Tropical Cyclone

What is a tropical cyclone?

Tropical cyclones are the most complicated atmospheric phenomena which develop on the water surface in the tropic region.
They are named differently depending on where they occur. 

  • If these cyclonic phenomena occur in the Northern region of the Indian Ocean, they shall be referred to as “CYCLONE”
  • If the same condition and same phenomena developed in the region around the Atlantic, that is where they are named Hurricanes.
  • Typhoons in the Western Pacific and the South China Sea,
  • Willy-willies in Western Australia in the Southern Hemisphere.


  • Presence of the Coriolis force for achieving a better circulation of wind patterns.
  • The large surface area with a temperature higher than 27°C.
  • Pre-existence of weak low-pressure areas.
  • Because of the upper divergence of winds: It intensifies the winds which can further intensify the low pressure.
  • Minimal variations in wind patterns at different altitudes in the formation of thick and dense clouds.
  • Heavy amounts of rainfall with very strong winds around low-pressure areas always bring about substantial devastation in the form of life loss and property.


  • On the sea surface, low-pressure forms due to the heating of the water bodies, different wind patterns, etc.
  • As soon as it develops low pressure, it immediately starts attracting winds (rich in moisture) towards itself, after reaching the centre, upon heating, they start rising in a helical pattern, as rising, they experience a reduction in temperature which starts condensing to form clouds. 
  • The Center of a cyclone doesn’t form clouds above itself due to latent heat of condensation transferred in that area and that area is referred to as the “Eye of Cyclone”,  while the side portion of it where dense clouds have formed is referred to as “Eye Wall”. 
  • NOTE:- On land, winds are dry and do not carry that much moisture for sustaining clouds which also results in less production of latent heat of condensation.

How does it occur

  • If There’s a low-pressure cyclonic centre developing in the Northern Hemisphere, being a low-pressure area, this will start attracting wind from all different directions which results in inward movement of the wind to compensate. 
  • In the Northern Hemisphere, any moving wind due to Coriolis force tends to bend towards the right which does not happen in the Southern Hemisphere. 
  • These winds carry devastating properties along with them, when winds start moving towards low-pressure centric areas, they start rising which results in the formation of thick & dense clouds which shall lead to heavy rainfall along with thunderstorms and lightning.

The naming of Cyclones

Certain specialized agencies are working for it.

  1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Centers (TCWC):–  It issue warnings regarding the occurrence of cyclones on any sea surface.
  2. Regional Specialized Meteorological Centers (RSMC):- After getting a signal on the development of a cyclone, they allocate a name from a predetermined list of names. This is situated in different parts of the world which is responsible for naming the cyclone occurring in those areas. 
    For example:- RSMC New Delhi is responsible for the naming of cyclones occurring in either Bay of Bengal or the Arabian Sea.
  3. Earlier Predetermined list:- Earlier, countries around the Northern part of the Indian Ocean, came together including India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Thailand, etc –  they had given a list of 8 names which were being used one by one from the year 2000 till the year 2020. 
  4. In April 2022, there was a super cyclone named “amphan” which was the last name of that list given by Thailand.
    Now:- 13 countries are there in the Northern part of the Indian Ocean that is a part of the World Meteorological Organization. They give a list of 13 names which means 13 countries giving 13 names as a total of 169 names in the final list (countries arranged in alphabetical order and their given names mentioned in a row)


Heavy amounts of rainfall with very strong winds around low-pressure areas always bring about substantial devastation in the form of life loss and property.

  1. Every year, cyclones take hundreds of lives across the globe, and of which prevention becomes a crucial part to know. 
  2. Upon warning, leave the coastal area residence as soon as possible and go to a safer place.
  3. Keep a battery-operated lantern and torch with enough dry cells.
  4. Put wooden boards on glass windows or paste paper strips on glasses to prevent the breaking down of glasses.
  5. Do not go immediately after having less wind due to the presence of the centre of the cyclone above as strong winds will blow from opposite directions just after some minutes or so. 
  6. Stay calm and follow the news and warnings of officials.


Tropical Cyclones are completely natural phenomena that find their place on the sea surface with some predetermined conditions and stay strong while on land, it lacks and frequently vanish away. Surface water temperature influences this a lot as because of global warming and climate change over the past few years, there is an increase in the frequency of occurrence of tropical cyclones with more devastating results than previous ones. Tropical cyclones do destroy human property and life exists in the coastal area. However, certain prevention and alertness can easily eradicate the possibility of a loss of life.

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