Things You Must Know about Node.JS

If you don’t know precisely what Node.js is and you’re here to learn about new things in Node.js. Let’s start with a brief introduction to the same.
Node.js was originated in 2009 by Ryan Dahl. This runtime system enhanced extensively popular with coders and was used to create APIs. When developers use Node.js, they need to develop some real-time web APIs using JavaScript. If you have some knowledge about JavaScript, it will not take much time to learn about Node.js.

  1. Node.js is all JavaScript:
    If you are going to develop various applications for your web browsers then it is an essential thing that you have to study. Node.js is supported by JavaScript to handle the event loop mechanism, which is a perk of Node.js. JavaScript is very familiar now and it helps us to run smoothly in every OS environment.

  2. JSON is still the best:
    If you are a JavaScript developer then the most important thing you should know about JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). JSON is an accessible data exchange format. With JSON, people can quickly build APIs that allow Node.js. Previously JavaScript has not been used alone and that is still the case, we have to use JSON with JavaScript. This is currently a translation of JSON and now, even if we are using the Node.js framework, we have to consider the use of JSON.

  3. Reinforced by JSON:
    JSON provide developers with a robust and accessible data exchange format. It is considered a mainstay of JavaScript, as it is simple and allows developers to build APIs quickly. Earlier, programmers had to pay extra attention when manipulating dynamic data in JavaScript in the browser. JSON gave birth to the NoSQL database, intended for JS only.

  4. Powered by Google Chrome:
    Powered by Google’s V8 engine, Node.js works on the backend. It takes the same runtime in Google Chrome to execute the front-end of JavaScript. However, the development team of Node.js at Google made it one of the fastest and most dynamic runtimes compared to advanced JavaScript. Also, Google lists Node.js among other system engine powers. Besides, using Google Developer Tools, developers can go for debugging with the Node.js debugging feature, which allows for eliminating errors in both the front-end and the backend.

  5. Node.JS has an extensive library of codes:
    There is a massive library of dependencies on Node.js known as Node Package Manager. It helps us to manage things easily with reliable package management that lets the node ecosystem grow well. Smaller developers can use better packages made for their projects, which they have decided to make public, with developers doing much better in their smaller-scale projects. It will also make implementing Node.js much more comfortable than other systems.

  6. Small modules working fast:
    Node.JS is a framework divided into various smaller modules, two of which we can broadly call Node.JS application and Node.JS Core. Although we can use both of these together. It is not always necessary to use them together at the end of the server or client, so it makes it lighter not including the core or application collectively in all locations goes. Due to such benefits, many companies have taken up the task of providing Node.js development services.

  7. Sharing is free so encouraged:
    Node.js are beneficial for developers who like to continue sharing their knowledge. When you are working on Node.js, you can quickly get help, and it is easy to share on the community. If you have some different package, you can share it with different developers and even original developers. So they can save their time working on other types of sources and packages.

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