List of Top 10 Largest National Parks in the World

List of Top 10 Largest National Parks in the World: The top 10 national parks in the world are Northeast Greenland National Park, Kavir National Park, Quttinirpaaq National Park, Namib- Naukluft National Park, Wrangle- St. Elias National Park, Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Wood Buffalo National Park, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Park, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, and Kluane National Park and Reserve.

When we think of natural beauty and untouched landscapes, national parks are often the first places that come to mind. These protected areas are vital for preserving and conserving our planet’s diverse ecosystems, providing a haven for countless species of plants and animals. From towering mountains to vast forests and sprawling deserts, national parks offer incredible opportunities for exploration and adventure.

In this article, we will take a look at the top 10 largest national parks in the world, each offering a unique experience and adventure. We will also provide the area of the national park in sq km.

Largest National Parks in the World

Table of Content

  • About National Parks in the World
  • List of Top 10 Largest National Parks in the World
  • Largest National Park in the World – Northeast Greenland
  • Second Largest National Park in the World – Kavir National Park
  • Third Largest National Park in the World – Quttinirpaaq National Park
  • Fourth Largest National Park in the World – Namib- Naukluft National Park
  • Fifth Largest National Park in the World – Wrangle- St. Elias National Park
  • Sixth Largest National Park in the World – Central Kalahari Game Reserve
  • Seventh Largest National Park in the World – Wood Buffalo National Park
  • Eighth Largest National Park in the World – Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Park
  • Ninth Largest National Park in the World – Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
  • Tenth Largest National Park in the World – Kluane National Park and Reserve

About National Parks in the World

National parks are protected areas designated by governments to conserve natural landscapes, ecosystems, and wildlife for future generations. These parks serve as havens for biodiversity, scientific research, and outdoor recreation. Around the world, numerous countries have established national parks to safeguard their natural heritage and promote environmental conservation. Each park is unique, offering visitors opportunities to explore diverse ecosystems, from lush rainforests and towering mountains to expansive deserts and pristine coastlines. Some famous examples include Yellowstone National Park in the United States, Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, Banff National Park in Canada, and Kruger National Park in South Africa.

List of Top 10 Largest National Parks in the World

The list of the top 10 largest national parks in the world is in the following table along with their Country and Area:


National Park


Area (sq km)


Northeast Greenland National Park




Kavir National Park




Quttinirpaaq National Park




Namib- Naukluft National Park




Wrangle- St. Elias National Park

United States



Central Kalahari Game Reserve




Wood Buffalo National Park




Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Park

United States



Great Barrier Reef Marine Park




Kluane National Park and Reserve



Largest National Park in the World – Northeast Greenland

Northeast Greenland National Park, found in the northeast part of Greenland, is the biggest national park globally, spanning over 972,000 square kilometers. It’s a massive, remote area that nature enthusiasts adore. The park offers stunning scenery, a wide variety of wildlife, and a fascinating cultural history.

  • Northeast Greenland National Park was created in 1974 and officially became a national park in 1988. Its main aim is to safeguard the extraordinary Arctic wilderness and all the living things that rely on it. Plus, it holds the special title of being recognized as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO, showing its importance in balancing conservation and sustainable living.
  • The park sits between 74°N and 83°N latitude, making it one of the most northern national parks globally. Most of it is covered by ice, with the massive Greenland ice sheet taking up about 85% of the area. But there’s more to it than just ice! You’ll find mountains, glaciers, fjords, and rivers scattered throughout the park. Because of the ice’s movement, the landscape is always changing, with glaciers carving out valleys, canyons, and interesting rock formations, making it a constantly evolving and breathtaking place to explore.

Second Largest National Park in the World – Kavir National Park

Covering an area of 89,286 square kilometers, Kavir National Park is the second-largest national park in the world. Located in the central desert regions of Iran, this park is known for its vast salt flats, sand dunes, and rugged mountains. It is also home to some of the rarest species, such as the Asiatic cheetah, Asiatic black bear, and Goitered gazelle.

  • The national park was set up in 1982 to protect the natural environment in the middle part of Iran. It got an extra nod from UNESCO in 1976, earning the title of a biosphere reserve because of its varied landscapes and importance to ecology.
  • Kavir National Park sits right in the heart of Iran’s central desert plateau, with the mighty Karkas and Rig-e-Jenn mountains towering around it. The park is split into two parts: North Kavir and South Kavir, separated by a huge salt desert called Dasht-e-Kavir. In the north, you’ll find rugged, empty mountains, while the south boasts a wealth of diverse plant and animal life.
  • In Kavir National Park, you’ll discover over 600 types of plants, ranging from shrubs and herbs to trees. Among them are special ones like pistachio, almond, wild fig, and date palm trees. The park’s different landscapes also provide homes for many animals, like Persian leopards, wild goats, wolves, foxes, and gazelles. Bird enthusiasts will be thrilled too, with more than 100 bird species calling this park home, including majestic eagles, vultures, and falcons.

Third Largest National Park in the World – Quttinirpaaq National Park

Quttinirpaaq National Park, located on the northern end of Canada’s Ellesmere Island, covers an area of 37,775 square kilometers. This park is known for its arctic landscapes, including glaciers, mountains, and polar deserts. It is also home to various wildlife species like muskoxen, arctic wolves, and polar bears.

  • Quttinirpaaq National Park has a mix of different landscapes like glaciers, ice caps, mountains, valleys, and tundra.
  • It’s got one of the biggest ice caps in North America, covering about 14% of the park.
  • Animals thrive here, with over 200 types of birds like snowy owls, peregrine falcons, and gyrfalcons. And on land and in the water, you’ll find arctic foxes, muskoxen, caribou, polar bears, and narwhals.
  • Being above the Arctic Circle, visitors get to see the incredible sight of the midnight sun, making it a truly unique experience.

Fourth Largest National Park in the World – Namib- Naukluft National Park

Covering an area of 49,768 square kilometers, Namib-Naukluft National Park is the fourth-largest national park in the world. This park is located in the Namib Desert of Namibia and is known for its breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife. The park is home to several species of antelope, including the gemsbok and springbok, as well as the elusive desert-adapted elephants.

  • The Namib-Naukluft National Park has been around since 1907, making it one of Africa’s oldest and biggest national parks. It sits in the Namib Desert, one of the world’s oldest deserts, and spreads across parts of the Namibian coast and nearby areas.
  • Its name, “Namib,” means “vast place” in the local Nama language, and it’s a fitting name considering its expansive landscapes and rich variety of ecosystems.
  • The Namib Desert, a big part of the national park, is famous for its striking red sand dunes that can tower up to 300 meters tall.
  • In a spot called Sossusvlei inside the park, you’ll find some of the tallest dunes worldwide, reaching heights of about 400 meters.
  • Besides those impressive dunes, the park has other cool sights like salt flats, rugged mountains, deep canyons, and wide-open grasslands.

Fifth Largest National Park in the World – Wrangle- St. Elias National Park

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve is the largest national park in the United States, covering an area of 37,000 square kilometers. Located in Alaska, this park is home to spectacular peaks, including Mount St. Elias, which stands at over 5,000 meters tall. It is also home to various wildlife species like grizzly bears, wolves, and caribou.

  • St. Elias National Park was established in 1978 because of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act. This act aimed to keep the natural environment and wildlife safe in the area.
  • The park is famous for its varied landscape, which includes glaciers, lakes, forests, and coastal regions.
  • It stretches along 150 miles of coastline along the Gulf of Alaska, which makes it a popular place for marine animals like seals, sea lions, and whales.
  • Inside the park, the Wrangell Mountains stand tall, boasting nine of the 16 highest peaks in the United States.

Sixth Largest National Park in the World – Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Covering an area of 52,800 square kilometers, Central Kalahari Game Reserve is Botswana’s largest national park and the sixth-largest in the world. This park is located in the Kalahari Desert and is home to a variety of wildlife, including the black-maned Kalahari lions, wildebeest, and giraffes.

  • The Central Kalahari Game Reserve was set up in 1961 to safeguard the traditional home of the San people, also called the Bushmen. These folks are one of Africa’s oldest indigenous groups, living in this area for over 20,000 years. The reserve isn’t just for wildlife; it also keeps alive the cultural legacy of the San people, who deeply cherish this land.
  • However, in recent times, there have been threats to the park from mining and tourism projects. This has led local communities and organizations to step up conservation efforts. In 2008, the Botswana government made the park even bigger by adding 8,000 more square kilometers, highlighting its vital role in preserving biodiversity.

Seventh Largest National Park in the World – Wood Buffalo National Park

Wood Buffalo National Park, located in Canada’s Northwest Territories, covers an area of 44,807 square kilometers. It is home to the largest remaining wild bison herd in the world, with over 5,000 individuals. The park also boasts diverse landscapes, including salt plains, boreal forests, and wetlands.

  • Wood Buffalo National Park was created way back in 1922 to safeguard the last group of wood bison in Canada. It sits up in northern Alberta and stretches into the southern part of the Northwest Territories. What’s special about this park is its diverse mix of habitats, including boreal forests, wetlands, and grasslands, all living side by side.
  • Many people visit national parks to see wildlife up close, and Wood Buffalo National Park won’t let you down. You’ll find over 200 types of birds, 47 kinds of mammals, and 18 species of fish calling this park home.
  • Wood Buffalo National Park isn’t just a wildlife sanctuary; it’s also steeped in cultural history. The Dene and Métis Indigenous peoples have lived here for thousands of years, deeply tied to the land. They still follow their traditional customs, keeping their heritage alive. This park is a living testament to cultural conservation.

Eighth Largest National Park in the World – Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Park

Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument is not only the largest national park in the United States but also the largest marine protected area in the world. Covering an area of 36,700 square kilometers, this park is located in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and is home to over 7,000 marine species.

  • Papahānaumokuākea got started in 2006 when President George W. Bush made it an official national monument.
  • In 2010, it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and in 2016, President Barack Obama not only expanded it but also officially called it a marine national park.
  • This special place is home to more than 7,000 marine species, including some in danger like green sea turtles, Hawaiian monk seals, and Laysan albatross. And, believe it or not, it’s where over 14 million seabirds live, making it one of the biggest seabird colonies on the planet.

Ninth Largest National Park in the World – Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is the largest coral reef system globally, covering an area of 34,870 square kilometers. Located off the coast of Australia, this park is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site but also home to a diverse range of marine life, including sea turtles, sharks, and over 1,500 species of fish.

  • The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park was set up back in 1975 to keep safe and look after the unique ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef.
  • It’s huge, covering an area of 344,400 square kilometers—bigger than the United Kingdom and about half the size of Texas.
  • In 1981, it got recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site because it’s so important both culturally and naturally.
  • This national park is home to over 1,500 types of fish, 400 kinds of coral, and lots of other sea creatures. Plus, it’s a crucial place where endangered species like turtles, dugongs, and humpback whales come to breed.

Tenth Largest National Park in the World – Kluane National Park and Reserve

Kluane National Park and Reserve is located in Canada’s Yukon territory and covers an area of 22,013 square kilometers. This park is known for its stunning mountain peaks and glaciers and is home to various wildlife species like wolves, grizzly bears, and Dall sheep.

  • Kluane National Park was set up in 1976 and got bigger in 1993 when parts of the St. Elias Mountains and the Alsek Ranges were added. It shares borders with parks in Alaska, USA, and British Columbia, making it part of a bigger conservation area.
  • The park is named after Mount Logan, Canada’s highest peak, which sits inside its boundaries.
  • The landscape here shows off nature’s mightiness. It has some of the tallest peaks in North America, like Mount Logan, Mount St. Elias, and Mount Lucania. And don’t forget the massive Kaskawulsh Glacier, the biggest non-polar icefield globally, covering more than 20,000 square kilometers.
  • The weather in Kluane National Park can be extreme. Winters are long and freezing, with temperatures dropping as low as -50°C (-58°F). Summers are short and mild, with average temperatures around 20°C (68°F). It gets a lot of snow, with over 200 cm (80 inches) falling each year.

Summary – Top 10 Largest National Parks in the World

These top 10 largest national parks worldwide offer captivating landscapes and extraordinary biodiversity worth exploring. Whether you seek adventure or tranquility amidst nature’s wonders, these parks provide unforgettable experiences that will leave you in awe of our planet’s natural beauty.

FAQs on Top 10 Largest National Parks in the World

What is the largest national park in the world?

Northeast Greenland National Park, which is situated in Greenland and spans an area of more than 972,000 square kilometers, is the largest national park in the world.

Where is the Kimberley National Park located?

Australia’s Kimberley National Park is spread across 423,000 square km.

Which national park in the United States is one of the largest in the world?

At 33,682 square kilometres, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park in Alaska, United States, is one of the world’s largest national parks.

Which national park is the largest in Canada?

At 44,807 square kilometers, Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada is the nation’s largest national park.

Which national park is recognized as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO?

The United States’ Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, which spans 36,694 square kilometres, is designated by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve.

What are the top 10 largest national parks in the world?

The top 10 national parks in the world are Northeast Greenland National Park, Kavir National Park, Quttinirpaaq National Park, Namib- Naukluft National Park, Wrangle- St. Elias National Park, Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Wood Buffalo National Park, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Park, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, and Kluane National Park and Reserve.

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