Top 6 Companies With Diversity Hiring Initiatives

In recent years, an increasing number of organisations have realised that a diverse workforce is important for attracting and retaining top talent. Some companies have devised exceptionally inventive strategies for employing individuals from diverse backgrounds. Companies prioritise diversity and inclusion for several reasons, including the fact that teams that have individuals from diverse backgrounds generate innovative ideas. McKinsey and other companies have shown that diverse leadership teams generate greater revenue. In general, progress has been slow when it comes to gender and cultural representation, but companies are still not always consistent. A study by McKinsey says that the gap is growing between I&D (inclusion and diversity) experts and companies that haven’t adopted diversity yet. One-third of the companies that were taken into account have made real progress in terms of diversity at the senior level over the last five years. The majority, on the other hand, have made little to no progress, and some have even gotten worse.

Table of Content

  • 1. Uber
  • 2. PayPal
  • 3. Infosys
  • 4. Accenture
  • 5. Mahindra
  • 6. Wipro

Top 6 Companies With Diversity Hiring Initiatives

1. Uber

Uber can be taken as a remarkable example when it comes to diversity hiring. Recently, Uber invited applications for its UberStar internship program coming under the She++ initiative, under which they received 700+ applications from all over the globe including the US, Canada, Kenya, Uganda, UAE, Turkey, Ethiopia, and South Africa. Out of these 700+ applications, the number of PWD applicants touched 338. Uber is planning to declare the results on International Women’s Day, having 150 applications in assessment.

UberSTAR’s revolutionary paid student internship programme supports tech sector equality, inclusivity, and access. Women, Black, Hispanic, Native American, students with disabilities, LGBTQIA+, and Veterans are encouraged to apply to UberSTAR. UberSTAR accepts first- and second-year full-time community college or university students of all colours, genders, and nationalities who desire to work in IT. The course benefits individuals and the tech world by welcoming varied skills and perspectives. UberSTAR helps potential techies find suitable career advancement opportunities. Uber full-time internships provide practical expertise, skills, and professional networks.

2. PayPal

PayPal’s Recharge programme helps competent professionals who have taken a career break for either private or family reasons to feel ready to return to the workforce. PayPal’s Recharge programme allows trained technicians to engage in training and enrol for a 6-week paid programme aimed at easing their return to the job. The programme is intended to boost their diverse technology workforce while also providing an opportunity for people who are interested in returning to work to broaden their knowledge and network. Recharge is part of PayPal’s continued commitment to building an effective and diversified organisation while also supporting and encouraging women to apply for technical jobs.

3. Infosys

The “Restart with Infosys” programme helps experienced professionals re-enter the corporate field and restart their careers. This Infosys project promotes inclusivity, diversity, and talent development for career breakers. “Restart with Infosys” helps competent workers return to work and make meaningful contributions. This programme supports your growth, whether you want to revive your enthusiasm for your area or explore new frontiers. “Restart with Infosys” acknowledges that different views promote creativity and profitability. The programme deliberately recruits people from varied backgrounds to widen its skill pool. Infosys enriches its workforce and promotes inclusivity and collaboration by embracing diverse experiences, talents, and perspectives. “Restart with Infosys” offers full-time and fixed-term jobs, so people can select one that fits their needs and goals. Professionals can return to work with ease and maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

4. Accenture

The Accenture professional Reboot Programme encourages and gives women returning to work after a sabbatical a chance. The Career Reboot Programme provides several resources to help participants find work. Customised training, hands-on instruction, and top-notch online resources give trainees career-ready skills. This mentorship helps people return to work and succeed. The Career Reboot Programme uses Accenture’s Vaahini Network’s 1,20,000 women professionals for help and opportunity. Vaahini helps rebooters succeed through training, coaching, and networking. More than a way back into the industry, Accenture’s Career Reboot Programme displays its commitment to diversity, inclusiveness, and women’s empowerment. By providing a supportive atmosphere, the programme helps women relaunch their careers, achieve their goals, and leave a lasting impact at work and beyond.

5. Mahindra

Mahindra’s diverse hiring program reflects Mahindra’s ‘Intentionally Diverse and Globally Inclusive’ mission. Mahindra prioritises diversity and inclusivity across all dimensions because deliberate inclusion prevents unintentional exclusion. The organisation values diversity across gender, sexuality, age, ethnicity, race, lifestyle, and socioeconomic standing. Through programmes, policies, and initiatives, Mahindra celebrates diversity and empowers people. Mahindra’s D&I efforts foster cultural diversity and accept differences. Mahindra strategically supports women and LGBTQ+ people while maintaining gender-neutral policies and practices.

6. Wipro

Wipro’s diversity hiring programme promotes workplace inclusion. Women of Wipro (WoW), Begin Again, and Pride promote gender inclusiveness, help women return to work after vacations, and provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ people. The CREATE framework also promotes career advancement, equality, and barrier-free employment for disabled workers. Wipro breaks down barriers and creates opportunities for employment for diverse groups of people with specific initiatives and supportive policies.

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