Underscore.js Functions Complete Reference

Underscore.js is a lightweight JavaScript library and not a complete framework that was written by Jeremy Ashkenas that provides utility functions for a variety of use cases in our day-to-day common programming tasks.

Underscore provides a number of functions that can be applied to the elements.  These include the ability to bind a function to an object, wrap a function inside another function, memorize a given function by caching the result computed by the function, apply partially a function by filling in any number of its arguments, without changing its dynamic value and many other wonderful functionalities. 

The complete reference for underscore functions is provided below:



_.bind() It is used to bind a function to an object.
_.bindAll() It is used to bind the number of methods on the object.
_.partial() It applies a function by filling in any number of its arguments, without changing its dynamic value.
_.memoize() It is used to memorize a given function by caching the result computed by the function.
_.delay() It executes the mentioned function in its argument after waiting for the specified milliseconds.
_.defer() It is used to invoke/call a function until the current call stack is cleared.
_.throttle() It creates a throttled function that can only call the func parameter once per every wait milliseconds.
_.debounce() It is used to create a debounced function.
_.once() It is used in conditions where we want a particular function to be executed only a single time.
_.after() It creates a wrapper of function which doesn’t do anything in the start but from the stated count it starts calling the function.
_.before() It is used to call a particular function a particular number of times.
_.wrap() It is used to wrap a function inside other function.
_.negate() It finds a new negated version of the stated predicate function.
_.compose() It returns the composition of the list of functions.
_.restArguments() It can receive all the arguments from and beyond the stated startIndex that is collected into a single array.

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