Understanding IT Maturity

IT Maturity :

IT maturity is the measurement of an organization’s IT department capabilities. This measurement helps the organization to understand how well their business is being supported by their IT department by leveraging the power of technology. 

If the IT maturity level of an organization is higher, then it means the IT branch is working efficiently:

  • By following the best practices.
  • Delivering quality services consistently.
  • And they are capable of adapting to new changes as per the business needs easily and fastly.

If the level of an organization is low, then the IT teams are not being efficient, effective and flexible enough.  

Importance and Purpose of IT Maturity : 

Well, the main objective of IT maturity is to figure out the effectiveness of an individual or a group and to identify what is needed to improve their performance in order to meet the business goals. 

That is why IT maturity is important for an organization since the performance of the team impacts the overall performance of the organization.  

Let’s look at the levels of IT maturity.  

The IT maturity levels are categorized into five as follows:

  1. Beginning
  2. Aware
  3. Well-coordinated
  4. Advanced

Each level is different from one to another based on how well technology is leveraged by an organisation.

1. Beginning :

At this level, the IT capabilities of an organization are “unstable and reactive”. That means they are not capable of predicting upcoming issues and not prepared enough to face and solve the issues. So overcoming the problems is up to the expertise of each individual.  

2. Aware :

Organizations at this level are well aware of the IT solutions that make the process of achieving the business goals easier and earlier. They are stable and start applying small yet effective technological approaches. This level is still reactive, so the companies don’t prepare themselves beforehand to face and resolve any issues.  

3. Proactive :

Organizations at this level can predict any upcoming issues and they prepare themselves to resolve the issues as soon as they encounter them. Such organizations track their performance because this analytics will help improve their technology further and most of the maintenance processes are automated. So, this level is considered the real maturing level of an organization.  

4. Well-coordinated :

If the best IT approaches are followed by an organization and the IT team is highly efficient in providing services and making use of the available resources, then this organization is at level 4 of IT maturity. Here, all the operations are measured and performed in an organized way.  

5. Advanced :

The advanced level is the highest of IT maturity levels. Whichever organizations are at this level, they are utilizing the most of the technology to achieve their business goals with efficient cost and effective use of available resources. These organizations are constantly improving for better outcomes.  

How to find at which level an organization stands ?  

That’s a wise question. To understand an organization’s level and to improve the level, you have to know “how well the organization is already using the technology and how you should be using it.”

How well you do can be understood by having a questionnaire with your technical teams. It is like interviewing to assess your teams for identifying your organization’s current level.  

And how you should be doing can be identified by comparing your current level with other organizations at a higher level of IT maturity. In other words, Those organizations are the ones who follow the best IT practices and benefited from them the most. By doing this you know what you actually need to do to take your organization to its next level. That’s all about IT maturity.

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