Tree of Space – Locking and Unlocking N-Ary Tree

Given a world map in the form of Generic M-ary Tree consisting of N nodes and an array queries[], the task is to implement the functions Lock, Unlock and Upgrade for the given tree. For each query in queries[], the functions return true when the operation is performed successfully, otherwise it returns false. The functions are defined as: 

X: Name of the node in the tree and will be unique
uid: User Id for the person who accesses node X

1. Lock(X, uid): Lock takes exclusive access to the subtree rooted.

  • Once Lock(X, uid) succeeds, then lock(A, any user) should fail, where A is a descendant of X.
  • Lock(B. any user) should fail where X is a descendant of B.
  • Lock operation cannot be performed on a node that is already locked.

2. Unlock(X, uid): To unlock the locked node.

  • The unlock reverts what was done by the Lock operation.
  • It can only be called on same and unlocked by same uid.

3. UpgradeLock(X, uid): The user uid can upgrade their lock to an ancestor node.

  • It is only possible if any ancestor node is only locked by the same user uid.
  • The Upgrade should fail if there is any node that is locked by some other uid Y below.


Input: N = 7, M = 2, nodes = [‘World’, ‘Asia’, ‘Africa’, ‘China’, ‘India’, ‘SouthAfrica’, ‘Egypt’],  
queries =  [‘1 China 9’, ‘1 India 9’, ‘3 Asia 9’, ‘2 India 9’, ‘2 Asia 9’]
Output: true true true false true

Input: N = 3, M = 2, nodes = [‘World’, ‘China’, ‘India’],  
queries =  [‘3 India 1’, ‘1 World 9’]
Output: false true

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 1000005;
map<string, int> status;
vector<string> nodes;
int n, m, apis, ind;
// Locking function
string lock(string name)
    ind = find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), name)
          - nodes.begin() + 1;
    int c1 = ind * 2, c2 = ind * 2 + 1;
    if (status[name] == 1 || status[name] == 2)
        return "false";
    else {
        int p = ind / 2;
        status[nodes[p - 1]] = 2;
        status[name] = 1;
        return "true";
// Unlocking function
string unlock(string name)
    if (status[name] == 1) {
        status[name] = 0;
        return "true";
        return "false";
// Upgrade function
string upgrade(string name)
    ind = find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), name)
          - nodes.begin() + 1;
    // left child of ind
    int c1 = ind * 2;
    // right child of ind
    int c2 = ind * 2 + 1;
    if (c1 >= 1 && c1 < n && c2 >= 1 && c2 < n) {
        if (status[nodes[c1 - 1]] == 1
            && status[nodes[c2 - 1]] == 1) {
            status[nodes[c1 - 1]] = 0;
            status[nodes[c2 - 1]] = 0;
            status[nodes[ind - 1]] = 1;
            return "true";
            return "false";
// Function to perform operations
string operation(string name, int code)
    string result = "false";
    // Choose operation to perform
    if (code == 1)
        result = lock(name);
    else if (code == 2)
        result = unlock(name);
    else if (code == 3)
        result = upgrade(name);
    return result;
int main()
    // Given Input
    n = 7;
    m = 2;
    apis = 5;
    nodes = { "World", "Asia",        "Africa", "China",
              "India", "SouthAfrica", "Egypt" };
    vector<pair<int, string> > queries = { { 1, "China" },
                                           { 1, "India" },
                                           { 3, "Asia" },
                                           { 2, "India" },
                                           { 2, "Asia" } };
    // Precomputation
    for (auto q : queries)
        status[q.second] = 0;
    // Function Call
    for (auto q : queries)
        cout << operation(q.second, q.first) << " ";
    return 0;


//Java code for the above approach
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
class Main {
    // Locking function
    static String lock(String name,
                       Map<String, String> status)
        if ("lock".equals(status.get(name))
            || "fail".equals(status.get(name))) {
            return "false";
        else {
            status.put(name, "lock");
            return "true";
    // Unlocking function
    static String unlock(String name,
                         Map<String, String> status)
        if ("lock".equals(status.get(name))) {
            status.put(name, "unlock");
            return "true";
        else {
            return "false";
    // Upgrade function
    static String upgrade(String name,
                          Map<String, String> status,
                          List<String> nodes)
        int ind = nodes.indexOf(name) + 1;
        int c1 = ind * 2;
        int c2 = ind * 2 + 1;
        if (c1 < nodes.size() && c2 < nodes.size()) {
            if ("lock".equals(status.get(nodes.get(c1 - 1)))
                && "lock".equals(
                    status.get(nodes.get(c2 - 1)))) {
                status.put(nodes.get(c1 - 1), "unlock");
                status.put(nodes.get(c2 - 1), "unlock");
                status.put(name, "lock");
                return "true";
            else {
                return "false";
        return "false";
    // Precomputation
    static Map<String, String>
    precompute(List<String> nodes, List<String> queries)
        List<String> d = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String query : queries) {
            String[] parts = query.split(" ");
        Map<String, String> status = new HashMap<>();
        for (int j = 0; j < d.size() - 1; j += 2) {
            status.put(d.get(j), "unlock");
        return status;
    // Function to perform operations
    static String operation(String name, int code,
                            Map<String, String> status,
                            List<String> nodes)
        String result = "false";
        switch (code) {
        case 1:
            result = lock(name, status);
        case 2:
            result = unlock(name, status);
        case 3:
            result = upgrade(name, status, nodes);
        return result;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Given Input
        int n = 7;
        int m = 2;
        int apis = 5;
        List<String> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
        List<String> queries = new ArrayList<>();
        queries.add("1 China 9");
        queries.add("1 India 9");
        queries.add("3 Asia 9");
        queries.add("2 India 9");
        queries.add("2 Asia 9");
        // Precomputation
        Map<String, String> status
            = precompute(nodes, queries);
        // Function Call
        List<String> d = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String query : queries) {
            String[] parts = query.split(" ");
        for (int j = 0; j < d.size() - 1; j += 2) {
                          Integer.parseInt(d.get(j + 1)),
                          status, nodes)
                + " ");
//This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh


# Python Implementation
# Locking function
def lock(name):
    ind = nodes.index(name)+1
    c1 = ind * 2
    c2 = ind * 2 + 1
    if status[name] == 'lock' \
            or status[name] == 'fail':
        return 'false'
        p = ind//2
        status[nodes[p-1]] = 'fail'
        status[name] = 'lock'
        return 'true'
# Unlocking function
def unlock(name):
    if status[name] == 'lock':
        status[name] = 'unlock'
        return 'true'
        return 'false'
# Upgrade function
def upgrade(name):
    ind = nodes.index(name)+1
    # left child of ind
    c1 = ind * 2
    # right child of ind
    c2 = ind * 2 + 1
    if c1 in range(1, n) and c2 in range(1, n):
        if status[nodes[c1-1]] == 'lock' \
                and status[nodes[c2-1]] == 'lock':
            status[nodes[c1-1]] = 'unlock'
            status[nodes[c2-1]] = 'unlock'
            status[nodes[ind-1]] = 'lock'
            return 'true'
            return 'false'
# Precomputation
def precompute(queries):
    d = []
    # Traversing the queries
    for j in queries:
        i = j.split()
    status = {}
    for j in range(0, len(d)-1, 2):
        status[d[j]] = 0
    return status, d
# Function to perform operations
def operation(name, code):
    result = 'false'
    # Choose operation to perform
    if code == 1:
        result = lock(name)
    elif code == 2:
        result = unlock(name)
    elif code == 3:
        result = upgrade(name)
    return result
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Given Input
    n = 7
    m = 2
    apis = 5
    nodes = ['World', 'Asia',
             'Africa', 'China',
             'India', 'SouthAfrica', 'Egypt']
    queries = ['1 China 9', '1 India 9',
               '3 Asia 9', '2 India 9', '2 Asia 9']
    # Precomputation
    status, d = precompute(queries)
    # Function Call
    for j in range(0, len(d) - 1, 2):
        print(operation(d[j], d[j + 1]), end=' ')


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Program
  public static Dictionary<string, int> status = new Dictionary<string, int>();
  public static List<string> nodes = new List<string>();
  public static int n, m, apis, ind;
  // Locking function
  public static string Lock(string name)
    ind = nodes.IndexOf(name) + 1;
    if (status.ContainsKey(name) && (status[name] == 1 || status[name] == 2))
      return "false";
      int p = ind / 2;
      status[nodes[p - 1]] = 2;
      status[name] = 1;
      return "true";
  // Unlocking function
  public static string Unlock(string name)
    if (status.ContainsKey(name) && status[name] == 1)
      status[name] = 0;
      return "true";
      return "false";
  // Upgrade function
  public static string Upgrade(string name)
    ind = nodes.IndexOf(name) + 1;
    int c1 = ind * 2;
    int c2 = ind * 2 + 1;
    if (c1 >= 1 && c1 < n && c2 >= 1 && c2 < n)
      if (status[nodes[c1 - 1]] == 1 && status[nodes[c2 - 1]] == 1)
        status[nodes[c1 - 1]] = 0;
        status[nodes[c2 - 1]] = 0;
        status[nodes[ind - 1]] = 1;
        return "true";
        return "false";
      return "false";
  // Function to perform operations
  public static string Operation(string name, int code)
    string result = "false";
    // Choose operation to perform
    if (code == 1)
      result = Lock(name);
    else if (code == 2)
      result = Unlock(name);
    else if (code == 3)
      result = Upgrade(name);
    return result;
  public static void Main()
    // Given Input
    n = 7;
    m = 2;
    apis = 5;
    nodes = new List<string> { "World", "Asia", "Africa", "China", "India", "SouthAfrica", "Egypt" };
    var queries = new List<Tuple<int, string>> { Tuple.Create(1, "China"), Tuple.Create(1, "India"),
                                                Tuple.Create(3, "Asia"), Tuple.Create(2, "India"),
                                                Tuple.Create(2, "Asia")};
    // Precomputation
    foreach (var q in queries)
      status[q.Item2] = 0;
    // Function Call
    foreach (var q in queries)
      Console.Write(Operation(q.Item2, q.Item1) + " ");


// JavaScript code for the above approach
function lock(name, status) {
if (status[name] === "lock" || status[name] === "fail") {
return "false";
} else {
status[name] = "lock";
return "true";
function unlock(name, status) {
if (status[name] === "lock") {
status[name] = "unlock";
return "true";
} else {
return "false";
function upgrade(name, status, nodes) {
let ind = nodes.indexOf(name) + 1;
let c1 = ind * 2;
let c2 = ind * 2 + 1;
if (c1 < nodes.length && c2 < nodes.length) {
if (
status[nodes[c1 - 1]] === "lock" &&
status[nodes[c2 - 1]] === "lock"
) {
status[nodes[c1 - 1]] = "unlock";
status[nodes[c2 - 1]] = "unlock";
status[name] = "lock";
return "true";
} else {
return "false";
return "false";
function precompute(nodes, queries) {
let d = [];
for (let query of queries) {
let parts = query.split(" ");
let status = {};
for (let j = 0; j < d.length - 1; j += 2) {
status[d[j]] = "unlock";
return status;
function operation(name, code, status, nodes) {
let result = "false";
switch (code) {
case 1:
result = lock(name, status);
case 2:
result = unlock(name, status);
case 3:
result = upgrade(name, status, nodes);
return result;
// Given Input
let n = 7;
let m = 2;
let apis = 5;
let nodes = [
let queries = [
"1 China 9",
"1 India 9",
"3 Asia 9",
"2 India 9",
"2 Asia 9",
// Precomputation
let status = precompute(nodes, queries);
// Function Call
let d = [];
for (let query of queries) {
let parts = query.split(" ");
let output = "";
for (let j = 0; j < d.length - 1; j += 2) {
output += operation(d[j], parseInt(d[j + 1]), status, nodes) + " ";


true true true false true 

Time Complexity: O(m+LogN)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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