Traditional Funnel Chart in Tableau

In this article, we will learn how to illustrate a Traditional Funnel chart in Tableau worksheet to do further operations.

  • Tableau: Tableau is a very powerful data visualization tool that can be used by data analysts, scientists, statisticians, etc. to visualize the data and get a clear opinion based on the data analysis. Tableau is very famous as it can take in data and produce the required data visualization output in a very short time.
  • Traditional Funnel Chart: A traditional funnel chart does not follow data visualization best practices, and a horizontal bar chart displaying the same data is one easier-to-read alternative.

Steps to illustrate a Traditional Funnel Chart in Tableau:

1. Open Tableau tool and connect a dataset into it.

2. Drag and drop the one sheet of connected dataset.

3. Click on Sheet1 to open the tableau worksheet.

4. On clicking Sheet1 you will get whole dataset attributes on left side and a worksheet for work.

5. To draw a traditional funnel chart you have to select minimum two attributes (one and another with negative            value of first) by drag and drop into row then apply the another parameters for better visualization.

Let’s draw a Traditional Funnel chart by following some steps :

  • Draw a simple area chart with descending order

  • Add a newly created field with negative values of measured parameter used in above area chart

  • Add some marks by label, color, etc for better look (optional)

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