List of Top 10 Most Ancient Civilizations in the World

The top 10 most ancient civilizations in the world are Mesopotamian Civilization, Indus Valley Civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Ancient Greek Civilization, Chinese Civilization, Persian Civilization, Roman Civilization, Maya Civilization, Incan Civilization, and Aztec Civilization.

Human history is a variety created with the connections of many civilizations, each helping to create the richness of our collective heritage. Among these, ancient civilizations represent important moments in the growth of mankind and act as foundations of human achievement.

In this article, we will look into the list of the top 10 most ancient civilizations along with their present-day location and period of existence.

Table of Content

  • About Ancient Civilizations in the World
  • List of Top 10 Most Ancient Civilizations in the World
  • Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Mesopotamian Civilization
  • Second Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Indus Valley Civilization
  • Third Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Egyptian Civilization
  • Fourth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Ancient Greek Civilization
  • Fifth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Chinese Civilization
  • Sixth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Persian Civilization
  • Seventh Most Ancient Civilization In The World – Roman Civilization
  • Eighth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Maya Civilization
  • Ninth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Incan Civilization
  • Tenth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Aztec Civilization

About Ancient Civilizations in the World

Global ancient civilizations developed and set the foundation for modern societies. They made innovations in philosophy, architecture, agriculture, and government. Their great contributions to art, science, and culture have kept them alive despite the ultimate declines caused by invasions and environmental changes. These achievements have influenced human history and left important lessons for future generations.

List of Top 10 Most Ancient Civilizations in the World

The list of the top 10 most ancient civilizations in the world is given below:



Present-Day Location

Mesopotamian Civilization

3500 BCE–539 BCE

Iraq, parts of Syria, and Turkey

Indus Valley Civilization

3300 BCE–1300 BCE

Pakistan, northwest India

Egyptian Civilization

3100 BCE–30 BCE


Ancient Greek Civilization

800 BCE–146 BCE

Greece and parts of Turkey

Chinese Civilization

c. 1600 BCE–present

China, Taiwan

Persian Civilization

550 BCE–651 CE

Iran and parts of Iraq

Roman Civilization

753 BCE–476 CE

Italy and parts of Europe

Maya Civilization

c. 2000 BCE–1697 CE

Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize

Incan Civilization

c. 1438 CE–1533 CE

Peru, parts of Ecuador, and Chile

Aztec Civilization

c. 1345 CE–1521 CE


Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Mesopotamian Civilization

Mesopotamia, which included Iraq, Kuwait, portions of Syria, and Turkey, was situated in the fertile crescent formed by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

  • With the establishment of Sumerian city-states around 3500 BCE, Mesopotamian civilization began to take shape. It continued until approximately 539 BCE present when the Persian Empire conquered the area.
  • Mesopotamia is recognised as one of the birthplaces of civilization because of its advancements in writing, agriculture, and government.
  • The Sumerians created advanced city-states with well-functioning governments and established religious institutions. They also invented one of the oldest writing systems, known as Cuneiform.
  • Many invasions by surrounding peoples, including the Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Persians, caused instability in politics and power changes throughout Mesopotamia.
  • The region’s agricultural productivity decreased as a result of environmental factors like changing river courses and soil salinity caused by irrigation methods.

Second Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization developed in the basin of the Indus River and its tributaries in present-day Pakistan and northwest India.

  • The civilization reached its peak between 2600 and 1900 BCE, but it survived from roughly 3300 to 1300 BCE.
  • With well-planned cities like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro featuring advanced urban infrastructure like drainage systems and brick houses, the Indus Valley Civilization was among the first to establish urban communities.
  • They also traded over great distances, as shown by the objects that have been found in Mesopotamia and other places.
  • The specific reasons for the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization are still unknown, but theories include changes in the surrounding environment such as changed river courses or climatic patterns, nomadic tribe invasions, internal conflict over politics and society, and other factors.

Third Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Egyptian Civilization

Egypt and parts of Sudan were included in ancient Egypt, which was located in northeastern Africa along the Nile River.

  • After Upper and Lower Egypt came together under King Narmer (Menes) in 3100 BCE, Egyptian civilization began to take form. It continued until Alexander the Great occupied Egypt in 332 BCE.
  • Egypt is well known for its achievements in mathematics, medicine, and literature, in addition to its huge architecture, which includes the pyramids and temples.
  • One of the oldest known writing systems is the Egyptian hieroglyphic writing system. Throughout its history, Egypt experienced times of foreign dominance and internal conflict, including invasions by the Greeks, Assyrians, Hyksos, and Persians.
  • The decline of centralised power and the loss of control over trade routes also contributed to its decline.

Fourth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Ancient Greek Civilization

Ancient Greece was located in the southeastern part of Europe, which includes a large peninsula and many smaller islands in the Aegean Sea.

  • Greek civilization reached its peak between the archaic (c. 800 BCE) and Hellenistic (c. 323 BCE) periods, though its influence lasted much longer.
  • For its contributions to philosophy, democracy, literature, art, and science, ancient Greece is recognised. In addition to producing well-known thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, it established the framework for Western philosophy and science.
  • Ancient Greek artwork like the Venus de Milo and the Parthenon represent iconic examples of Greek art and architecture that never go out of style.
  • Many people believe that the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta and external pressures from Macedonian and later Roman invasions combined to cause the decline of ancient Greece. Social unrest, financial crises, and political instability all had a big impact.

Fifth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Chinese Civilization

Chinese civilization, which includes modern-day China and some neighbouring countries, developed along the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers in East Asia.

  • The history of Chinese civilization is broad, lasting more than 5,000 years, and includes several dynasties, including the Shang (c. 1600–1046 BCE), Zhou (c. 1046–256 BCE), Qin (221–206 BCE), Han (206 BCE–220 CE), Tang (618–907 CE), and Ming (1368–1644 CE).
  • In several fields, including philosophy (Confucianism, Taoism), governance (bureaucracy, legalism), technology (papermaking, gunpowder, printing), and the arts (calligraphy, painting, porcelain), China has left an impact on human civilization.
  • Several factors, including internal revolts, political corruption, a slowing economy, and external invasions by nomadic tribes like the Mongols and Manchus, often caused the decline of Chinese dynasties.
  • Chinese history also featured many dynastic cycles of rise, reorganisation, and decline.

Sixth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Persian Civilization

The Persian Empire was situated in Southwest Asia, covering a vast area that included present-day Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and parts of Central Asia and Egypt.

  • Under Cyrus the Great, the Persian Empire began to take shape in the sixth century BCE, and it reached its peak under Xerxes I and Darius the Great. Alexander the Great ultimately took control of it in the fourth century BCE.
  • One of the biggest and most powerful empires in ancient times, the Persian Empire was known for its ability to manage affairs effectively, adopt cultural diversity, and accept a wide range of beliefs and practices.
  • One factor in the empire’s success was the Persian Royal Road, which made trade and communication easier.
  • The Persian Empire’s downfall can be defined by various factors, including the excessive use of resources during military campaigns, power struggles within the empire, and external invasions by Alexander the Great and his Macedonian forces.

Seventh Most Ancient Civilization In The World – Roman Civilization

Ancient Rome was located on the Italian Peninsula, with its kingdom finally extending across Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

  • The establishment of Rome in the eighth century BCE marked the beginning of Roman civilization, which continued until the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE. The Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, lasted until 1453 CE.
  • Rome made significant and lasting contributions to Western civilization in the fields of law, government, engineering, architecture, and literature. To promote trade and communication, the Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire built vast networks of roads, canals, and bridges.
  • The decline of the Roman Empire resulted from a combination of internal downfalls, including political corruption, economic crises, and social unrest, as well as external pressures from barbarian attacks, such as those by the Visigoths.
  • Additionally, the empire’s ability to resist outside threats was weakened by its division into Western and Eastern halves.

Eighth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Maya Civilization

The Maya civilization developed in Mesoamerica, mostly in present-day Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador.

  • Although the roots of the Maya civilization can be found in the Preclassic period (c. 2000 BCE–250 CE), the civilization reached its peak during the Classic period (c. 250–900 CE). By the end of the ninth century CE, it had started its decline.
  • Significant improvements were made by the Maya in the fields of writing, art, mathematics, astronomy, and architecture. They created massive structures such as pyramids, temples, and palaces, as well as an advanced calendar system and hieroglyphic writing.
  • Scholars disagree about what caused the Maya civilization to collapse, but some theories include war, instability in society, extended droughts, environmental damage, and difficulties in trade networks.
  • Several factors may have contributed to the decline of major cities and religious centres during the Terminal Classic period (c. 800–900 CE).

Ninth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Incan Civilization

The Inca Empire, which included parts of modern-day Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina, was located in the Andes Mountains of South America.

  • The Inca civilization started growing in the 13th century and reached its peak in the 15th century under the leadership of leaders such as Pachacuti and Huayna Capac. In the sixteenth century, it was taken over by Francisco Pizarro’s Spanish conquistadors.
  • The greatest empire in pre-Columbian America, the Inca Empire, was identified by its huge road systems, effective government, and sloped agriculture. The Incas created complex engineering methods that were used to build other massive structures, like Machu Picchu.
  • The decline of the Inca Empire can be related to the severe impact of European diseases, particularly smallpox, which destroyed the native population.
  • In addition, after Emperor Huayna Capac died, internal conflicts and civil wars over succession weakened the empire and increased the risk of Spanish invasion.

Read More: The Inca Empire

Tenth Most Ancient Civilization in the World – Aztec Civilization

The Aztec Empire ruled in central Mexico, with its capital city of Tenochtitlan situated on an island in Lake Texcoco (present-day Mexico City).

  • The Aztec civilization showed up in the 13th century CE and reached its peak in the 15th century under rulers like Moctezuma I and Ahuitzotl. Early in the 16th century, under the leadership of Hernán Cortés, it was taken over by Spanish conquistadors.
  • Through military conquest, the Aztecs established a powerful empire and payment system that brought resources and wealth from their conquered lands.
  • They created complex agricultural systems like chinampas (floating gardens) and advanced cities with temples, palaces, and marketplaces.
  • The decline of the Aztec Empire was triggered by the entry of Spanish conquistadors in 1519, who brought with them modern arms, horses, and diseases like smallpox. Tenochtitlan fell in 1521 as a result of the Spanish taking advantage of native peoples’ already-present rivalries and forming alliances with the Aztecs’ local rivals.

Conclusion – Top 10 Most Ancient Civilizations in the World

In summary, the top ten ancient civilizations have had a major effect on human history and have influenced the modern world through their inventions, cultural achievements, and durable legacies. From Mesopotamia to the Aztec Empire, these societies express wonder and interest in people of all ages because they represent the diversity and depth of the human experience throughout the beginning.

FAQs on Top 10 Most Ancient Civilizations in the World

What are the 10 oldest civilizations?

The 10 oldest civilisations are Mesopotamian civilization, Indus Valley Civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Ancient Greek Civilization, Chinese Civilization, Persian Civilization, Roman Civilization, Maya Civilization, Incan Civilization, Aztec Civilization

Which is the most ancient civilization?

The most ancient civilization is Mesopotamian civilization.

Which ancient civilization was the greatest?

The greatest ancient civilization is the Egyptian civilization.

How many ancient civilizations are there in the world?

There are ten ancient civilizations in the world.

What is the birthplace of civilization?

Mesopotamia is the birthplace of civilization.

Which civilization is 5000 years old?

Mesopotamian civilization and Indus Valley Civilization are 5000 years old.

What are the four famous civilizations?

The 4 famous civilizations are Mesopotamian Civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Indus Valley Civilization, and Chinese Civilization.

Which ancient civilization was the most technologically advanced?

Indus Valley Civilization, Chinese Civilization, Persian Civilization, and Roman Civilization were the most technologically advanced civilisations.

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