Top 10 Most Dangerous International Borders

International borders not only represent the geopolitical scenario of the world but also long unresolved historical conflicts. These dangerous international borders have a major impact on the socio-economy of the related country and global matters.

In this article, we will discuss the 10 most dangerous international borders and their impact along with their length.

Table of Content

  • Most Dangerous International Borders
  • List of 10 Most Dangerous International Borders

Most Dangerous International Borders

The 10 most dangerous International borders earn their position because of the constant conflict, illegal activities, and historical animosities that continue across them today. Global peace which is one of the biggest concerns for the United Nations has the most dangerous international borders as the threat.

These borders had always been a place of tension and had witnessed several bloodsheds and illegal activities. Crossing some of these borders or even getting detected around these borders can cost one’s life. The list of these borders and details about the countries involved are discussed further.

List of 10 Most Dangerous International Borders

The below table lists the top 10 most dangerous international borders:

International Borders

Countries Involved


The Korean Demilitarized Zone

North Korea and South Korea

250 km

Indo-Pak Border(India-Pakistan border)

India and Pakistan

3,323 km

Israel-Paestine Border

Israel and Palestine


Chad and Sudan Border

Chad and Sudan

1,403 km

Afghanistan-Pakistan Border (Durand Line)

Afghanistan and Pakistan

2,640 km

Russia-Ukraine Border

Russia and Ukraine

2,295.04 km

USA-Mexico Border

USA and Mexico



Ethiopia and Eritrea

1,033 km

Iraq-Iran Border

Iraq and Iran

1,599 km

Yemen and Saudi Arabia

Yemen and Saudi Arabia

1,307 km

10. Yemen-Saudi Arabia Border

The border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia is the most dangerous international border. Both countries have seen violent conflict over a decade.

  • Country involved: Yemen and Saudi Arabia.
  • Length of the Border: 1,307 km from Red Sea coast in west to east of tripoint of Oman.
  • Formed In: 2000.
  • The increase in weapon smuggling in Saudi Arabia raised a high concern to the nation.
  • Many militant groups such as Al-Qaeda and economic refugees have attempted to cross the border illegally in the past. Hence the government decided to build a wall and fence to stop such activities.
  • Yemen opposes such a decision claiming that any such construction will hurt the shepherd’s access to grazing fields.
  • In 2015 both the country declared war which is still going on.
  • Thousand of civilians lost their lives and multiple missiles have been launched into Saudi Arabia since then.

9. Iraq-Iran Border

The border between Iraq and Iran is one of the most volatile international borders in the world. Though the borders were defined a long time ago, the conflict remains constant.

  • Country involved: Iraq and Iran.
  • Length of the Border: 1,599 km from tripoint with Turkey in the north to Shatt al-Ab out to the Persian Gulf.
  • Formed In: 1988.
  • In 1980, Iran was accused of illegally occupying the territory of Iraq, resulting in a massive war of eight years.
  • After such a long period, both countries signed the UN Peace Resolution.
  • The conflict continues creating an intense war environment.

8. Ethiopia-Eritrea Border

The war between Ethiopia and Eritrea came to an end in 2000, but the conflict on invasion and reclaiming the land is still ongoing.

  • Country involved: Ethiopia and Eritrea.
  • Length of the Border: 1,033 km covering Afar and Tigray of Ethiopia.
  • Formed In: 2000.
  • After the UN had marked the territorial land for Eritrea, Ethiopia continued to invade the border.
  • In 2002, although there was a disagreement with the commission’s official verdict, both the country remained contested.
  • There is a continuous conflict and recurrence of violence over the border from both the country.

7. USA-Mexico Border

Although this border Area is the most visited place in the USA, one cannot be casual about their activity.

  • Country involved: USA and Mexico
  • Length of the Border: 3,145Km
  • Formed in: 1828.
  • The border of USA-Mexico is the most preferred way for drug trafficking. Every year many Mexican tries to cross the border illegally.
  • The USA deploys forces for vigilant patrolling which can be very stressful if something inappropriate is found by the force.
  • On the side of Mexico, the border-lying cities seem to be like war zones and many Texan places are quite dangerous border.
  • Also, the vast desert is responsible for thousands of deaths of every migrant trying to cross the country’s border illegally.

6. Russia-Ukraine Border

After the Soviet was dissolved Ukraine and Russia came into existence in 1991. The border of these two nations always had a volatile relationship.

  • Country involved: Russia and Ukraine
  • Length of the Border: 2,295.04 km
  • Formed In: 1991.
  • The conflict worsened when Stalin led the death of millions of Ukrainians by man-made famine to push Russian Identity over the Soviet Union.
  • Later, during the government of Vladimir Putin, Russia reclaimed the land from Ukraine when the country was facing instability and crisis.
  • This led to the war which began on 18 February 2022 between both the country till date.
  • The conflict between this two nations has created a global tension among the largest economies of the world.

5. Afghanistan-Pakistan Border (Durand Line)

The deserted rocky land of Durand is the most accessible place for militant, drug trafficking, and other cross-border crimes.

  • Country involved: Afghanistan and Pakistan
  • Length of the border: 2,640 km covering the northwest province of Pakistan to Baluchistan.
  • Formed in: 1893.
  • Many terrorist groups such are Al-Qaeda and Taliban use this area as their camps.
  • Due to high distrust and weak governance, this border cannot be protected and cooperation between Kabul and Islamabad is hindered. As a result, creates an intensively volatile environment in this border.

4. Chad-Sudan Border

This border has been quite volatile due to the civil Chad War and conflict in Darfur.

  • Country involved: Chad and Sudan.
  • Length of the borders: 1,403 km from the tripoint of Libya to the north of the tripoint of the Central African Republic
  • Formed in: 1960
  • In the past when Chad’s southern bias government had offended the Sudanese Muslim community of the country the Sudan financed the Chad rebellions to create troops and artillery and conduct raids in Chad.
  • In May 1990, Chad soldiers invaded the Sudan border and destroyed Sudanese villages.
  • The conflicts are still being stimulated by internal conflicts in both the country.

3. Israel-Palestine Border

The Israel-Palestine Border is still in ambiguity because due to continuous conflict and war.

  • Country involved: Israel and Palestine including Ghaza strip
  • Length of the border: No specific border between Israel and Palestine.
  • Formed in: Still changing.
  • Israel seems to frequently open and crossing point of the two border points of Ghaza, Erez, and Shalom.
  • Even the crossing point is closed for 11 days during the Jewish holidays.
  • The endless conflicts over the land are getting intensified over the period, creating a global issue on humanity and territorial power.

2. Indo-Pak Border

The Indo-Pak border of Line Of Control is another most dangerous international borders in the world.

  • Countries involved: India and Pakistan
  • Length of the border: 3,323 km from LOC from north to Sir Creek at its south end.
  • Formed in: 1947 after the independence of India and Pakistan.
  • Frequent cross-border shelling, militant invasion, and conflict between two nuclear-armed countries make this border quite dangerous.
  • The military forces allocated in this area have the power to shoot at sight due to which one simple negligence can affect the lives of civilians of both countries. The villages near this border have witnessed frequent firing across the border like a usual incident.

1. North Korea- South Korea Border

One of the most dangerous borders in the world, the Korean Demilitarized Zone was established by the US and Soviets during the Second World War.

  • Countries involved: North Korea and South Korea.
  • Length of the border: 250 km from the Han River on the west coast of Kosong town located in the south of North Korea.
  • Formed in: 1953 after the Korean War.
  • It was declared as a site of peace discussion during the Korean War. Since then many such conferences have taken place in that zone. This area is largely fortified by contingent troops from both sides.
  • Frequent artillery shelling and naval clashes highlight the volatility of this border, creating a high concern for security for both nations.


In the end, it can be concluded that international borders are the major means for the exchange of culture and access to global resources. The tension created in these areas hinders the trade and culture of both the countries involved throughout the whole world. Also, cross-border conflict hurts resources and citizens. Therefore, it is very important to take proper initiative to resolve the violent conflict and establish peace across the border.

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FAQs on 10 Most Dangerous International Borders

What is the Deadliest Border in the world?

The deadliest border in the world is US-Mexico Border. Over 1000 of people dies while crossing the area illegally.

Which is the Most Dangerous Border in India?

India-Bangladesh border is the most dangerous border of India. Indian BSF is always on patrolling in this border with the power of shoot at site.

Which is the Longest International Border in the World?

Canada-US border is the longest border in the world having length of 8,890 Km

Which country has No Border Dispute?

New Zealand has no border dispute.

Where is the Shortest Border in the World?

Morocco -Spain Border is the shortest international border with a length of 85 km.

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