Top 10 Garment Exporting Countries in the World

In the world of international trade, the garment industry stands tall as one of the most prominent and impactful sectors. Across the globe, countries are engaged in the production and export of garments, clothing, and textiles, driving economic growth and shaping global fashion trends.

In this article, we will discuss these top 10 garment exporting countries in the world.

List of Top 10 Garment Exporting Countries in the World

Garment exporting plays a crucial role in the world economy due to its multifaceted impact on various sectors and regions. Firstly, it serves as a significant driver of economic growth and development, particularly in developing countries where the garment industry often provides employment opportunities for millions of people, especially women.

Here’s the list of the top 10 garment exporting countries based on their export values :



Export Value (in billions USD)

Market Share (%)


















Hong Kong























Let’s learn about them in detail.

10. Indonesia

Indonesia is getting better at selling clothes to the world. Their clothes industry grew by 7% in 2021. The government is helping by making rules to make the clothes industry stronger and better able to compete with other countries. In 2021, Indonesia sold $12 billion worth of clothes to other countries.

  • Indonesia is the fourth biggest seller of clothes in the world, after China, Bangladesh, and Vietnam.
  • Making and selling clothes is a big part of Indonesia’s economy, and it gives jobs to over 3 million people.
  • The clothes industry in Indonesia makes up about 7% of all the things the country sells to other countries, bringing in around $12 billion every year.
  • Indonesia has a lot of people, over 270 million actually, and many of them know how to make clothes really well.

9. Italy

Italy is famous for making really fancy clothes and has a big industry for making fabrics and clothes. People love Italian clothes because they are made with a lot of care and are very well-made. In 2021, Italy sold $12 billion worth of clothes to other countries.

  • Italy has been making clothes since a long time ago, and now it’s home to big brands like Armani, Gucci, and Prada. This makes Italy really important in the fashion world.
  • Italian clothes are known for being made really well, with a lot of attention to detail and using really good materials. This makes them last a long time and people really like them.
  • Italy doesn’t just make expensive clothes, they also make cheaper ones that are still really stylish and good quality.
  • When you see “Made in Italy” on a piece of clothing, it means it’s made really well and is stylish. This makes people want to buy Italian clothes even more, so they’re really popular all around the world.

8. Mexico

Mexico’s clothes industry has been getting better over time. It’s close to the United States, and they have deals that make it easy to trade. In 2021, Mexico sold $13 billion worth of clothes to other countries.

  • Mexico is in a good spot between two big countries that make lots of clothes, the United States and China. This helps them sell clothes more easily and for cheaper because they don’t have to spend as much on shipping.
  • Mexico has made deals with many other countries, like the US and EU, so it’s easier for them to sell clothes globally without paying too much in taxes. These deals have opened up new markets for Mexican clothes.
  • People in Mexico have been making clothes for a long time, so they’re really good at it. They have lots of skilled workers who know how to make clothes well.
  • Because of these things, Mexico sells a lot of clothes to other countries. In 2021, they sold clothes worth $10.2 billion, and the top buyers were the United States, Canada, Colombia, and Germany.

7. Germany

Germany isn’t just famous for cars; they also sell a lot of clothes to other countries. People like buying German clothes because they’re really good quality and they come up with new ideas. In 2021, Germany sold $16 billion worth of clothes to other countries.

  • Germany’s strong economy and good roads and buildings have helped them sell lots of clothes to other countries.
  • Germany is really good at using fancy machines and new ways of making clothes. They’ve spent a lot of money on this so they can make clothes quickly and well.
  • The people who work in Germany are really good at making clothes too. They pay a lot of attention to making sure the clothes are good quality.
  • Germany is famous for being stylish, so people all over the world like to buy clothes made in Germany. Brands like Adidas, Hugo Boss, and Puma are really popular, which helps Germany sell even more clothes to other countries.

6. Turkey

Turkey is really good at selling clothes to other countries. They have good technology and workers who are really good at making clothes. In 2021, Turkey sold $17 billion worth of clothes to other countries..

  • Turkey is the sixth biggest seller of clothes in the world, after countries like China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, and Hong Kong.
  • Making and selling clothes is really important for Turkey’s economy, it helps add a lot of money to the country’s total earnings.
  • Turkey’s clothes industry is really well-established, and they’re always looking for new ways to make clothes better and faster.

5. Hong Kong

Even though Hong Kong is small, it’s really important in selling clothes to the world. Its good location and great infrastructure make it perfect for trading. In 2021, Hong Kong sold $18 billion worth of clothes to other countries.

  • The United States buys the most clothes from Hong Kong, making up 40% of all the clothes they sell.
  • Other big buyers of Hong Kong’s clothes are Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
  • Lots of people work in Hong Kong’s clothes industry, over 250,000 actually.

4. India

India has been making clothes and fabrics for a really long time, and they’re really good at it. Their clothes are known for being top quality and made with traditional skills. The clothes industry in India has been getting bigger, and in 2021, they sold $19 billion worth of clothes to other countries. The Indian government is also helping by making rules to encourage more people to invest in the clothes industry.

  • India is the fourth biggest maker of textiles in the world, and they make 6% of all the clothes sold globally.
  • Making and selling clothes is important for India’s economy, it makes up 2% of all the money the country makes.
  • Lots of people in India work in the clothes industry, over 45 million actually, so it’s a big provider of jobs.
  • India has plenty of stuff like cotton, silk, and wool to make clothes with.
  • The labor costs in India are comparatively lower than other major garment exporting countries like China and Bangladesh.

3. Vietnam

Vietnam is also getting better at selling clothes to other countries. In the last ten years, their clothes industry has grown a lot. They’ve been making their factories and technology better, so they can compete with other countries. In 2021, Vietnam sold $31 billion worth of clothes to the world.

  • Vietnam is the third biggest seller of clothes in the world, according to the World Trade Organization. They have lots of factories that make clothes, and over 3 million people work in them.
  • Every year, Vietnam sells more and more clothes to other countries. In 2021 alone, they sold 6% more clothes than the year before, reaching $39 billion in sales.
  • Vietnam mostly sells clothes to big countries like the United States, Japan, South Korea, and countries in Europe.
  • The clothes made in Vietnam are often the kind that’s in fashion right now and not too expensive.
  • Making clothes in Vietnam is cheaper than in some other places, which makes it attractive for big stores and brands to buy from them.
  • The clothes industry is a big part of Vietnam’s economy, making up more than 10% of all the money the country makes from selling things to other countries.

2. Bangladesh

Bangladesh is now selling a lot of clothes to other countries too. They’ve become important because making clothes there is cheap, and they have a lot of people to work. In 2021, Bangladesh sold $34 billion worth of clothes, making it the second biggest seller in the world.

  • Making clothes is super important for Bangladesh’s economy. Almost all the stuff they sell to other countries is clothes, and it gives jobs to a lot of people. Every year, the clothes-making business in Bangladesh gets bigger by about 20%. This is because it’s cheap to pay people to make clothes there, the government helps out, and there are rules that make it easy to sell clothes to other countries.
  • One big reason why Bangladesh is good at making clothes is that they don’t have to pay workers as much as in some other countries. In Bangladesh, the least amount of money a worker can get paid is around $100 per month, which is much less than in places like China or Vietnam.
  • Bangladesh started out by making simple things like shirts and pants, but now they make all sorts of clothes, like sweaters, jeans, and even sports clothes. They’ve gotten really good at making lots of different kinds of clothes.

1. China

China sells a lot of clothes to other countries around the world. They’ve been doing this for a long time because they have many people to work and their workers don’t cost a lot. In 2021, China sold more clothes than any other country, making $142 billion. China’s clothes industry is really good and has everything from fancy clothes to trendy ones you can get quickly.

  • Since the 1980s, making clothes has been really important for China’s economy.
  • One big reason why China is so good at selling clothes to other countries is that they pay their workers less than in some other places. This means they can make clothes more cheaply than other countries.
  • China’s got lots of really good factories and equipment, so they can make a whole bunch of clothes all at once.
  • China has spent a lot of money on machines and technology to make their clothes even better and faster.

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FAQs on Top 10 Garment Exporting Countries in the World

Which countries are considered the top garment exporters in the world?

China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Hong Kong, Turkey, Germany, Mexico, Italy, and Indonesia are the biggest exporters of clothing worldwide.

What factors contribute to a country’s success in garment exports?

A nation’s ability to successfully export clothing is influenced by a number of variables, such as advantageous labor laws, cheap production costs, a prime geographic location, advanced infrastructure, a trained labor force, easy access to raw materials, advantageous trade agreements, and a strong emphasis on innovation and quality.

Why is China the largest garment exporter in the world?

China is the world’s top exporter of clothing because of its advanced technology, enormous manufacturing capacity, highly skilled labor force, cheap labor costs, and advantageous trade policies. For many years, the clothing sector in China has been vital to the country’s economy.

Why is Germany notable in the garment industry?

Germany is a major exporter of clothing thanks to its sophisticated technology, exacting quality standards, highly qualified labor force, and strong fashion brand image.

What makes Mexico a rising star in garment exports?

Mexico is a significant competitor because of its advantageous location between the US and China, numerous free trade agreements, and a highly skilled labor population.

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