Underscore.js _.pick() Function

Underscore.js _.pick() function is used to return a copy of the object that is filtered using the given key. This function accepts a predicate indicating which keys are picked from the object.


_.pick(object, *keys);


  • object: This parameter holds the value of an object.
  • keys: It is an optional parameter. It contains the key name that the value needs to be picked.

Return Value:

It returns a copy of the object that is filtered using the given key.

Example 1: This example shows the use of the Underscore.js _.pick() Function.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=
    <script type="text/javascript">
        let info = {
            Company: 'w3wiki',
            Address: 'Noida',
            Contact: '+91 9876543210'
        console.log(_.pick(info, 'Company', 'Address'));


Example 2: This example shows the use of the Underscore.js _.pick() Function.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=
    <script type="text/javascript">
        let info = {
            key1: 10,
            key2: 20,
            key3: 30,
            key4: 40,
            key5: 50
        console.log(_.pick(info, function (value, key, info) {
            return value == 10 || value == 50;


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