Unit Testing in R Programming

The unit test basically is small functions that test and help to write robust code. From a robust code we mean a code which will not break easily upon changes, can be refactored simply, can be extended without breaking the rest, and can be tested with ease. Unit tests are of great use when it comes to dynamically typed script languages as there is no assistance from a compiler showing you places where functions could be called with invalid arguments.

How Does Unit Testing Work?

What does a simple function do, it takes some input x and returns an output y. In unit testing, we verify the preciseness and correctness of the function is returning the expected value of y for a specific value of x when calling the function. Generally, different (x, y) pairs are tested. What if our code has side effects e.g reading/writing of files, access to some database, etc. then how does a unit test work. In such scenarios, the preparation of the test is more complex. It could comprise just a bunch of mock objects of functions for simulating access to a database. That is influencing the programming style for which abstraction layers might become necessary. In some cases, input files need to be generated before executing the test, and output files are to be checked after the test. The basic idea behind unit testing is simple, you write a script that automatically evaluates pieces of your code and checks it against expected behavior. Now let us see some examples for a better understanding of what actually unit testing means and how it works.

Implementation in R

In R programming testthat package helps us to implement unit testing in our codes. To install testthat package one just need to run the following code in his R console.

if (!require(testthat)) install.packages('testthat')

testthat uses test_that() function to create a test and uses expectations for unit testing of code. An expectation allows us to assert that the values returned by a function match the ones we should get. 

test_that("Message to be displayed",
          { expect_equal(function_f(input x), expected_output_y)
            expect_equivalent(function_f(input x), expected_output_y)
            expect_identical(function_f(input x), expected_output_y)

There are more than 20 expectations in the testthat package.



expect_lt(), expect_lte(), expect_gt(), expect_gte() Is returned value less or greater than specified value?
expect_equal(), expect_identical() Is an object equal to a reference value?

expect_error(), expect_warning(), expect_message(), 


Does code throw an error, warning, message, or other condition?
expect_invisible(), expect_visible() Does expression return visibly or invisibly?

skip(), skip_if_not(), skip_if(), skip_if_not_installed(), skip_if_offline(), skip_on_cran(), skip_on_os(), skip_on_travis(), skip_on_appveyor(), 

skip_on_ci(), skip_on_covr(), skip_on_bioc(), skip_if_translated()

Skip a test.
expect_length() Does a vector have the specified length?
expect_match() Does string match a regular expression?
expect_named() Does object have names?
expect_setequal(), expect_mapequal() Do two vectors contain the same values?
expect_output() Does code print output to the console?
expect_reference() Do two names point to the same underlying object?

expect_snapshot_output(), expect_snapshot_value(),

expect_snapshot_error(), expect_snapshot_condition()

Snapshot testing.
expect_vector() Does the object have vector properties?
expect_silent() Is the code silent?
expect_type(), expect_s3_class(), expect_s4_class() Does the object inherit from a S3 or S4 class, or is it a base type?
expect_true(), expect_false() Is the object true/false?
verify_output() Verify output

Example: Define a function factorial that takes a numeric value n and returns its factorial.


# create a recursive program that 
# calculates the factorial of number n
factorial <- function(n)
  if(n == 0)
    return(n * factorial(n - 2))

Now, let’s perform unit testing on our function factorial and test its accuracy and debug our program.


# import testthat package
# use expect_that to create tests
  "Factorial of number $n",
    expect_equal(factorial(5), 120)
    expect_identical(factorial(2), 2)
    expect_equal(factorial(8), 40320)


Error: Test failed: 'Factorial computed correctly'
* factorial(5) not equal to 120.
1/1 mismatches
[1] 15 - 120 == -105
* factorial(8) not equal to 40320.
1/1 mismatches
[1] 384 - 40320 == -39936

The test gives an error, it means that our function does not return the desired results. We knowingly wrote our code wrong. In the factorial function, the recursive approach we used has an error. Let us eradicate that error and test our function one more time.


# create a recursive program that
# calculates the factorial of number n
factorial <- function(n)
  if(n == 0)
    # notice we used (n-2) instead
    # of (n-1) in our previous code
    return(n * factorial(n - 1))
# import testthat package
# use expect_that to create tests
  "Factorial of number $n",
    expect_equal(factorial(5), 120)
    expect_identical(factorial(2), 2)
    expect_equal(factorial(8), 40320)

# no error

Note: If your source code and packages are not in the same directory you have to run a line of code with function source( ) to run tests.

source("your_file_path")  # This is only needed if your project is not a package

It is really important to organize your files and tests. We should have a folder named R with all the R code files, and one folder named tests/testthat, where all the test scripts will live. From the R console, you can run all tests in a file with 


And all tests in a folder with


Both the above-mentioned function accept a special parameter reporter which has several options to offer which are

  • progress  it is the default value
  • minimal   for a minimal report
  • location   shows the file, line, and column of the test run (failed or otherwise),
  • debug      allows you to debug interactively a failing test and more.
test_dir("./path/to/folder", reporter=c("minimal", "location"))

Unit testing is necessary if you want a bug free, well-formed code.

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