Two-Color Sorting

Given a string s consisting of n lowercase letters. You have to color all of its characters using two colors such that each index of s is assigned exactly one color. You can swap two adjacent indexes of s that have different colors any number of times. The task is to determine whether you can sort the strings or not.


Input: n = 9, s = abacbecfd
Output: YES

Input: 8, s = aaabbcbb
Output: YES

Approach: To solve the problem follow the below idea:

The idea is to use dynamic programming to determine if it is possible to color a given string such that, through swaps of adjacent differently colored characters, the string becomes sorted. It assigns colors based on the alphabetical order, considering adjacent characters and their possible colorings, and then reconstructs the valid coloring by backtracking from the last character. The final result indicates whether sorting is achievable, and if so, provides a valid coloring of the string.

Step-by-step approach:

  • Initialize a dynamic programming array dp to track the possibility of achieving the desired coloring.
  • Set the initial state for an empty string as valid (dp[0][0][0] = 1).
  • Iterate through each character of the string.
    • For each character, iterate over possible colors for adjacent characters and update the dynamic programming array based on conditions.
    • Find the last character’s valid coloring by checking the final dynamic programming states.
  • Reconstruct the valid coloring of the string by backtracking from the last character to the first.
    • Store the colors and the corresponding swaps in a result string.
  • If no valid coloring is found, output “NO.”
  • If a valid coloring is found, output “YES” and the reconstructed coloring.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MaxLength = 222; // Maximum length of the string
const int AlphabetSize = 26; // Size of the Latin alphabet
bool dp[MaxLength][AlphabetSize][AlphabetSize];
pair<pair<int, int>, int> parent[MaxLength][AlphabetSize]
int main()
    int n = 9;
    string s = "abacbecfd";
    // Dynamic programming initialization
    dp[0][0][0] = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        int currentChar = s[i] - 'a';
        // Iterate over possible colors for adjacent
        // characters
        for (int color1 = 0; color1 < AlphabetSize;
             ++color1) {
            for (int color2 = 0; color2 < AlphabetSize;
                 ++color2) {
                if (!dp[i][color1][color2])
                // Check conditions for assigning colors and
                // update DP states
                if (currentChar >= color1) {
                    dp[i + 1][currentChar][color2] = 1;
                    parent[i + 1][currentChar][color2]
                        = make_pair(
                            make_pair(color1, color2), 0);
                if (currentChar >= color2) {
                    dp[i + 1][color1][currentChar] = 1;
                    parent[i + 1][color1][currentChar]
                        = make_pair(
                            make_pair(color1, color2), 1);
    int lastColor1 = -1, lastColor2 = -1;
    // Find possible colors for the last character
    for (int color1 = 0; color1 < AlphabetSize; ++color1) {
        for (int color2 = 0; color2 < AlphabetSize;
             ++color2) {
            if (dp[n][color1][color2]) {
                lastColor1 = color1;
                lastColor2 = color2;
    // If no valid colors found, print "NO"
    if (lastColor1 == -1) {
        cout << "NO" << endl;
        return 0;
    // Reconstruct the coloring
    string coloring;
    for (int i = n; i > 0; --i) {
        int prevColor1
            = parent[i][lastColor1][lastColor2].first.first;
        int prevColor2 = parent[i][lastColor1][lastColor2]
        if (parent[i][lastColor1][lastColor2].second) {
            coloring += '1';
        else {
            coloring += '0';
        lastColor1 = prevColor1;
        lastColor2 = prevColor2;
    reverse(coloring.begin(), coloring.end());
    // Print the result
    cout << "YES" << endl << coloring << endl;
    return 0;


import java.util.*;
public class ColoringString {
    static final int MaxLength = 222;
    static final int AlphabetSize = 26;
    static boolean[][][] dp
        = new boolean[MaxLength][AlphabetSize]
    static int[][][] parent
        = new int[MaxLength][AlphabetSize][AlphabetSize];
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n = 9;
        String s = "abacbecfd";
        // Dynamic programming initialization
        dp[0][0][0] = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            int currentChar = s.charAt(i) - 'a';
            // Iterate over possible colors for adjacent
            // characters
            for (int color1 = 0; color1 < AlphabetSize;
                 ++color1) {
                for (int color2 = 0; color2 < AlphabetSize;
                     ++color2) {
                    if (!dp[i][color1][color2])
                    // Check conditions for assigning colors
                    // and update DP states
                    if (currentChar >= color1) {
                        dp[i + 1][currentChar][color2]
                            = true;
                        parent[i + 1][currentChar][color2]
                            = color1;
                    if (currentChar >= color2) {
                        dp[i + 1][color1][currentChar]
                            = true;
                        parent[i + 1][color1][currentChar]
                            = color2 + AlphabetSize;
        int lastColor1 = -1, lastColor2 = -1;
        // Find possible colors for the last character
        for (int color1 = 0; color1 < AlphabetSize;
             ++color1) {
            for (int color2 = 0; color2 < AlphabetSize;
                 ++color2) {
                if (dp[n][color1][color2]) {
                    lastColor1 = color1;
                    lastColor2 = color2;
        // If no valid colors found, print "NO"
        if (lastColor1 == -1) {
        // Reconstruct the coloring
        StringBuilder coloring = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = n; i > 0; --i) {
            int prevColor
                = parent[i][lastColor1][lastColor2];
            if (prevColor >= AlphabetSize) {
                lastColor2 = prevColor - AlphabetSize;
            else {
                lastColor1 = prevColor;
        // Print the result


MaxLength = 222  # Maximum length of the string
AlphabetSize = 26  # Size of the Latin alphabet
# Dynamic programming initialization
dp = [[[False for _ in range(AlphabetSize)] for _ in range(AlphabetSize)] for _ in range(MaxLength)]
parent = [[[[(0, 0), 0] for _ in range(AlphabetSize)] for _ in range(AlphabetSize)] for _ in range(MaxLength)]
n = 9
s = "abacbecfd"
# Initialize DP
dp[0][0][0] = True
for i in range(n):
    currentChar = ord(s[i]) - ord('a')
    # Iterate over possible colors for adjacent characters
    for color1 in range(AlphabetSize):
        for color2 in range(AlphabetSize):
            if not dp[i][color1][color2]:
            # Check conditions for assigning colors and update DP states
            if currentChar >= color1:
                dp[i + 1][currentChar][color2] = True
                parent[i + 1][currentChar][color2] = ((color1, color2), 0)
            if currentChar >= color2:
                dp[i + 1][color1][currentChar] = True
                parent[i + 1][color1][currentChar] = ((color1, color2), 1)
lastColor1, lastColor2 = -1, -1
# Find possible colors for the last character
for color1 in range(AlphabetSize):
    for color2 in range(AlphabetSize):
        if dp[n][color1][color2]:
            lastColor1, lastColor2 = color1, color2
# If no valid colors found, print "NO"
if lastColor1 == -1:
    # Reconstruct the coloring
    coloring = ""
    for i in range(n, 0, -1):
        prevColor1, prevColor2 = parent[i][lastColor1][lastColor2][0]
        if parent[i][lastColor1][lastColor2][1]:
            coloring += '1'
            coloring += '0'
        lastColor1, lastColor2 = prevColor1, prevColor2
    # Print the result


using System;
class Program
    const int MaxLength = 222; // Maximum length of the string
    const int AlphabetSize = 26; // Size of the Latin alphabet
    static bool[,,] dp = new bool[MaxLength, AlphabetSize, AlphabetSize];
    static Tuple<Tuple<int, int>, int>[,,] parent = new Tuple<Tuple<int, int>, int>[MaxLength, AlphabetSize, AlphabetSize];
    static void Main()
        int n = 9;
        string s = "abacbecfd";
        // Dynamic programming initialization
        dp[0, 0, 0] = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            int currentChar = s[i] - 'a';
            // Iterate over possible colors for adjacent characters
            for (int color1 = 0; color1 < AlphabetSize; ++color1)
                for (int color2 = 0; color2 < AlphabetSize; ++color2)
                    if (!dp[i, color1, color2])
                    // Check conditions for assigning colors and update DP states
                    if (currentChar >= color1)
                        dp[i + 1, currentChar, color2] = true;
                        parent[i + 1, currentChar, color2] = new Tuple<Tuple<int, int>, int>(new Tuple<int, int>(color1, color2), 0);
                    if (currentChar >= color2)
                        dp[i + 1, color1, currentChar] = true;
                        parent[i + 1, color1, currentChar] = new Tuple<Tuple<int, int>, int>(new Tuple<int, int>(color1, color2), 1);
        int lastColor1 = -1, lastColor2 = -1;
        // Find possible colors for the last character
        for (int color1 = 0; color1 < AlphabetSize; ++color1)
            for (int color2 = 0; color2 < AlphabetSize; ++color2)
                if (dp[n, color1, color2])
                    lastColor1 = color1;
                    lastColor2 = color2;
        // If no valid colors found, print "NO"
        if (lastColor1 == -1)
        // Reconstruct the coloring
        string coloring = "";
        for (int i = n; i > 0; --i)
            int prevColor1 = parent[i, lastColor1, lastColor2].Item1.Item1;
            int prevColor2 = parent[i, lastColor1, lastColor2].Item1.Item2;
            if (parent[i, lastColor1, lastColor2].Item2 == 1)
                coloring += '1';
                coloring += '0';
            lastColor1 = prevColor1;
            lastColor2 = prevColor2;
        char[] reversedColoring = coloring.ToCharArray();
        coloring = new string(reversedColoring);
        // Print the result


const MaxLength = 222;
const AlphabetSize = 26;
const dp = new Array(MaxLength)
    .map(() =>
        new Array(AlphabetSize)
            .map(() => new Array(AlphabetSize).fill(false))
const parent = new Array(MaxLength)
    .map(() => new Array(AlphabetSize).fill(0).map(() => new Array(AlphabetSize).fill(0)));
function main() {
    const n = 9;
    const s = "abacbecfd";
    // Dynamic programming initialization
    dp[0][0][0] = true;
    for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        const currentChar = s.charCodeAt(i) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
        // Iterate over possible colors for adjacent characters
        for (let color1 = 0; color1 < AlphabetSize; ++color1) {
            for (let color2 = 0; color2 < AlphabetSize; ++color2) {
                if (!dp[i][color1][color2]) continue;
                // Check conditions for assigning colors
                // and update DP states
                if (currentChar >= color1) {
                    dp[i + 1][currentChar][color2] = true;
                    parent[i + 1][currentChar][color2] = color1;
                if (currentChar >= color2) {
                    dp[i + 1][color1][currentChar] = true;
                    parent[i + 1][color1][currentChar] = color2 + AlphabetSize;
    let lastColor1 = -1, lastColor2 = -1;
    // Find possible colors for the last character
    for (let color1 = 0; color1 < AlphabetSize; ++color1) {
        for (let color2 = 0; color2 < AlphabetSize; ++color2) {
            if (dp[n][color1][color2]) {
                lastColor1 = color1;
                lastColor2 = color2;
    // If no valid colors found, print "NO"
    if (lastColor1 === -1) {
    // Reconstruct the coloring
    let coloring = '';
    for (let i = n; i > 0; --i) {
        const prevColor = parent[i][lastColor1][lastColor2];
        if (prevColor >= AlphabetSize) {
            coloring += '1';
            lastColor2 = prevColor - AlphabetSize;
        } else {
            coloring += '0';
            lastColor1 = prevColor;
    // Print the result
// Call the main function



Time complexity: O(n * AL^2), where n is the length of the string and AL is the size of the Latin alphabet (26).
Auxiliary space: O(n * AL^2)

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