Types of Transmission Technology

Transmission is actually the process of sending and propagating analog or signals of digital information. Transmission technology generally refers to physical layer protocol duties like modulation, demodulation, line coding, and many more. It might also include higher-level protocol duties such as digitizing analog signals, data compression, etc. 

Types of Transmission Technology : 
Transmission media is basically divided into two categories:  Broadcast Networks, Point-to-Point Networks. These are explained as following below. 

1. Broadcast Networks : 
Broadcast networks are also known as terrestrial networks. It is basically a group of radio stations, television stations, or any other electronic media outlets that simply generate agreement to air, or broadcast, content generally from a centralized source. Broadcasting is simply a method of transferring messages to all the recipients simultaneously. 

In this network, a message that is sent by a node is received by all the other nodes connected to the network and share a common medium of communication. Broadcast networks also avoid procedures of complex routing of switched network by simply confirming and ensuring that each transmission of nodes is basically received by all the other nodes in the network. This is the reason why the broadcast network has single communications channel. 

In this network, each receiving station just receives all signals that are sent by transmitters. Even routing of signals is highly affected passively. These networks generally have single communication that is shared by all machines present on the network. Short messages also are known as packets that are sent by any of the machines present are received by all of the others present over there. Some of the systems of broadcast also support transmission to subset of machines also known as multicasting. It just links, in contrast, communication channel that is basically shared by all of machines in network.

Advantages of Broadcast Networks – 

  • In this network, packets are generally transmitted and received by all of computers. 
  • It allows multicasting in the network. 
  • It has no limit. Even events can also run as long as required. 
  • It ensures better utilization of all resources available. 

Disadvantages of Broadcast Networks – 

  • It cannot accommodate huge number of devices. 
  • It doesn’t allow personalization of message. 

2. Point-to-Point Networks : 
Point-to-Point Networks or Point-to-Point Connection is type of private data connection that is connecting securely two or more locations for private data services. It might also be configured to usually carry voice, internet, and data services together all over same point-to-point network. It simply refers to type of communication connection among two endpoints or nodes of communication. It is connection among pairs of machines. Transmission from point-to-point with one sender and receiver is commonly known as unicasting. 

This network is generally used for two locations that are required to securely send data that is very sensitive and confidential among each of locations. A point-to-point or P2P (Data Link) also gives or provides path from one point that is fixed to other point being fixed. It is very closed network data transport service that does not travel through public Internet. This network includes various connections among individual pairs of machine. A packet present on these types of networks might be needed to go through intermediate computers before they reach desired or destination computer. The packets also need to follow multiple routes of different length sizes. 

Therefore, routing algorithms are very essential and important in point-to-point connection. This network is generally available in range of bandwidth speeds along with point-to-point T1, point-to-point Ethernet, or many more. 

Advantages of Point-to-Point Networks – 

  • It increases productivity. 
  • It generally uses leased lines so that speeds are guaranteed. 
  • It provides better security so that data can be transferred securely with confidence. 

Disadvantages of Point-to-Point Networks – 

  • With this network, we can only connect two sites.
  • It is very expensive for distant locations. 

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