Uses of Neutrons

Neutrons are subatomic particles that are essential for the construction of matter. First identified by James Chadwick in 1932, neutrons are one of the three basic particles that comprise atoms, along with electrons and protons.

In this article, we are going to learn about the uses of neutrons in everyday life.

What are Uses of Neutrons?

Neutrons are a part of the nucleus of an atom. The number of neutrons governs the isotope of the atom. Isotopes of any atom share the same number of protons, but they may differ in the number of neutrons. Neutrons are vital in holding the nucleus together, as a strong nuclear force between protons is overpowered by the repulsion between the positively charged protons.

Following are the most important uses of Neutrons :

Nuclear Power Generation

Neutrons play a significant role in the field of nuclear power generation in connection with the fission reaction. In nuclear reactors, the uranium or plutonium atoms engage in the process of fission as they are bombarded by neutrons and split into two smaller fragments, freeing a huge amount of energy. These fusion reactions are crucial for a sustained chain reaction and create enough heat to produce steam that further drives the turbines to generate power.

Nuclear Weapons

Neutrons are known to be the major participants in a nuclear explosion. In an explosion of nuclei, thousands of neutrons are “released” through a chain reaction, which in turn brings about a rapid fission of nuclear atoms in uranium-235 or plutonium-239. These events cascade into an enormous amount of energy in the form of a nuclear explosion.

Neutron Imaging and Tomography

Neutron imaging devices allow for the visualization of the inside of materials without damaging them in any way. Neutrons are highly penetrating and they are sensitive to light elements, especially hydrogen, and thus are of high interest to imaging materials that are of low atomic numbers. Neutron radiography and tomography have found applications in discrete fields including the exploration and study of materials, archaeology, geology, biology, and others.

Neutron Scattering

Neutron scattering experiments are much more precise research instruments that are designed to look into the structural and dynamic properties of materials at the atomic or molecular levels. By studying the scattering of a neutron beam off a probe sample as shown in the patterns, scientists can derive information about the sequencing of atoms, magnetic properties, molecular motion, and others. Neutron scattering methods cover ambient atmospheres such as neutron diffraction, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), and neutron reflectometry that fall within the scope of condensed matter physics, chemistry, and materials science.

Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)

Neutron activation analysis is a analytical method that quantifies the elemental composition of materials via the activation process of neutrons. The neutron flux will make nuclei in these samples undergo the activation process, where certain nuclei will later decay, yielding gamma rays.

We can as a result get accurate measurements of the distribution of different elements known to emit gamma rays by detecting the emissions. NAA is a very handy tool in Earth science, forensic analysis, archaeology, and material characterization.

Neutron Therapy in Cancer Treatment

Neutron capture therapy (NCT), is nuclear radiation therapy which is now being tested on cancer patients. It comprises neutron irradiating of cancer cells which have an absorbed liquid boron(10) atom inside these cells.

Through the absorption of boron-10 by neutrons, the release of alpha particles along with the lithium nuclei is caused, which destroys tumor cells with the highest efficiency but does not affect normal healthy tissues nearby. NCT is a morally unlikely approach for treating cancers, although the study of benefits and drawbacks continues to improve efficacy and minimize side effects.

In NCT, cancer cells have the unique possibility to be irradiated with slow-moving neutrons. The boron-10 isotope is enriched and selectively absorbed by tumor cells that convert neutrons into a cascade of high-energy particles. These particles induce cell damage that specifically kills cancerous cells but spares surrounding healthy tissue. Applying NCT in cancer treatment, especially for brain tumors, highlights the advantages of using this technology over conventional radiation therapy and could lead to a decreased occurrence of side effects.

Neutron Activation for Material Testing

Changes in radiation patterns also take place through neutron activation and accurate identification of properties of such materials other than defect locations is possible.

This method makes it possible to test materials in reverse so durability and performance are thoroughly assessed in extreme surroundings like space or locations subjected to high pressure and extreme temperatures like nuclear reactors.

Real Life Applications of Neutrons

Here are some real-life applications of neutrons :

Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)

Application: Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) is an advanced analytical tool comprising identification of the chemical element of interest in materials.

Example: This is what is done in the field of archaeology using NAA to examine ceramic fragments or objects. This method is carried out by exposure of the sample to the neutron beam, during this its telomeres transform into short-lived radioactive nucleons. This forms the basis for subsequent gamma-ray emissions, aimed at the evaluation of aluminum, silicon, or any trace elements.

Such data is often helpful when it comes to distinguishing the provenance of artifacts, viewing the routes of trade, and understanding various interactions between different cultures.

Neutron Imaging in Aerospace Engineering

Application: Aerospace engineering the latest technology, neutron imaging, for non-destruct testing structure members.

Example: In the case of the aircraft aerospace industry, neutron radiography has to be employed to verify the safety of turbine blades. Neutrons do not have a repelling effect like protons, making it easier for neutron beams to pass through dense materials aiming at high-spatial resolution imaging of internal structures, defects, or cracks. The specific components that are vital to proper execution could be protected this way without any destruction.

Neutron Scattering in Material Science

Researchers acquire neutron diffraction to determine the features of the battery materials for energy supply. Neutrons scattering off atoms bound to the material are studied by scientists to shed light on how the charging and discharging activity of ions and electrons takes place. Thanks to this fundamental understanding, the world can develop new battery technologies that work effectively and last longer.

Neutron Radiography in Oil and Gas Industry

Application: Neutron radiography becomes an instrument of the oil and gas unit checking pipelines and components of wells.

Example: The characteristics of neutron radiography in pipe inspection can be used to identify corrosion, erosion, or clogging within without any interference with production processes. Through the visualization of the integrity of the corpus of pipeline walls, the operators can determine the areas that may undergo leaking or weakness, thus scheduling maintenance before a total breakdown. This will maximize the safety and reliability of the oil and gas infrastructure.

Neutron Activation for Forensic Analysis

Application: The neutron activation technique is being applied in forensic studies for the identification of explosives constituents in various forensic samples.

Example: In forensic investigations including the detection of the gunshot residue on clothes or the fast surfaces, NAAs are applicable. Gunmetal elements like lead, barium, and antimony will be made radioactive by firing neutron beams on the sample. Further, these elements a proof that help in identifying the factors necessary to recreate a crime scene, determine the type of firearm employed, and link suspects with crime events.


Neutrons are extremely useful in everyday life. These multiple abilities, such as high probability of penetration and influence on matter, have found many applications across different fields of study. In this regard of diagnostic, inspection or developing technology, among others, the application of neutrons is what continues to shape our lives. The evolution of technology brings not only variety but also an importance of neutrons in the life of an ordinary person and nowadays it is impossible to live without them.

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  • Uses of protons in everyday life
  • Uses of quantum numbers in daily life
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FAQs on Uses of Neutrons in Everyday Life

What applications does neutron radiation have in common with other types of radiation?

Neutron radiation has its utility in fields like medicine (cancer treatment), industry (nondestructive materials examinations), materials science (structural evaluations) and security (illicit materials examination).

In which way are neutrons participating in material science?

Neutrons as atomic and molecular structure probes, thereby allowing material scientists to investigate the magnetic and conductive properties of materials and develop advanced materials for electronics, energy storage, and aerospace engineering.

How do neutrons have a significant impact on non-destructive testing (NDT) in industry?

Non-destructive testing techniques using neutrons like neutron radiography and tomography are performed to inspect the internal structure without physically damaging the component. This can be very useful in sectors like aerospace, the automotive industry, as well as oil and gas for such reasons as quality assurance and safety inspections.

What advantages can neutrons provide over the other kinds of radiation in imaging applications?

Neutrons possess better penetrating power than X-rays and gamma rays and succeed in traversing dense materials more deeply than other rays. Neutrons also prepare a contrast for some materials that are of use in imaging, especially for the materials with a low atomic number such as polymers and biological tissues.

Why are neutrons critical in energy-related research?

Neutrons help to find out how the material behaves under extremely high temperatures and pressures, thus finding applications in plants like nuclear power, rechargeable batteries, and wind systems.

Does neutron beams contribute to environmental monitoring and analysis?

Neutrino features can be used in environmental analysis and monitoring for soil composition, water quality, and pollution level study. Methods such as NAA for neutron activation analysis allow researchers to detect and quantify elements present in environmental samples which then is useful in environmental research as well as conservation.

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