Ubisoft Interview Experience

Like many other techies out there, Ubisoft has been one of my dream companies right from the beginning. I  gave an interview at Ubisoft and got selected for the Summer Internship Program.

The Questions asked in such interviews are not difficult or complicated, they are just meant to check your in-depth knowledge of data structures and algorithms.

I reached out to a recruiter at Ubisoft over LinkedIn. Sent my CV and portfolio to the recruiter over email. Received confirmation that my resume is fit over email.

I received a call from Ubisoft HR with details regarding the internship and scheduled the interview.


the interview was conducted cordially. The interview started with the introduction of myself and the interviewer. 


  • What type of games have you played?
  • explain recursion and write a sample of recursion. 
  • Difference between Unity and Unreal?
  • Explain the programming patterns you have used till now in your projects.
  • Explain pointers.
  • Explain smart pointers.
  • Does C# have multiple inheritances?
  • How would you use abstract classes in game development?
  • What is the difference between a pure virtual class and a virtual method?
  • 4 pillars of OOPS?
  • What difference and example of runtime and compile time polymorphism?
  • Experience with Unity
  • How have you used SOLID principles in Unity
  • what are co-routines in Unity?
  • Does co-routine use multiple threads internally in Unity?
  • Question on co-routines in Unity with giving output for sample code?
  • Explain Prefabs and scriptable objects in Unity. 
  • Dot product and where it is used in games?
  • Cross product and where it is used in games?
  • Experience with GPU programming and graphics
  • batching in Unity?
  • Explain the components of a graphics pipeline.
  • what is a draw call?
  • how to optimize draw calls?
  • Stack and heap memory?
  • Role of garbage collector?
  • Operation of garbage collector?

Then I was asked if I had any questions for them, i did

Counter Questions

Interviewer’s experience at Ubisoft

How does the studio handle crunch?

What is the engineering focus? Generalist or Specialist?

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