Tropical Evergreen Forests

Tropical evergreen forests cover the majority of India’s natural vegetation. They thrive in places with more than 200 cm of yearly rainfall. Evergreen forests are critical not just for global greenery, but also for the survival of forest residents and flora. Because there is no drought, the trees remain evergreen. The vast majority of them are tall and made of wood.

Tropical rainforests are another name for these woodlands. These dense woodlands grow around the equator and in the tropics. These locations are hot and humid all year and receive a lot of rain. The leaves of the trees do not fall fully since there is no clear dry season, because of which is referred to as evergreen. Even during the day, the dense canopies of the trees prevent sunlight from entering the forest. Rosewood, ebony, and mahogany are the most prominent hardwood trees in this region.


  1. In locations with more than 200 cm of rainfall and temperatures ranging from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius, tropical wet evergreen woods can be found.
  2. They cover around 7% of the earth’s surface.
  3. They are typically found near the equator.
  4. They contain scant undergrowth with a few clearings here and there.
  5. There is little litter in these deep, multi-layered forests (organic debris accumulating on the ground).
  6. Forests are an important part of the ecosystem and ecology.
  7. These trees are an important part of the forest biology and environment since they help to promote life. This allows plants and animals to coexist in perfect harmony and serenity.

Global Location

Coniferous, broadleaf, and mixed temperate evergreen forests are found primarily in the temperate mid-latitudes of Siberia, Canada, Australia, Africa, Scandinavia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Amazon, and Orinoco basins of South America,  Western Ghats of India, the Himalayas and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Tropical evergreen forests are a habitat for a wide variety of flora and fauna in the multilayered ecosystem.

These woodlands can be found in areas where the yearly rainfall exceeds 200 cm. They’re really dense. The sun never even reaches the earth. Some tree species shed their leaves at various times of the year and in various locations of the world. As a result, because they are always green, these forests are known as evergreen forests.

Location in India

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Western Ghats that border the Arabian Sea, the peninsular Indian coastline, and the greater Assam region in the northeast all have tropical evergreen forests. Odisha state has a few pockets of remaining evergreen forest. Because evergreen forests degenerate to semi-evergreen as a result of human involvement, semi-evergreen woods are more common than evergreen forests. The three core evergreen forest zones differ significantly.

Tropical vegetation can be found in northeast India at elevations of up to 900 meters. Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, moist deciduous monsoon forests, riparian forests, marshes, and grasslands are all part of the ecosystem. Where annual rainfall surpasses 2,300 mm, evergreen forests can be found in the Assam Valley, the eastern Himalayan foothills, and the lower regions of the Naga Hills, Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Manipur. Tropical evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, as well as tropical monsoon forests, can be found on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Uses of trees in tropical forest

Ebony, mahogany, rosewood, rubber, and cinchona are commercially valuable trees found in tropical evergreen forests. In tropical deciduous woods, teak is the most abundant species. Commercially important species include bamboo, sal, shisham, sandalwood, Khair, Kusum, Arjun, and mulberry.

Sample Problems

Question 1: Mention the synonym of tropical evergreen forest?


Tropical evergreen woods are sometimes referred to as rain forests since they get more than 200 cm of rain every year.

Question 2: Which is the largest evergreen forest in the world?


The Amazon Basin is located in northern South America. It is home to the world’s biggest single expanse of tropical evergreen forest.

Question 3: What is natural vegetation?


Natural vegetation refers to plants that have grown naturally without human interference and have been left alone for an extended length of time.

Question 4: How do the human beings influence the ecology of a region?


Humans destroy forests for personal gain and slaughter animals for a number of reasons which upsets the ecological balance.

Question 5: What was the use of bamboo for people in the forests?


People in the woods used bamboo for commercial purposes like construction and moving water from higher locations with considerable rainfall to lower areas to fulfill their water requirements.

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