UI Design of Telecom Website

Designing a Telecommunication website is a task that requires listing out all plans, services, and offers to the customers in a beautiful form that attracts customers to buy plans and other offers. A telecommunication website has several pages to describe plans, services, and multiple offers it provides with a good and attractive UI. In this article, we will learn how to design a telecommunication website consisting of the following pages: Home, Plans Page, Services Page, Support/Help Page, Careers Page, and About Us.

Design Principles Used

Color Theory:

Choosing an appropriate color for a telecommunication website is essential as it involves attracting customers to a large extent. The color that has been used as a part of the UI is blue and much of the website entails a blue color such as the navigation bar, several sections of the website, and font colors.

Negative Spaces:

There should exist some negative spaces in the website too that help in improving the readability of the code. A telecommunication website should consist of white spaces after several sections of support, plans, headers, and footers. Spaces are necessary and can be achieved using margin and padding.


A proper alignment is necessary for an optimized Search Engine. The elements of both header and footer must be aligned in one similar fashion to improve the user experience of the website.

Grid System:

A grid system has been used in the telecommunication website that helps in creating an image grid. It also helps to create several grid systems for FAQs section & buttons, along with the one to hover around different plans and details.


A website looks more appealing when it has effects & animations. Such animations can be received using GSAP – Greensock Animation Platform & transition and animation effects using different styling techniques. Such effects help increase the user interactivity of the website.


Typography of a website refers to the different fonts is uses and to keep the UI simple yet elegant, one needs to choose a font that could go well with both headings and descriptive text. The font style that can be used in the UI is Poppins, Sans Serif or Roboto etc.

Use of Infographics:

A website is incomplete without the use of infographics and attractive elements and images. The UI becomes even more better when the logo and several other images are used in the website in a correct proportion.

Home Page

The Home Page consists of a basic overview of what the website is all about and what all does it offer. It consists of a header section with a navigation bar and a footer which primarily provides links to different pages. It consists of buttons to sign in as a user and links and images to direct the user if he or she has some queries regarding the website or the product.

Home Page

Plans Page

The Plans Page is a detailed page that consists of the business plans the telecommunication website provides. For eg. In the below mentioned UI, the plans and several features can be listed out in the form of a table where in the user can click on to the plans and know more about it in detail.

Plans Page

Support/Help Page

The Help or Support page consist of Frequently asked questions, contact links and links to other social sites of the telecommunication website where in the user can go and post his query or feedback regarding the respective product he/she has used. It lists out some common FAQs which almost every user faces and answers to it’s questions.

Support Page

Careers Page

The Careers Page consists of career opportunities for the freshers and the ones experienced in the telecommunication industry. It also provides a series of testimonials section about the clients who provide feedback regarding the work culture. It also consists of a section of awards & accolades to make the user more aware of the company.

Career Page

About Us

The About us page is a detailed page that displays information regarding the start of the telecommunication website, or company, what is its mission and the objective and how does it aim to achieve in the future.

About Us


Thus, making a telecommunication website involves lot of effort and hardwork. Choosing bright colors and pertaining to every user’s demand and keeping the website interactive is the main task while making the website. On following the above listed UI Principles one can easily achieve the goal of creating an alluring and appealing telecommunication website.

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