Types of EM Requests and Responses

Emergency Maintenance (EM) is a type of maintenance that  not only increases costs to manage operation but also minimizes lifespan or lifetime of equipment, increases labor costs, and increases risk of safety and environment. EM is reactive in nature and is specially designed to deal with unexpected failures but it is considered to be least efficient form of maintenance. But EM is very important as some failures affect and are threatening lives, production, environment, etc. Types : There are basically three types of EM requests as given below :

  1. Emergency Automated Maintenance : Emergency automated maintenance, as name suggests, is a type of emergency maintenance that is usually operated by automatic equipment or systems. Such maintenance process is known as fully automated maintenance process and is usually performed to prevent system from damages. This process reduces need for human beings i.e. functions automatically without any input from any employee. This simply improves worker safety, increase production output, require lower operating costs, increase efficient use of resources and tools, improves product quality, etc. Emergency automated maintenance is usually required whenever any unexpected failure or breakdown of assets occurs.
  2. Automated Response Maintenance : Automated responses are usually predefined responses i.e. predefined maintenance requests that are sent whenever an emergency occurs. These maintenance requests are generated automatically by work order management software or systems without any human intervention.
  3. Human Requests : Emergency maintenance requests can also be generated manually i.e. by employees, technicians, team members. Emergency Maintenance requests simply means that immediate action is required to be taken to repair failed asset. In these, maintenance requests are usually sent by employees or team members that were present at site at time of failure occurrence. Out of all types of maintenance, one will never hope of need to perform EM. EM is a type of maintenance that everyone hopes never to perform it. Therefore, one should avoid such emergency maintenance situations. EM is double costly then implementing preventive maintenance, time-consuming, safety risks, decreases lifetime of assets, greater usage of resources, etc. To avoid EM, one should implement Preventive maintenance.

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