Top 7 Mobile App Analytics Tools in 2024

Mobile app analytics tools have become critical components of the mobile app business. Companies can use these technologies to track and estimate the performance of their apps, user activity, and marketing initiatives. These technologies allow businesses to improve the performance and general user experience of their apps by offering information about how users interact with them.

This article examines the top 7 mobile app analytics tools for 2024, and highlights their essential features, benefits, and why they stand out in a competitive industry. Whether you’re a startup wanting to optimize your app or an experienced developer looking to remain onwards, these tools are essential for collecting relevant, valuable information that will fuel your app’s success.

Table of Content

  • What Are Mobile App Analytics?
    • Importance of Mobile App User Analytics Tools
  • Top 7 Mobile App Analytics Tools 2024
    • 1. Firebase
    • 2. Mixpanel
    • 3. Adobe Analytics
    • 4. Google Analytics
    • 5. UXtweak
    • 6. Amplitude
    • 7. Flurry
  • Conclusion

What Are Mobile App Analytics?

Mobile app analytics involves collecting important data about user behavior and app performance. Key indicators include installs, active users, user engagement, retention rates, and in-app transactions. While these tools capture activity on the mobile web, they mainly focus on data analytics for the iOS and Android platforms. By transforming data into valuable information, app analytics allow companies to better understand their user journey and identify common issues.

Importance of Mobile App User Analytics Tools:

  1. Understanding User Behavior: These tools offer deep insights into user engagement, tracking actions like taps and navigation paths. This understanding helps in observing behavior patterns and preferences.
  2. Improving User Experience: By evaluating user data, you may identify pain points and friction points, allowing for focused enhancements to the UI and overall user experience. This results in improved user happiness and retention.
  3. Enhancing App Performance: Mobile analytics tools monitor performance metrics, facilitating the prompt identification of technical issues and optimization for better app performance, ensuring a smoother user experience.
  4. Feature Optimization: Insights from analyzed data inform decisions about popular app features and guide enhancements, updates, and the development of new functionalities, aligning with user preferences and maximizing adoption.

Top 7 Mobile App Analytics Tools in 2024

1. Firebase

Firebase is powered by Google and is a comprehensive mobile analytics platform for Android and iOS. It provides the infrastructure to help grow and build your customer base. With Firebase, you can run analytics on your mobile app, build “serverless” applications, monitor app performance, and detect crashes. Additionally, Firebase enhances user engagement through A/B testing and live messaging, all within a single hub. This makes it an all-in-one solution for developers aiming to improve app functionality, stability, and user experience.


  • Event Tracking: Firebase enables you to track custom events within your app, such as user interactions, screen views, and app activities. You can receive insights into how users interact with various features.
  • Funnel Analysis: Understand user journeys by analyzing the steps users take within your app. Identify drop-off points and optimize the conversion funnel.
  • Performance Monitoring: View the metrics related to the performance of your app, such as load times, network queries, and resource consumption. Improve user experience by optimizing performance.
  • Retention Analysis: Monitor user retention over time. Firebase provides cohort analysis to track how different user groups behave after their initial interaction with your app.

Pricing: Firebase comes with the free version and they have a paid plan that starts at $5 per month.

2. Mixpanel

Mixpanel is a user insights and mobile analytics platform that offers interactive reports to analyze user behavior within an app. It helps product teams measure key metrics, make quick decisions, and enhance products through data-driven insights. Unlike other platforms that focus on page views, Mixpanel tracks the specific actions and steps users take while engaging with the application. This detailed analysis provides a deeper understanding of user interactions and potential customer behavior, enabling teams to optimize and grow their products effectively.


  • Seamless Integration: Mixpanel integrates well with other tools and services. Whether you’re using it alongside marketing automation platforms or customer support tools, it plays nicely with your existing tech stack.
  • User Segmentation: Mixpanel enables you to create user segments based on various criteria. These criteria can include demographics (age, gender), behavior (e.g., power users, inactive users), location, and more.
  • Behavior Analytics Suite: Mixpanel excels in tracking user interactions. It allows you to create segments based on specific user actions and set up funnels to understand how people use both mobile and web platforms.
  • Custom Event Tracking: You can define and track custom events relevant to your app, gaining insights into specific user behaviors.

Pricing: Mixpanel offers both a free plan and a paid subscription that starts at $20 per month.

3. Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics Mobile App Analytics Tools delivers comprehensive mobile web and app analytics, complete with best-in-industry visualizations and reporting. It empowers product teams to optimize mobile engagement swiftly. Whether improving retention or increasing conversion rates, Adobe provides predictive insights that maximize the return on mobile investments. With a single Experience Cloud SDK, you can manage the entire mobile lifecycle, including personalization, engagement, audiences, and analytics. Understand your audience, define mobile experiences, and scale engagement seamlessly with Adobe Mobile App Analytics.


  • Quick Start with Mobile Reports: Use out-of-the-box mobile reports and visualizations called “Mobile Starter projects” to get your product teams up and running quickly
  • Audience Understanding: Find high-value audiences and understand differences between segments with automated analysis. Visualizations show how different users flow between features and when they drop out.
  • Flexible Visit Definitions: Define visits according to your needs, whether it’s setting a custom timeout, preventing background hits from starting a new visit, or even starting a visit with the app launch event.
  • Scalability: Volume is never an issue in Adobe Analytics. It ensures a smooth user experience even as your mobile business grows.

Pricing: Adobe Analytics doesn’t offer a free version. For pricing please visit the official website.

4. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a mobile analytics and user insights platform that tracks and reports on active app user traffic to identify effective content. It leverages advanced analytics to uncover user trends and patterns, pinpointing users with high revenue potential and content that drives conversions. By analyzing your mobile app’s performance and user interactions, Google Analytics helps you evaluate and optimize your UX, app copy, and CTAs to enhance the overall user experience. This detailed insight allows for better decision-making and improved app functionality.


  • User Behavior Analysis: Google Analytics for Mobile offers powerful functionality for analyzing user behavior within your app. You may keep track of the number of users, their attributes, and where they are from.
  • Real-time reporting: Real-time reporting provides quick visibility into user interactions, events, and metrics. The real-time reporting tool allows you to monitor app performance as it occurs.
  • Cohort Analysis: To understand user retention and engagement over time, create cohorts based on certain criteria (for example, install date and user behaviors). This tool lets you monitor how different user groups behave.
  • Customizable Reports: Tailor reports specific to your business needs. You can create custom dashboards and focus on the metrics that matter most to your app.

Pricing: Google Analytics is a free tool.

5. UXtweak

UXtweak is a comprehensive UX research tool designed for in-depth mobile testing. It features robust capabilities like heat mapping, scroll maps, click maps, session recording, and detailed analytics. These tools allow product teams to thoroughly analyze user interactions with their apps. UXtweak also provides a variety of usability testing tools to identify and analyze issues users encounter. Ideal for improving the UX of mobile apps, UXtweak can be used independently or alongside other mobile app analytics tools. It is perfect for gaining insights and enhancing user experiences effectively.


  • Screen Recording and Voice Feedback: UXtweak allows you to record your screen interactions (including your voice) while using an app. This feature enables you to provide instant feedback to app designers, helping them understand user behavior and pain points.
  • Session Replay: UXtweak records user sessions, allowing you to replay their interactions. This feature is particularly useful for debugging issues, understanding user flow, and identifying usability problems.
  • Try Example Study Function: UXtweak lets you explore what a mobile testing study looks like through the “Try” example study function. This feature allows you to familiarize yourself with the process before conducting your studies.
  • Collaboration and Sharing: UXtweak enables collaboration among team members. You can share study results, recordings, and insights with colleagues, stakeholders, or clients.

Pricing: UXtweak has a free plan available. And you can also choose a pro plan for only $80 per month.

6. Amplitude

Amplitude Mobile App Analytics Tools is a robust platform that caters to both web and mobile applications. It excels at behavioral analytics by offering event tracking, segmentation, and detailed analysis of user actions. Understanding user activity patterns allows firms to improve retention rates, engagement, and conversion rates. Amplitude enables seamless collaboration across teams, allowing for informed decision-making and driving growth. Whether you’re tracking user journeys, evaluating funnels, or doing A/B tests, Amplitude offers a full range of capabilities to enhance your app’s performance.


  • Detailed Behavioral Analysis: Amplitude excels in providing detailed insights into user behavior within your app. You can track user actions, understand their journey, and create behavior cohorts to analyze movements and interactions
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Insights: Amplitude connects quantitative data (metrics, events) with qualitative insights (Session Replay). This integration helps you bridge the gap between numbers and user experiences.
  • Instant Analytics: Get up-to-date information on events, analytics, and user interactions. The analytics dashboard from Amplitude provides up-to-date data so you can act quickly and intelligently.
  • Powerful Behavioral Analytics: Dive deep into user actions, funnels, and conversion rates. Amplitude enables you to explore user paths, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your app’s performance.

Pricing: Amplitude comes with a free plan. It offers a premium subscription that starts at $99 per month.

7. Flurry

Flurry Mobile App Analytics Tools is a professional-grade platform that provides powerful insights for app growth. Flurry offers essential features like event tracking, custom segmentation, and funnel analysis. It automatically describes your audience by age, gender, location, and engagement. You can compare app versions, track user engagement, and optimize your product roadmap. Flurry ensures your data remains accessible, allowing you to export reports or use APIs for custom analysis. Flurry’s usability and scalability make it an excellent choice for understanding user behavior and enhancing your app’s performance.


  • Custom Dashboards: Flurry gives you fast access to the most important statistics and reports for your app through bespoke dashboards. Installs, sessions, time spent, and other things are all trackable.
  • Audience Insights and Segmentation: Combine audience insights with segments to focus on different parts of your audience. This helps create a smarter product roadmap, improve user acquisition strategies, and enhance monetization strategies.
  • On-Demand Complex Queries: Flurry Analytics includes advanced functionality like on-demand complex queries. You can perform funnel analysis, custom segmentation, and other detailed analyses
  • Professional Grade and Always Free: Flurry is a professional-grade analytics platform that’s completely free. You can export your data for further custom analysis or import it into your systems.

Pricing: Flurry is a free tool.


In conclusion, mobile app analytics tools are critical to the success of mobile applications. They provide essential information about user behavior and app performance. The top seven mobile app analytics solutions for 2024 provide a broad set of features, such as complete event tracking, extensive behavioral analysis, and real-time reporting. Whether you’re a startup looking to optimize your app or an established developer looking to remain ahead, these tools provide critical capabilities for obtaining data-driven insights that will fuel app growth and improve user experiences.

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