Top SDLC Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

SDLC is a very important concept in Software Development. Whole Software Development revolves around SDLC and its various models. So because of its importance, it makes SDLC a major topic for Software Development Interviews. So in this article, we will discuss some of the most important SDLC Interview Questions along with their Answers.

Top SDLC Interview Questions 2024

Before going any further lets first discuss about the Definition and Characteristics of SDLC:

SDLC Interview Questions:

1) What is SDLC?

Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a structured process that is used to design, develop, and test good-quality software. SDLC, or software development life cycle, is a methodology that defines the entire procedure of software development step-by-step. To assure high-quality goods or services development in hardware or software organisations, this Software Development Life Cycle will ensure delivery of efficient and high-quality software or hardware products to the end customer or clients.

2) What is the importance of the SDLC process?

SDLC is a method, approach, or process that is followed by a software development organization while developing any software. SDLC models were introduced to follow a disciplined and systematic method while designing software. With the software development life cycle, the process of software design is divided into small parts, which makes the problem more understandable and easier to solve. SDLC comprises a detailed description or step-by-step plan for designing, developing, testing, and maintaining the software.

3) What are the main phases of SDLC?

The main phases of SDLC include:

  1. Requirements Gathering
  2. Design
  3. Implementation (Coding)
  4. Testing, Deployment
  5. Maintenance.

These phases represent the stages a software project goes through from initiation to completion.

Phases of SDLC

4) Explain the types of SDLC Models.

Following are the SDLC models:

5) What is FRS document?

An FRS document, or Functional Requirements Specification, is a detailed description of what a software system should do. It outlines the functions, features, and operations the software must perform to meet the user’s needs. Think of it as a blueprint for developers and designers, helping them understand what to build and how it should work.

6) What is SRS?

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a document that explains what the software will accomplish and how it will work. It is a formal report that serves as a representation of software and allows customers to assess whether it (SRS) meets their needs. It also outlines the functionality that the product must have in order to meet the needs of all stakeholders. This report is created after all requirements have been solicited and analysed, and it serves as a foundation for software engineering tasks.

7) What is a Feasibility Study?

A feasibility study is a comprehensive evaluation of a proposed project that evaluates all factors critical to its success in order to assess its likelihood of success. Business success can be defined primarily in terms of ROI, which is the amount of profits that will be generated by the project.

8) What is the testing phase in the SDLC model ?

There are basically four major type of testing phases in SDLC:

9) Which SDLC Model is best and Why?

Agile is the best SDLC methodology according to the annual State of Agile report, and also one of the most widely utilised SDLC in the IT industry. Unlike other predictive approaches, the adaptive agile methodology does not necessitate comprehensive preparation. If a change is required, it can be made during the sprint. It’s ideal for projects that require a lot of customer involvement and projects that have a constantly changing environment.

10) What are the advantages of the SDLC ?

Here are some of the primary advantages of a secure SDLC approach. 

  1. Your software is more secure. 
  2. All stakeholders are aware of security considerations. 
  3. You detect design flaws early, before they’re coded into existence.

11) What are the disadvantages of the SDLC process ?

The disadvantages of SDLC includes:

  1. Being time-consuming
  2. Inflexible
  3. Having a high upfront cost
  4. Overemphasizing the process.
  5. Lots of paperwork

12) What is HLD ?

High-level design explains the architecture that would be used to develop a system. The architecture diagram provides an overview of an entire system, identifying the main components that would be developed for the product and their interfaces.

HLD document consists of data flows, flowcharts, and data structures to help developers in understanding and implement how the current system is being designed intentionally to function.

13) What is LLD ?

LLD or low-level design is a component-level design process that follows step by step refinement process. The input to LLD is HLD

LLD, or Low-Level Design, is a phase in the software development process where detailed system components and their interactions are specified. It involves converting the high-level design into a more detailed blueprint, addressing specific algorithms, data structures, and interfaces. LLD serves as a guide for developers during coding, ensuring the accurate and efficient implementation of the system’s functionality. LLD describes class diagrams with the help of methods and relations between classes and program specs.

14) What are the tasks performed in Coding phase?

In the coding phase, the design document is converted into an executable programming language. The output of the coding stage is the source code which can act as input for testing and maintenance phase.

15) What is the use of JAD Session?

Joint Application Design session is used to gain data and information about the system.

16) What is 0 Level DFD?

Highest abstraction level is called Level 0 DFD (Data Flow Diagram). It is also is known as context level DFD. It gives specifications about the entire information system as one diagram which has all the details about the system.

17) In which step of SDLC project early termination could be done?

In the SDLC process, project termination can be performed in the feasibility study phase.

18) What is the Software Release Process?

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) release phase is historically connected with production, deployment, and postproduction operations, which generally include software maintenance and support. So, release management is the process of managing, planning, scheduling, and controlling a full software development at every stage and environment, including testing and releasing software releases.

19) What is Prototype model?

The Prototyping Model is a Systems Development Methodology (SDM) within which a paradigm output (or an early approximation of a final system or product) is constructed, tested, and then reworked. It is done till an appropriate paradigm is achieved to help develop the entire system or product.

20) What is the main aim of prototyping?

It mainly offers a mini-model of the proposed system.

21) What are Capability Maturity Model(CMM) levels?

  • Initial: The first step is to create an unstable process environment. The software development process is considered haphazard and even chaotic at times. There are few methods that have been specified, and success is based on individual effort and heroism.
  • Repeatable: Work is planned and monitored, making it repeatable. To track cost, schedule, and functionality, basic project management techniques are implemented.
  • Defined: This level encompasses written and defined standards that evolve over time and support consistent performance. The work is well defined at this point.
  • Managed: Extensive data on the software development process and product quality are gathered. Both the software development process and the end products are quantified and managed.
  • Optimized: Work is based on continuous improvement (optimization). The focus on continuously improving process performance is a significant feature of this level

22) Briefly explain Scrum methodology in the Agile model.

Agile scrum methodology is a project management system that relies on incremental development. It’s one of the most popular and widely-used frameworks in agile development, and with good reason. It offers a wide range of benefits with several common variations that can adapt to different project and organization needs.

23) List Top SDLC tools.

Below are some of the popular SDLC tools:

  • Jira: This software is intended to make workflow management easier for a wide range of groups. Jira was created with the intention of being a simple system for recording tasks and errors. However, it has since matured into a robust workflow management solution.
  • Git is a distributed version management system that is open-source. Developers aiming to examine changes and contributions to the overall code might considerably benefit from a version control system or VCS. This software customisation management tool is an important part of the SDLC.
  • Confluence: During this stage, Confluence is a wonderful tool for developing product research docs and sharing design assets.
  • Asana: From daily activities to larger projects, Asana assists teams in orchestrating their work. Teams are more confident, move faster, and accomplish more with less when they use Asana, regardless of where they are based.

24) Briefly describe the RAD model.

The Rapid Application Development (RAD) paradigm is a software development method that relies on prototyping rather than detailed design. It should be utilised when a system that can be modularized in two to three months is required. It should be employed if there is a large number of designers available for modelling and the budget allows for their costs as well as the costs of automated code generation technologies.

25) Differentiate between Quality Assurance and Quality Control?

  1. Quality Assurance ensures that the software delivered has the fewest possible defects. Quality Control is the process of ensuring that a product’s quality is maintained over time.
  2. Quality Assurance is handled by the project’s testing team, whereas Quality Control is handled by a dedicated support team that is accountable for the product’s quality even if it is in the maintenance phase of software engineering.

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