Top 10 Traditional HR Interview Questions and Answers

HR Rounds are conducted to identify whether a candidate is a good fit for the role or not and whether the candidate possesses qualities like leadership, communication skills, teamwork, etc. If you want to get your dream job, you must not only have a strong resume and technical knowledge, but you must also be able to answer difficult HR interview questions. Here are some of the most frequently asked HR Interview Questions and their answers for both fresher and experienced candidates. By going through these questions, you can get a general idea of how to answer such questions.

Table of Content

  • 1. Tell me about yourself?
  • 2. What are your strengths?
  • 3. What are your weaknesses?
  • 4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
  • 5. Why should we hire you?
  • 6. Why are you looking for a job change?
  • 7. Why do you want to work for our company?
  • 8. What is your biggest achievement so far?
  • 9. Tell me about the gap in your resume
  • 10. What are your salary expectations?

1. Tell me about yourself?

This is the most common and first question asked during HR rounds. It may appear simple, but this is the most important question that most candidates fail to answer correctly, resulting in a poor impression of the interviewer. As this is the very first question of most interviewers, so it tends to set the first impression of candidates during the interview process.

Some tips for Answering:

1. If you are confused about what the interviewer wants to know about you. Do not ask him what he wants to know as it may sound rude.
2. Do not repeat what is already mentioned in your resume.
3. You can mention your accomplishments, internship, and previous work experience.
4. You can also mention your strengths related to work, but never talk about your weaknesses until asked.

Sample Answer:

Good morning/afternoon, I am ABC and I have been working as a Team Lead for XYZ company for the last 3 years. Before that, I was an intern at XYZ company for one year. Currently, I am looking for a change, and I think working in your company would enhance my skills more. My role in my current company included managing and leading a team of 5 employees in the Software team, where we would often brainstorm ideas for new products. Over 3 years, I’ve managed and executed long-term projects that aided in the growth of my company’s brand reputation. I’d like to have a similar opportunity with your company, and I believe I’d be a good fit.

2. What are your strengths?

This question is generally asked to get to know about your character and suitability for the job, and this is also the most commonly asked question.

Some tips for Answering:

1. You should mention the strength, which is related to the work you are applying for.
2. You should be honest while answering this question.
3. Be prepared with an example of each strength you mention.

Sample Answer:

One of my most valuable assets, in my opinion, is my ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines. Because of the large number of clients and deadlines, I’d be working with here, I believe it would help me to succeed in this position. My previous position required me to handle difficult projects on short notice for a number of our top clients, including Accenture and TCS. I completed 100% of the projects I was assigned on time, resulting in additional business from these clients, and also when working on a project. I strive for more than just meeting deadlines. I’d rather try to complete the project much sooner than expected. I’m also an excellent team player.

3. What are your weaknesses?

This is asked by the interviewer to get to know whether you are aware of your weaknesses and what steps are you following to overcome them.

Some tips for Answering:

1. Do not say that you don’t have any weaknesses.
2. Do not mention any weakness that can affect your ability to fulfil your work responsibilities.
3. Do not mention more than 2 weaknesses.

Sample Answer:

I am a workaholic and many times I even skip my meals to complete my work. So I struggle with work-life balance, which increases my stress levels to the point where my productivity starts decreasing, but I am working on it so that I can maintain my work-life balance and now I can see some improvement.

4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

This question is a tricky. Here, the interviewer only wants to know how long you are planning to stay in this company if hired and what are your future plans. 

Some tips for Answering:

1. Don’t directly mention that you want to become the manager or team lead or you want to do higher studies. The interviewer doesn’t want to hear these things.
2. Try to show that your goals match and align with the company’s goals.
3. Don’t be overconfident while answering this.

Sample Answer:

I’m looking for a role with a company where I can grow and continue to take on new challenges over the next five years and contribute to the company’s success. I would love to utilize all the opportunities that this company provides me to learn by utilizing the internal and external training programs, and over a period of time I also want to develop my skills, take on an exciting project and work with people I can learn from.

5. Why should we hire you?

This question is asked to understand if you are a fit candidate for this role because every hire is a risk to the interviewer and in case the candidate turns out to be unfit, then it can cause problems after onboarding. So make sure to answer this question in the correct way, as this question can make or break your interview.

Some tips for Answering:

1. Mention how you would be a great addition to the team.
2. Show that you have skills and experience which will match the role.

Sample Answer:

I am self-driven and quick to pick things up. Based on the job description, I am aware that I am a great fit for this role, as I have relatable knowledge and excellent analytical and problem-solving skills that I have developed while working with other firms. I have the ideal combination of skills and experience needed for this particular job. I believe that this role will promote my interests and that my commitment to high work standards will benefit the team and the business.

6. Why are you looking for a job change?

This is one of the most critical and commonly asked questions from experienced candidates. The interviewer wants to know what made you look for another opportunity. So to answer this question, never mention the negative points about your current employer, and also do not share any secret information about your current employer. 

Some tips for Answering:

1. Be Honest with your answer, but be tactful.
2. Display a positive attitude.
3. Do not directly disclose your only reason to change is money.
4. Do not directly complain about the company’s pathetic work culture and strict policies.

Sample Answer: 

Suppose you have worked in an organization for like 3-4 years or even more, simply say, I have worked in my current organization for a long time and now I feel like its time to expand my horizon, and also I want to taste a new environment and seek new challenges and I believe your company seems a perfect place where I can use my skills for the growth of the company and also grow myself as an individual.

If you have worked in an organization for less than 1 year or for just a few months you can say after working for a few months you realized that this job is not for you and you are looking for a more appropriate role that matches your skill set.

7. Why do you want to work for our company?

This is the popular question asked by the interviewer. The interviewer wants to make sure that the candidate understands the job requirement and the reason behind choosing their company. For that job, you should answer in a way that the interviewer is convinced that you are the perfect match for this role.

Some tips for Answering:

1. Read about the company’s vision, mission, and about their work.
2. Mention what inspired you to join their organization.
3. You can mention the projects that you worked on that match the job requirement.

Sample Answer:

I would like to be a part of your company as I think your company can be the best place to expand my knowledge. I feel my current skill set and experience matches the job requirement, and I can use those skills for the growth of the organization. And also, I have researched about your company and found that it has an impressive vision and mission, which made me excited to be a part of the organization so that I can also contribute to the betterment of the company.

8. What is your biggest achievement so far?

While answering this question, make sure to mention only your recent work-related achievements. You have to show the interviewer that your achievement is impressive and also relevant to the team’s needs.

Some tips for Answering:

1. Mention your recent accomplishment that is related to the job.
2. Pick a professional achievement.
3. You can answer this question in STAR format, which is short for Situation, Task, Action, and Result.

Sample Answer:

My most recent achievement in my career as a software developer was when we were working on a critical project of a product pertaining to customer payments, and I was leading the project. I began by developing a complete design and then I called for a brainstorming session with the rest of the team to find out anything that could be added. After this, we started working round the clock for around 4 months to meet the deadlines. We upskilled ourselves to learn all aspects of development and also brought more resources to complete it faster, and finally, we completed the deployment, and after the deployment, I also trained my team to support the platform, and when the product was launched, our manager was so proud of us, and we were also awarded for this.

9. Tell me about the gap in your resume

This question is asked by the interviewer when he finds something interesting, which is not ordinary, like a gap in your resume and wants to know the reason for that gap. The reason could be that the job was not related to what you are looking for or it can be any personal reason.

Some tips for Answering:

1. Be Honest from the start.
2. Explain the gap briefly.
3. Don’t say too much or too little.
4. Sound like an in-demand job candidate.

Sample Answer:

After the completion of my master’s degree, I started working as a software engineer for 1 year without taking any break. But because of the night shift, I developed some health issues, which impacted my productivity and also harmed my work-life balance. So, I decided to take a break of 3 months to clear my mind. I also took some courses during this break, such as python and Django to learn some new technologies, and I think now I am ready again to do this job.

10. What are your salary expectations?

It is a straightforward question that is asked by the interviewer, but the answer is so complex, as an interview question like this, can stop you from getting selected. Basically, the interviewer wants to get an idea of whether or not you are within their budget and also to see how much you value yourself and your work.

Some tips for Answering:

  • Mention the salary range by doing the research. 
  • Do mention that it is negotiable. 
  • Don’t ask for your salary in exact numbers.

Sample Answers:

If you are a fresher you can say it as being fresher I haven’t thought much about it, and salary is not an issue for me, and I am more focused on learning and gaining experience. As your company is one of the most reputed companies, I m happy to accept the salary offered by you, which is the best in the industry.

Suppose you are an experienced candidate, you can say my salary requirements are negotiable, but I do have experience in the same field and I believe this adds value to my candidacy. So based on my previous experience,  I look forward to discussing in more detail what my responsibilities at this company would be. From there, we can determine a fair salary for the position.

I’m open to discussing what you believe to be a fair salary for the position. However, based on my previous salary, knowledge of the industry, and understanding of this geographic area, I’d expect a salary in the general range of $X to $Y. Again, I’m open to discussing these numbers with you.

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