UCodeSoft Interview Experience For Web Developer Internship


I got the opportunity to get interviewed at UCodeSoft, Mohali, Punjab for the position of Web Developer Intern.

The interview process was simple comprising of two rounds which were completed within a day.

First Round:- Technical Assessment

  • We were given four questions. The first one was to find the sum of array elements.
  • Unable to recall the second question.
  • The third question was to sort an array with a single loop.
  • Fourth:- Print a star pattern.

I passed the first round and got the opportunity to sit in the second round.

Second Round:- Technical Discussion Round with the Manager

It began with self-introduction. Then manager asked me questions based on my Resume.

  • What projects I have made?
  • How to make searching faster in SQL (Indexing).
  • ES6 features in JavaScript.
  • OOPS concepts (Abstraction, Polymorphism).
  • How to constraint someone from creating an object of the class.

This was the complete interview experience.

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