UInt32.MaxValue Field in C# with Examples

The MaxValue field of UInt32 Struct is used to represent the maximum value of the 32-bit unsigned integer. The value of this field is constant means that the user cannot change the value of this field. The value of this field is 4294967295. Its hexadecimal value is 0xFFFFFFFF. It is used to avoid the OverflowException at run-time by verifying that an Int64 value is within the range of the UInt32 type before a type conversion.


public const uint MaxValue = 4294967295;

Return Value: This field always returns 4294967295.


// C# program to illustrate the
// UInt32.MaxValue field
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static public void Main()
        // display the Maximum value
        // of UInt32 struct
        Console.WriteLine("Maximum Value is: " + UInt32.MaxValue);
         // Taking an array of the 
        // unsigned long integer 
        // i.e UInt64 data type
        ulong[] num = {3422146, 732443, 42343535776, 2342534654756123};
        // taking variable of UInt32 type
        uint mynum;
        foreach(long n in num)
            if (n >= UInt32.MinValue && n <= UInt32.MaxValue) 
                // using the method of Convert class
                // to convert Int64 to UInt32
                mynum = Convert.ToUInt32(n);
                Console.WriteLine("Conversion is Possible.");
                Console.WriteLine("Not Possible");


Maximum Value is: 4294967295
Conversion is Possible.
Conversion is Possible.
Not Possible
Not Possible


  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.uint32.maxvalue?view=netstandard-2.1

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