Uber Interview Experience for Senior Business Analyst

Interview experience at Uber for the role of Senior Business Analyst. There was a total of 4 Rounds of interviews. In total questions were asked from Past Jobs & experience, Technical knowledge of the field, Situational questions, HR questions, case studies, and guestimates.  

Interview 1: Pure Technical

Part 1: Intro

  • Tell me about yourself 
  • Talk about a project you are proud of

Part 2: Tech

SQL Coding question

  • Subquerry (simple)
  • Left join (simple)
  • Father grandfather table(self join ) (intermediate)
  • Pivot table: score and month and name, show in unpivoted form(pivot concept) (advanced)


  • What would be the output of the code 
  • Numpy pandas
  • functions (Index,)
  • Brackets

SQL Theory

  • Difference between 
  • Where and having
  • Rank and dense rank 
  • Inner and left join
  • When to use CTE functions

Part 3: Business: How would you evaluate the success of Uber Eats when launched in a new city? 

  •  Case study 1 hr assessment(excel provided)
    • Quant 
    • Verbal 
    • SQL
    • Hypothesis testing (ab testing Innova )

Interview 2: Tech/Business

Part 1: Intro

  • Tell me about yourself and focus on the projects you have done
  • Tell me about your current role and the skillsets you have 
  • Discussion on your role/domain 

Part 2: Guesstimate and Case Study: Guesstimate: Calculate the percentage share of uber rides in your city

Case study: Tell me the success metrics or KPIs that you would follow to track the growth of uber in a new city provided you have to make a decision of success within the first 3 months: whether to continue or stop the uber services in the city

Interview 3: Panel (2) Business Understanding

Part 1: Intro

  • Talk about yourself and your experience 
  • What is your impact on the team/project you are in 
  • What are some of the decisions businesses take based on the insights you generate from your data-driven analysis 
  • Deep discussion on your domain ( mine was marketing and e-commerce) they were trying to access if I have business assessment skills

Part 2: Case Study

  • How would you categorize whether a driver is a good or bad driver ( uber’s perspective )
  • What would be 4 most important business metrics you’ll use to categorize them 
  • Given the metrics and values: Categories driver A as good or bad with strong backup points

Interview 4: Panel (2) Business Understanding and Stakeholder Management

Part 1: Intro and Stakeholder management

  • Tell me about yourself (kind of informal) they were trying to know me as a person not based on my project or past experience 
  • Have you ever been in a situation where you have 2 conflicting stakeholders running for a deadline 
  • Tell me about a time when you did something for the project extra. You had gone above and beyond 
  • Talk to me about a time when your stakeholders were rushing for a deadline that can’t be met

Part 2: Case Study

  • 2.1. How will you evaluate driver success and (Final Aim: increase in driver retention ) in a new city?
  • 2.2. Give me your take on the Rides/Hr metric

Part 3: Giving a gist of the Role I would be doing and any questions if I have any.

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