Travel Triangle Interview Experience | Set 2 (For SDE)

I had interview with travel triangle for SDE . There was two technical round both guys was cool and interview process was very nice when i got stuck they provide me hint .

Round 1:

Q1. You have a infinite stream of repeated number find top K frequent number from this stream and discussion on this question like which data structure will you use and time complexity etc.

Q3. Given a link list consist of data , next pointer and also a random pointer which points to a random node of the list . how will you make clone of this ?

Q4 . Discussion on projects , i have done one project related to OS so lot’s of discussion regarding OS concepts. like Memory management techniques , how will you calculate CPU usages ,CPU time ,for a process on run time ?

Round 2:

Q1. Design Gmail Chat Server ?

Q2. Sort a stack using only one another stack ?

Q3. How a array (fixed size can) use like for k stack ? and after this how will you make these k stack to memory efficient?

Q4. Discussion on my MVC web application projects.


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