8 Types of Graphic Design with Examples

Graphic design is everywhere, shaping how we interact with the world through visuals. From creating eye-catching logos to developing user-friendly websites and apps there are 8 different types of graphic design. This article is perfect for anyone curious about graphic design’s role in our daily lives and the creative processes behind the visuals we love.

Table of Content

  • What is Graphic Design?
  • 8 Types of Graphic Design You Need to Know
    • 1. Web Design
    • 2. UI (User Interface) Design
    • 3. Marketing & Advertising Design
    • 4. Game Design
    • 5. Motion Graphic & Animated Design
    • 6. Packaging Design
    • 7. Environmental Graphic Design
    • 8. Print Design
  • How to Get Started in Graphic Design?

What is Graphic Design?

Graphic designing is the art of visualization and the creation of user-illustrative designs. It involves displaying texts through beautiful fonts and aesthetic figures that convey the idea behind the template in a better, illustrative, and interactive way. It involves combining technical and design skills in a professional and conveyable way.

8 Types of Graphic Design You Need to Know

Graphic design is a broad field, that cater to different aspects of media, communication, and advertising. Here are some of the primary types of graphic design:

1. Web Design

One of the major fields of development is Web Development and any website looks plain and dull with no styling and designing. This all comes under design, in the context of Web Development, it falls under CSS – Cascading Style Sheets. It involves adding graphics, animations, transitions, etc. This gives an enhanced look to the website.

Graphic Design Examples for Web Design:

  • E-commerce: Amazon – Product listings and easy checkout.
  • Educational: Khan Academy – User-friendly learning materials.
  • Social Media: Twitter – Profiles and news feeds for interaction.

Key skills for web design include a strong understanding of design principles, proficiency in web design software like Adobe Creative Suite, knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as UX/UI design principles.

2. UI (User Interface) Design

User interface design, the name itself suggests imparting user interactive styles that increase engagement and involvement with the web page, or post. This part of design is essential as it involves not only engagement but delightment of users who are able to co-relate with the contexts of posts and the ideas behind them.

Graphic Design Examples for UI Design:

  • Mobile Apps: Instagram’s intuitive photo feed and editing features.
  • Web Applications: Google Docs’ clean document editing interface.
  • Dashboards: Spotify’s personalized music discovery dashboard.

Key skills such as proficiency in design software (e.g., Adobe XD, Sketch), an understanding of user experience principles, creativity in visual design, and a good grasp of front-end development basics is required from a UI Designer.

3. Marketing & Advertising Design

This aims to interact with the audience and compel them to buy the product which the advertisement design is all about. It works as a piece of attraction that attracts the audience with it’s persuasive and compelling designs.

Graphic Design Examples for Advertising Design:

  • Billboards: Large outdoor ads for high visibility.
  • Print Ads: Magazine and newspaper advertisements.
  • Online Banners: Digital ads on websites.

Key skills include creativity, understanding of marketing principles, proficiency in design software like Adobe Creative Suite, strong communication, and teamwork abilities.

4. Game Design

With the youth of India much inclined towards gaming sector, Game designs aim to create influential and engaging pieces of work to elevate the level of excitement and thrill while playing games. This helps in better engaging audience with the game and it’s layout.

Graphic Design Examples for Game Design:

  • Platformers: Super Mario Bros – jumping and running gameplay.
  • First-Person Shooters (FPS): Call of Duty – immersive shooting experience.
  • Role-Playing Games (RPGs): The Witcher 3 – story-driven exploration and combat.

Key skills for game design include creativity, technical proficiency in programming languages and game development platforms, strong storytelling abilities, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.

5. Motion Graphic & Animated Design

The transitions and transformations, the interactivity and interfaces, all are created by animation designs. The different functionalities created by different buttons and sites create visually stunning experiences for the user.

Graphic Design Examples for Animated Design:

  • Animated logos
  • Explainer videos
  • Website animations (like hover effects)
  • Social Media GIFs

Animation or motion design requires a blend of creativity and technical skills in software like Adobe After Effects and Blender, storytelling ability, attention to detail, and strong communication skills.

6. Packaging Design

Packaging design is about making products look good and easy to understand when you see them in a store. It helps products catch your eye and tells you what they’re all about.

Graphic Design Examples for Packaging Design:

  • Food Packaging: Cereal boxes with bright colors and nutritional information.
  • Beverage Bottles: Soft drink cans with logo and unique shape.
  • Cosmetics Packaging: Makeup boxes with sleek design and product benefits.

Key skills for a career in Packaging Design include creativity, knowledge of packaging materials and processes, proficiency in design software (like Adobe Illustrator), and understanding of branding and marketing principles.

7. Environmental Graphic Design

Environmental Graphic Design combines elements of architecture, interior design, and graphic design to enhance the user experience of spaces. It focuses on making places more navigable, informative, and engaging through signage, murals, and exhibition designs.

Graphic Design Examples for Environmental Graphic Design:

  • Wayfinding systems in airports
  • Mural art in public spaces
  • Interactive exhibits in museums.

Key skills include proficiency in design software, understanding of materials and production processes, and the ability to visualize concepts in three-dimensional spaces.

8. Print Design

Print design focuses on creating visual materials for physical media, such as brochures, posters, and business cards. It combines elements like typography, images, and colors to convey messages effectively in a tangible format.

Graphic Design Examples for Print Design:

  • Brochures
  • Business cards
  • Posters
  • Magazines
  • Packaging labels

Key skills include proficiency in design software like Adobe Illustrator and InDesign, a strong understanding of typography and layout, and the ability to work with color separations and print specifications.

How to Get Started in Graphic Design?

Starting your journey in Graphic Design can be challenging. Here are the steps you can follow to learn Graphic Design easily:

  1. The learning mindset
  2. Understanding the basics
  3. Work with Graphic designing tools
  4. Learn UI & UX design
  5. Create Projects
  6. Look out of internships
  7. Keep evolving and expanding your skills


In conclusion, graphic design offers a diverse range of types, tools, and best practices to create compelling visuals. Whether you’re designing logos, websites, or motion graphics, using the right tools like Adobe or Canva is crucial.

As the design landscape evolves, staying updated and adaptable is key. Keep exploring, learning, and creating to unlock the full potential of graphic design.

8 Types of Graphic Design – FAQs

What are the 8 types of graphic design?

The seven types of graphic design are:

  1. UI Design
  2. Marketing & Advertising Design
  3. Web Design
  4. PrintDesign
  5. Packaging Design
  6. Motion Graphics Design
  7. Environmental Graphic Design
  8. Game Design

Which type of graphic designing is best?

The best type of graphic designing depends on the specific needs and objectives of the project or business. Each type has its own strengths and applications, so there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

Which tools are essential for graphic designers?

Essential tools for graphic designers include Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Canva, Sketch, and Procreate.

What are some best practices for graphic design?

Best practices for graphic design include keeping designs simple, maintaining consistency, focusing on typography, prioritizing readability, and embracing white space.

What are the 7 elements of graphics?

The seven basic elements of graphic design are line, shape, color, texture, type, space, and image.

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