Top 10 Largest Arms Exporters in the World [2024]

Arms exports are the export of military and dual-use items to other nations. Dual-use items can be used for both military and civilian purposes. In 2018–2022, the five largest arms exporters were the United States, Russia, France, China, and Germany. Together, they supplied 76% of the world’s arms exports in 2018–2022.

In this article, we will discuss the top 10 arms-exporting countries in the world along with their total export and trading partners.

List of Top 10 Largest Arms Exporters in the World

Given below is the list of the top 10 Arms Exporting Countries in the World.

Biggest Weapon Exporting-Countries in the World

Rank Country
1 United States
2 Russia
3 France
4 China
5 Germany



7 United Kingdom



9 South Korea



10. Israel

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Israel is the world’s tenth largest arms exporter. In 2021, Israel exported 2.4% of the total weapons systems exported. From 2018 to 2022, Israel accounted for 1.4% of global arms sales.

  • Israel’s defense industry is dominated by companies like Israel Aerospace Industries, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, and Elbit Systems. 
  • Israel’s arms exports decreased by 39% from 2013-17 to 2018-22.
  • The primary recipients of Israel’s arms exports are India, Azerbaijan, and Vietnam.

9. South Korea

South Korea is the world’s ninth-largest exporter of arms, and has seen a 74% increase in its export volumes from 2018 to 2022. In 2022, South Korea’s arms sales reached more than $17 billion, up from $7.25 billion in 2021. South Korea’s defense industry is supported by government incentives, attractive pricing, and faster delivery times.

  • South Korea’s top trade partners are India and China, which have also been prioritizing the development of their own weapons industries. 
  • South Korea’s defense industry has been able to compete with Western defense manufacturers and Chinese developers.
  • Companies like Korea Aerospace Industries, Hyundai Rotem, and Hanwha Defense dominate the country’s defense industry.

8. Spain

Spain is the world’s eighth-largest arms exporter, accounting for 3% of global arms sales. Spain’s arms exports have been increasing in recent years, reaching a record high of €4.3 billion in 2021. In 2022, Saudi Arabia’s main suppliers were the US (78 percent), France (6.4 percent), and Spain (4.9 percent). Spain’s arms exports decreased by 4.4% from 2013-17 to 2018-22.

  • Companies like Navantia, Indra Sistemas, and Santa Barbara Sistemas dominate the country’s defense industry. 
  • Spain is a major exporter of military aircraft, armored vehicles, and ammunition.
  • Spain’s arms exports are mainly due to its role in arming Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates’ attacks in Yemen.
  • The Spanish government has been criticized for its arms exports to countries with poor human rights records.
  • Spain’s arms exports are regulated by the Law on the Control of Foreign Trade in Defense Material and Dual-Use Goods.

7. United Kingdom

According to the SIPRI defense think tank, the United Kingdom (UK) is the seventh-largest major arms exporter in the world, behind Italy and Germany. The UK’s share of global arms exports between 2018 and 2022 was 3.2%. The UK’s defense industry is dominated by companies like BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, and MBDA.

  • Aircraft are the UK’s main arms export, making up around a third (32%) of total TIV between 2018 and 2022. 
  • The US is the biggest recipient of arms from the UK, importing around 20% of the UK’s total arms exports in 2018-2022.
  • The UK’s arms exports decreased by 35 % from 2013-17 to 2018-22. This is due to a number of factors, including the end of a large deal with Saudi Arabia for combat aircraft in 2017, and the UK’s decision to reduce its military spending.
  • The UK’s main arms deals go to the United States, India, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Oman, South Africa, Turkey, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
  • The arms manufactured in the UK includes bombs, missiles, and fighter jets, machine guns.

6. Italy

Italy is the sixth-largest arms exporter in the world, accounting for 3.8% of global arms sales between 2018 and 2022. The country’s defense industry is dominated by companies like Leonardo, Fincantieri, and Oto Melara. Leonardo is the largest Italian defense company, and it produces a wide range of military equipment, including aircraft, helicopters, missiles, and electronics.

  • Italy’s arms are primarily exported to the European countries, the Middle East, and North Africa.
  • In 2021, Italy’s biggest export partner was Egypt, followed by Qatar, Turkey, and Kuwait.
  • In 2020, revenue from Italian arms exports reached a new high of almost 4 billion euro. This growth was driven by increased demand for military equipment from countries in the Middle East and North Africa, which are facing a number of security challenges.
  • The Italian government has been criticized for its arms exports, particularly to countries with poor human rights records. However, the government has defended its arms sales, arguing that they are necessary to support the Italian defense industry and to promote Italian interests abroad.

5. Germany

According to the SIPRI Arms Transfer Database, Germany is the fifth-largest arms exporter in the world, accounting for 4.2% of global arms sales from 2018-2022. In 2022, Germany’s share of global arms exports was 4%.

  • In 2023, Germany’s weapons exports reached a record high, with top intended recipients including Ukraine, Norway, Hungary, the UK, and the US.
  • Germany’s defense industry is dominated by companies like Rheinmetall, Airbus, and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann. Egypt is a major client of German arms.
  • Germany’s arms exports decreased by 35% from 2013-2017 to 2018-2022. This decline was due to a number of factors, including a decrease in demand from traditional customers in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as stricter export controls imposed by the German government.
  • The main arms export customers of Germany are in Europe and Asia.

4. China

China is the fourth largest arms exporter in the world, behind the United States, Russia, and France. In 2018–2022, China accounted for 5.2% of global arms exports, while in 2022, China’s share was 5%. 80% of China’s arms exports go to states in Asia and Oceania.

  • In 2022, China’s defense exports reached a 10-year high, valued at $3.24 billion, which is up nearly 2% from 2021’s figure of $3.19 billion.
  • China’s arms exports decreased by 23% between 2013–17 and 2018–22. 
  • State-owned companies like China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) and China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) dominate the country’s defense industry.
  • China and Russia are known for ignoring international arms embargoes and exporting to climate-vulnerable countries.

3. France

France is the world’s third largest arms exporter, after the United States and Russia. In 2018-2022, France accounted for 11% of global arms sales. France’s arms exports grew by 44% from 2013-17 to 2018-22. In 2022, France’s weapons exports totaled 27 billion euros ($30 billion), up from 11.7 billion euros in 2021.

  • Dassault Aviation, Airbus, and Thales are some of the companies that dominate France’s defense industry.
  • In 2018-2022, most of France’s arms exports went to states in Asia and Oceania (44%) and the Middle East (34%).
  • France’s arms exports have increased by 59% in the last 10 years, which is more than any other country in that time period.
  • France is a major producer of a wide range of military equipment, including aircraft, ships, missiles, and tanks. Some of the most popular French weapons exports include the Rafale fighter jet, the Scorpene submarine, and the Leclerc tank.
  • The French government is a strong supporter of the arms industry. It provides financial and technical assistance to French arms companies, and it also promotes the export of French weapons.

2. Russia

Russia is the second-largest arms exporter in the world, accounting for 16% of global arms exports. The United States is the largest arms exporter in the world. Russia’s share of global arms exports has been decreasing since 2012, when it was 24.1% and in 2021 it was 18.6%. 

  • Russia’s war in Ukraine has slowed down its pace of exports. 
  • France is challenging Russia’s position as the world’s second-largest arms exporter, partly aided by New Delhi’s imports from Paris.
  • Rosoboronexport, Almaz-Antey, and United Shipbuilding Corporation are the major state owned companies that dominate the country’s defense industry. 
  • The top three importers of Russian arms are India (31%), China (23%), and Egypt (9.3%). 

1. United States

As of 2023, the United States is the world’s largest arms exporter, accounting for 40% of global arms exports between 2018–2022. This is a 24 percentage point increase from 2013–2017, when the US accounted for 33% of global arms exports. Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon are the companies that dominate the US defense industry.

  • The top 10 importers of US arms in 2018-22 were Saudia Arabia (19 %), Japan (8.6%), Australia (8.4%),  Qatar (6.7%), South Korea (6.5%) Kuwait (4.8%), the UK (4. 6%), UAE ( 4.4%), the Netherlands (4.4%) and Norway (4.2%). 
  • There are two major ways foreign governments purchase arms from U.S. companies: Direct commercial sales negotiated with a company, or foreign military sales in which a government typically contacts a Defense Department official at the U.S. embassy in its capital. Both require U.S. government approval.
  • In fiscal year 2023, direct military sales by U.S. companies increased to $157.5 billion, up from $153.6 billion in fiscal 2022.
  • Sales arranged through the U.S. government rose to $80.9 billion in 2023, a significant increase from $51.9 billion the preceding year.

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FAQs on Top 10 Arms Exporters in the World

Which Country is the Largest Exporter of Arms in the World?

The United States is the world’s biggest arms exporter, accounting for 40% of the total volume of international arms transfers between 2018–2022.

What are the Top 10 Countries that sell weapons?

The top 10 countries that sell weapons are the United States, Russia, China, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Israel, South Korea, Italy, and Spain.

Who are the top small arms exporters?

The top five arms exporters in 2018–2022 were: United States, Russia, France, China, Germany.

What is the Rank of India in Arms Export?

According to SIPRI report, India ranked the 23rd largest exporter above Brazil and Portugal in 2023. All three nations had an equal share of 0.2%.

Who is the Biggest Importer of Indian Arms?

Saudi Arabia emerged as the largest importer of Indian arms.

Who is the World’s Third Biggest Arms Exporter?

France is the world’s third-largest supplier of arms, accounting for 11% of global weapons trade from 2018 to 2022. France’s share has increased from 7.1% to 11% due to exports to the Middle East and Asia Pacific.

Does India Export Arms?

India exports a variety of military hardware. In 2022–2023, India’s defense exports reached a record high of Rs 16,000 crore, which is over 10 times higher than 2016–2017.

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