoring and treatment are vital to ensuring that water is safe for consumption.

Saltwater Resources

Saltwater sources, which are mainly found in seas and oceans, are awash with dissolved salts, which makes the water inedible for consumption or for the majority of agricultural uses. Desalination is a process used to transform saltwater into freshwater. The characteristics and examples of saltwater sources are:

  • Oceans: They cover more than 70 percent of Earth’s surface and are the biggest saltwater sources. The Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Indian Ocean are prominent examples.
  • Seas: They are small saltwater bodies, usually partly protected by land. The Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea are among the most well-known sea examples.
  • Desalination: Desalination techniques like reverse osmosis and distillation eliminate impurities and salt from saltwater, making it safe for drinking and irrigation. The coastal regions, such as those of the Middle East, use desalination plants to supply fresh water.
  • While saltwater sources aren’t specifically suitable for many uses, the rising demand for freshwater has prompted the development of desalination processes that allow us to make use of the vast resources of saltwater for human consumption. Surface and groundwater, however, remain essential sources of freshwater for a variety of uses around the globe.

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Protected Sources of Water

Sources that are protected are surrounded by concrete, stonework, or other materials that block physical, chemical, biological, or chemical substances from gaining access and have certain features:

  • When water is collected, no one steps into the pool.
  • The water source is sealed, and no surface water is allowed to enter the area immediately.
  • Latrines, solid waste pits, animal excrement, and other pollutant sources are positioned as far from the source of water as possible and on terrain that is higher than the source of water.
  • Within 5 meters of the source of water, there is no stagnant water.
  • The buckets that collect water and the hand pump located at the source are maintained clean.

Unprotected Water Sources

Unprotected sources are those that do not have an obstruction or some other form of structure that keeps contaminants out of the water. These sources are any surface water source, like rivers, lakes, and streams, as well as inadequately constructed wells. Water from sources that are not protected shouldn’t be consumed unless it is cleaned.

Here are some important characteristics of water sources that are not protected:

  • The unprotected water sources are not protected by physical barriers, like caps or walls, to keep contaminants out of the water.
  • Because there aren’t any protective enclosures, contaminants from the surface, like dirt or debris, are able to easily get into the water.
  • Unprotected water sources are susceptible to variations in weather and environmental conditions that can impact the quality of water.
  • The quality of water from unprotected sources may fluctuate greatly depending on the weather as well as human activity and the use of land nearby.
  • Unprotected foods tend to have harmful pathogens and microorganisms that can pose health risks when consumed.

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Ladder Of Water

Water ladder is defined by UNICEF in terms of water sources. The drinking water ladder outlines the stages of improving the quality of water supplies dependent on their origin. The bottom part of the ladder is water from the surface, while the top part is piped water that is pumped into the home. Between these sources, there is a range of improved and less dependable sources.


Water is super important for everything on Earth. It’s like the key to life! We use it for ecosystems, farms, and just to live. There are different kinds of water, like underground water, surface water, and salty water in the oceans. The cool thing is that water goes through a cycle. It evaporates, turns into clouds, and then comes back down as rain. This keeps water available all over the world.

Sources Of Water – FAQs

What Are 10 Uses Of Water?

The 10 uses of water are as follows:

  • For drinking purpose
  • For dish cleaning
  • For cooking purpose
  • For feeding plants
  • For clothes washing
  • To take bath
  • For hydro-electricity generation
  • For the car wash
  • To wash the dog
  • In humans, it involves maintaining the osmotic intensity

What Are The 5 Sources Of Water?

The five sources of water include rainwater, groundwater, rivers, lakes, and glaciers.

What Is The Most Important Source Of Water?

Rainwater is considered one of the most significant sources of water.

What Are Two Uses Of Water?

Drinking and bathing are some of the important uses of water.

How Is Water Useful To Us?

Water is vital for almost every aspect of our lives. It sustains us, allows us to grow food, keeps us clean, generates energy, supports ecosystems, and provides recreation.

Why Is Water Important?

  1. Life-sustaining: Essential for all living organisms to survive.
  2. Health and hygiene: Keeps us clean and prevents diseases.
  3. Food production: Crucial for growing crops and raising livestock.
  4. Economic development: Used in various industries and activities.
  5. Healthy environment: Supports ecosystems and regulates climate.

What Are The Ways To Save Water?

  1. Take shorter showers.
  2. Fix leaky faucets and toilets.
  3. Use water-efficient appliances

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