TOEFL Writing for Academic Discussion | Questions & Samples

TOEFL Writing for Academic Discussion: Mastering the TOEFL Writing section is crucial for achieving a high score. This section requires candidates to write well-structured essays in response to academic prompts. Focus on practicing essay writing with a variety of topics to enhance your skills. Utilize effective strategies and tips to improve your writing, ensuring clarity, coherence, and a strong argument.

Preparing thoroughly for the TOEFL Writing section will significantly boost your chances of success on the exam.

TOEFL Academic Discussion

Academic Discussion in TOEFL

After major TOEFL modifications in July 2023, the Writing for an Academic Discussion task in TOEFL Writing (Writing Task 2) has been a part of the TOEFL exam. You will be presented with an online scholarly conversation in which a professor asks a question regarding a certain subject. Your opinion will be requested on the question. Other students will have already responded in some cases, so you will need to add your thoughts to the conversation. The task will take 10 minutes in total.

This task aims to look at the real-world requirements of learning environments, where it is essential to participate in thoughtful and organized written conversations. This unique task evaluates a test-takers capacity for logical and convincing interaction with opposing views, the ability to back arguments with relevant proof, and clear and concise articulation of ideas.

Question Styles

  • You may occasionally be asked to choose between two comparable items, so keep that in mind. For example, you may be asked if you believe it would be preferable if attendance at university were required or optional.
  • You may get asked a yes-or-no question.  One could ask, for example, about the extent to which social media influencers affect society.
  • Lastly, you may be provided with a completely open-ended question. You may be asked, for example, to list the most significant influence the Internet has had on society.

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1. Sample Question: Yes or No

A marketing course is being taught by your professor. In your post, address the professor’s query.As you respond, you should:

  • Express and support your own viewpoint
  • Contribute to the conversation using your own words.
  • A well-written response will be at least one 100 words long.

Professor: Hi everyone in class!  We’ll talk about how social media influencers affect customer behavior next week. A new class of celebrity has emerged as a result of the growth of social media sites like YouTube and Instagram: the social media influencer. These influencers can affect consumer behavior by promoting goods and services and have large fan bases. I have the following query for the discussion board:

Do customers get much from social media influencers?  Why not, and why not?

Jack: Social media influencers, in my opinion, have a big influence. Young people are more likely to purchase goods and services that these influencers promote when they begin to look up to them and believe what they have to say. But since some influencers might recommend goods, they don’t really use or believe in, I also think there are some questions regarding the accuracy of these endorsements.

Emily: Influencers on social media don’t seem to have much of an effect on how people shop. The majority of people are intelligent enough to make their own purchase decisions based on their needs and tastes, even though they may have big supporters. Also, it might be difficult to determine which influencers to believe because there are so many of them advocating various items.

Sample Answer 1

This is one possible answer to the question that was asked.  It speaks directly to the other pupils’ reactions.  As you can see, it explains and rejects the points they raised.  This strategy is the simplest for certain test takers.

Though I believe there is more to social media influencers than meets the eye, this is a difficult issue to discuss.  I completely agree with Emily’s assertion that people are too intelligent to be swayed by them.  I would also add that, twenty years ago, we might have been convinced to buy something we didn’t need by a charming person, but I don’t think it happens as often these days.  This is because we can use blogs, consumer magazines, and social media to extensively research anything we are interested in.

These informational resources enable us to identify products that precisely meet our needs, preventing us from being convinced by the exaggerated arguments made by social media influencers. Jack brought up the important point that young people are particularly susceptible, but he omitted the fact that parents now spend time teaching their children responsible internet usage habits.  Young individuals are therefore less inclined to choose their purchases quickly.

Sample Answer 2

Here’s another method of answering the question being asked.  The other students’ responses are largely disregarded.Rather, I just concentrated on my answer.  This method appeals to certain test takers.

Although I agree with Jack and Emily’s comments, I don’t believe social media celebrities have much influence these days.  These days, an abundance of factors influence consumer behavior, not only what we see online.I don’t think it happens as frequently as it used to twenty years ago when a charming person would have convinced us to buy something we didn’t need.  Recall that people’s decisions are influenced by a variety of sources, including traditional advertising, family, and peers, so the Internet isn’t a determining factor in their lives.

Although some may believe that influencers are more important than ever, in my opinion, their influence is decreasing.

In each of these responses, there are a few important elements:

  • A concise opening thesis statement that makes the point of view abundantly clear.
  • Utilizing subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
  • Some difficult word choices, such as “mass media” and “dominant.”

2. Sample Question: State a Preference

Political science is what your professor is teaching in this class. In your post, address the professor’s question.  As you respond, you should do so:

  • Express and support your perspective
  • Contribute to the conversation using your own words.
  • A well-written response will be at least one hundred words long. Ten minutes are allotted for writing.

Professor: We will discuss the issue between environmental protection and economic growth today. Economic expansion produces jobs and gives individuals money they can spend on bettering their quality of life. However, if we preserve the environment, present and future generations will be able to enjoy it as well. Which would you choose, if you had to choose between promoting economic growth and environmental protection?  Why?

Alex: The environment would come first for me. There is only one earth, and if we don’t take care of it, our futures won’t be happy ones. Growth in the economy can be beneficial, but not at the price of the environment. I believe that we should move toward more ecologically beneficial economic activities, such as making investments in renewable energy and supporting eco-friendly technology.  If we live in a clean environment, we will all be far healthier.

Maggie: While I agree with Alex that environmental sustainability is essential, I also believe that many of the social and economic issues we face can only be resolved by economic growth. To raise living standards, decrease poverty, and generate jobs, a robust economy is necessary.  Furthermore, as businesses expand and become more successful, they can create new technologies that address environmental issues.

Sample Answer 1

Although it’s a difficult subject, I believe that right now the environment should come first. I completely agree with Alex’s assertion that if we only prioritize economic prosperity, our lives will be miserable. I would also add that we will all be more susceptible to serious illnesses like cancer and lung disease if industrial development damages the environment. These kinds of ailments have the potential to seriously tax our healthcare systems.  Maggie brought up the important idea that perhaps in the future, successful businesses would use new technology to tackle every issue we face; however, she neglected to address the possibility that these technologies may arrive much too late to be of any value. For instance, it can take decades for a creative business to develop a renewable energy source, yet environmental disasters are already wreaking havoc on people’s lives.

Sample Answer 2

Although I agree with Maggie and Alex’s views, I believe our primary focus should be on economic growth.  This is because a slowing economy will make our lives miserable.  Everybody needs to make money to pay their bills. Keep in mind that a lot of people need to make a consistent living since they have families to support.  Only if the economy grows at the same pace each year would that be possible. I tend to argue that sustaining our existing quality of living is more vital than protecting the environment.

3. Sample Question: Open-Ended

A business course is being taught by your professor. In your post, address the professor’s question. As you respond, you should do so:

  • Express and support your perspective
  • Contribute to the conversation using your own words.
  • A well-written response will be at least one hundred words long.

Professor: We’ll talk a lot in class the following week about the ways that businesses impact the world in both positive and negative ways.  I’d like to know your thoughts on the matter before we get into that in class.  I have an inquiry for the message board, therefore: What, in your opinion, is the most effective approach for a business to positively influence society?

Sarah: I think businesses should concentrate on improving the social and environmental aspects of their operations. Giving to charity has its advantages, but it doesn’t deal with the underlying issues that lead to significant environmental and societal issues. Companies can have a more significant and long-lasting influence on society by conducting business in more responsible ways.  Also, if they receive favorable feedback from customers, they might encourage other businesses to follow suit.  That’s the only way the issues of today can truly be resolved.

John: Even though those are excellent points, I believe businesses should concentrate on giving to charities. Giving to those in need can instantly improve their situation and have a positive impact on society as a whole.  The beneficial effects of economic improvements on society might not materialize for years or even decades, and most people are impatient.

Sample Answer 1

Though it’s a difficult subject, I believe that the best approach for businesses to improve the world is through charitable donations. John makes a valid point when he suggests that one of the best ways to deal with the pressing issues we are having right now is through charitable donations.  I would also add that since some of these issues, like food insecurity and homelessness, are more pressing than ever, businesses undoubtedly have a part to play. A tiny donation has the power to save lives. Sarah brought up the pertinent point that philanthropy may assist companies in gaining new clients, but she neglected to address the fact that pricing is now the primary factor in most people’s purchasing decisions. Even if they are being sold by unethical businesses, many people still choose to purchase the cheapest goods on the market.

Sample Answer 2

Although I agree with Sarah and John’s views, I believe that businesses should prioritize offering their staff greater compensation.  As everyone knows, people are having a difficult time these days just to make ends meet. Everyone knows that inflation is out of control and that even staples may get pricey. Keep in mind that kids from low-income families don’t always reach their full potential, therefore CEOs should support their parents by giving them more money. While some may argue that this strategy ignores long-term issues like climate change, I believe that poverty is intensifying and may become a greater issue in the future.


Completing the Writing Academic Discussion task on the TOEFL is essential to proving your English language ability in a classroom setting. This section of the TOEFL exam evaluates your critical thinking skills and ability to engage with difficult subjects in addition to your ability to write intelligibly and persuasively. To effectively prepare, you should practice structured writing, grasp the task’s structure, and improve your critical thinking abilities. You can get more comfortable articulating well-reasoned arguments and engaging with several points of view by becoming familiar with a wide range of academic subjects and practicing in exam-like settings. You may improve your writing by practicing frequently, getting criticism, and going over well-scoring essays.

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TOEFL Academic Discussion-FAQs

What is the TOEFL Academic Discussion task?

The TOEFL Academic Discussion task is a writing component where test-takers respond to a prompt by engaging in a simulated academic discussion, demonstrating their ability to present and support arguments clearly and coherently.

How long do I have to complete the Academic Discussion task?

You typically have 10 minutes to read the prompt, plan, and write your response, making time management crucial for success.

What types of topics are covered in the Academic Discussion task?

Topics vary widely but are generally related to academic subjects, requiring you to discuss, analyze, and provide insights on issues relevant to fields like science, humanities, or social sciences.

How is the Academic Discussion task scored?

The task is scored based on content development, organization, language use, and how well you engage with the prompt and incorporate different viewpoints.

Can I use personal examples in my response?

Yes, personal examples can be used to support your arguments, but ensure they are relevant and effectively illustrate the points you are making.

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