User Story Mapping in Agile

As we know User Story in Agile development methodology refers to a story of requirements by the end customer which is written in plain English language, and it is understandable by all. By this user story, the development team gets a clear vision of the end product, as a result, the end-user gets a good quality product that fulfills all the requirements of the customer.

User Story Mapping :
User Story Mapping (Story Mapping) is a technique used in Agile product development for modeling the user stories in a useful manner. This Story Map specifies the functionality of the system, plans the development of features, effective plan for releases, etc. Mostly it helps the development team to identify the desired results needs to be delivered that the end-users want to achieve. 
The main motive behind Story Map was to groom the product backlog and plan the product releases. It enables an agile team to keep eye on the big picture of the application and side by side providing all the details of the whole application.

Need of Story Mapping :

  1. Arrange the user stories in functional groups.
  2. Facilitate product discovery.
  3. Prioritization of implementation.
  4. Manage product backlog in leveled structure.
  5. Delivering desired results to the end-users.

Mistakes with Story Mapping :

  1. Avoiding collaboration between customer and developer team.
  2. No clarity on requirements and no problem to solve.
  3. Avoiding work support and wasting developmental effort.
  4. Not keeping the story map visible.

Steps to create a Story Map :

  1. Identify big stories having broad user activities and start with that by writing an orderly on the card.
  2. Simplify a bigger story by breaking down it into smaller stories and put users’ stories accordingly under respective activities.
  3. Travel through the map, debug if any required, include any things that have been missed.
  4. Prioritize each sub-task under each user’s activities.
  5. Select essential tasks from each activity to create those first for a Minimum Viable Product.
  6. Then prioritize remaining tasks and plan subsequent releases.

Benefits of Story mapping : 

  1. It avoids different types of failure points in incremental development and delivery model. 
  2. It helps different teams to group their work into multiple iterations and releases keeping its product’s value for the user in mind along with this it also provides teams a generalized view of the customer experience and required work to improve it.
  3. User Story Mapping focuses more on user’s requirements and prioritizes the right tasks to solve sequentially.
  4. As it is a collaborative exercise, so members of multiple teams which are involved in the project development participate in user story mapping. 

Different teams that are engaged in User Story Mapping :

  1. Engineering
  2. UX / design
  3. Ops / IT
  4. Product management
  5. Customer support
  6. Marketing
  7. Sales
  8. Finance
  9. Legal

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