Transpose sparse matrix in R

In R Programming language there’s a package called Matrix that’s great for dealing with sparse matrices. When you transpose a matrix, you swap its rows and columns. But with sparse matrices, you need to be careful to keep them efficient.

What is a Sparse Matrix?

Imagine a big table full of numbers, but most of those numbers are zeros. A sparse matrix is like that table, but it’s designed to save space by not storing all the zeros. Instead, it only keeps track of the non-zero numbers and their positions. So, if we have a massive table where only a few numbers have values, we can use a sparse matrix to save memory.


# Define dimensions of the sparse matrix
rows <- 5
cols <- 3

# Create a sparse matrix with random non-zero values
sparse_matrix <- rsparsematrix(rows, cols, density = 0.2)

# Print the sparse matrix


5 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,]  .    .    -0.35
[2,]  .    0.76  .   
[3,] -0.54 .     .   
[4,]  .    .     .   
[5,]  .    .     .  

The above code generates a sparse matrix with dimensions 5 rows x 3 columns and a density of approximately 20% non-zero elements.

Transpose of Sparse Matrix

When you transpose a matrix, we basically flip it over its diagonal. For a sparse matrix, it’s the same idea, but we have to be careful to keep it sparse. So, if we’ve e a sparse matrix with values at certain positions, the transpose will move those values to different positions, but it’ll still be sparse—it won’t suddenly fill up with zeros everywhere.

Step 1: Load the required packages


Step 2: Create a Sparse Matrix

# Define dimensions
n_rows <- 5
n_cols <- 3

# Generate random sparse matrix
sparse_mat <- rsparsematrix(n_rows, n_cols, density = 0.2)


5 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,]  .    .   .
[2,]  .    .   .
[3,] -0.56 1.8 .
[4,]  .    .   .
[5,]  .    0.5 .

Step 3: Transpose the Sparse Matrix

transposed_sparse_mat <- t(sparse_mat)


3 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,] . . -0.56 . .  
[2,] . .  1.80 . 0.5
[3,] . .  .    . .  

Orginal matrix dimensions 5 rows x 3 columns

  • Created using rsparsematrix() with a density of 0.2 (meaning approximately 20% of the elements are non-zero).
  • Printed representation shows non-zero values at random positions and zeros represented by dots.
  • Transposed using the t() function.
  • Now the transpose matrix dimensions 3 rows x 5 columns (flipped from the original).
  • Printed representation shows the transposed matrix with non-zero values moved to different positions while maintaining sparsity.
  • Zeros are still represented by dots, preserving the sparsity pattern.


So, matrices play a crucial role in various computational tasks, especially in scientific and data analysis fields. When transposing a matrix, we essentially swap its rows and columns, but with sparse matrices, maintaining efficiency is essential. By carefully managing sparsity, we ensure that the transposed matrix remains memory-efficient. Here we show how to create and transpose a sparse matrix in R step-by-step.

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