5 Things To Remember Before Your JEE Mains NTA Exam

5 Things To Remember Before Your JEE Mains NTA Exam: The Joint Entrance Examination JEE Mains, conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), serves as a crucial gateway for students aspiring to pursue engineering in esteemed Indian institutions like IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), NIT (National Institute of Technology), IIIT (Indian Institute of Information Technology), and other reputed colleges across the country. With the exam scheduled in two sessions, namely January and April 2024, meticulous preparation becomes paramount.

In this blog post, we’ll explore five essential aspects that require your focus before stepping into the examination hall.

5 Things to Remember Before Your JEE Mains NTA Exam

If you’re going to attempt JEE Mains 2024, then reading these 5 must things is must.

1. JEE Mains Admit Card

Your admit card is your gateway to the JEE Mains exam. Ensure you have a printed copy of your admit card well in advance. Double-check all the details on it, such as your name, photograph, and examination center. Keep multiple copies and store one in a separate bag or folder to avoid last-minute panic.

Many students, caught in the rush on the morning of their exams, forget this essential document, leading to unnecessary panic and potential lapses in exam performance.

To avoid such situations, it is advisable to pack your bag the night before your exam. While some opt to laminate their admit cards for protection, it’s essential to note that laminating original papers is not recommended. Admit cards often have spaces meant for filling in information upon entering the examination hall.

For added protection without risking damage, consider placing a transparent cover on your admit card. This prevents wear and tear while ensuring that essential details remain intact. If the fear of misplacing the original card looms, a practical solution is to obtain multiple photocopies.

2. Check the Required Stationary Items

It’s easy to forget about checking your stationery kit before the exam. Create a simple list of things you’ll use – pencils, pens, erasers, and a geometry box. The crucial part is to ensure everything meets the NTA guidelines. This step is often overlooked but can save you from problems during the examination.

3. Take Proper Sleep

It’s a common misconception among students to pull all-nighters before exams, thinking it enhances preparation. However, this strategy can backfire, leading to forgetfulness and decreased concentration. Insufficient sleep impacts memory retention negatively, making it essential to prioritize a good night’s sleep for effective exam readiness.

Another crucial factor is minimizing screen time, especially the night before the exam. Prolonged phone use emits blue light, hindering melatonin secretion— the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is vital during exam periods to ensure optimal rest.

Setting an alarm is a simple yet effective way to start the day right. Waking up with ample time allows for a stress-free morning routine, ensuring you reach the exam venue well before the start time. This approach minimizes the risk of skipping meals or feeling rushed, contributing to a calmer and more focused mindset on exam day.

4. Keep Hydrated

Staying adequately hydrated plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal cognitive function and overall well-being. Dehydration can result in unclear thinking, low energy levels, body overheating, and difficulties in maintaining focus. It may even lead to sudden mood swings, fatigue, headaches, and sleep disturbances. To ensure you stay hydrated and perform at your best, consider keeping a bottle of water within reach, especially during study sessions and exam preparation. Taking a sip after covering each section of a chapter can help you maintain proper hydration levels.

When preparing for exams, it’s important to steer clear of energy drinks or boosters. While these beverages may offer a quick energy boost initially, they often contain high levels of sugar that can lead to a subsequent energy crash. Instead, opt for a healthier approach by aiming to drink at least 8 glasses of water the day before your exam. This not only aids in staying hydrated but also contributes to a refreshing feeling, promoting overall well-being. Make hydration a priority in your exam preparation routine for sustained focus and energy.

5. Read the Question Paper Carefully

Going through exams efficiently is crucial to ensure you don’t miss out on valuable marks. Rushing through the paper might lead to overlooking essential instructions, resulting in point deductions. Taking a moment to analyze each question helps in gaining a clearer understanding and improves the chances of providing correct answers. When faced with confusion, seeking clarification from the teacher is a wise approach, especially for descriptive questions where interpretation plays a key role.

Begin by thoroughly reading the instructions on the question paper. Identify the number of sets and the specified number of questions to attempt from each set. If options are provided, strategically choose the ones you can answer confidently and anticipate higher marks.

Effectively manage your time by dividing it into segments. Start with the questions you are most confident about, ensuring accurate numbering. Resist the urge to compare your progress with others to avoid unnecessary stress. If a particular question proves challenging, remain calm, and focus on articulating your other responses. Concentration is key, helping you avoid careless errors in calculations or spellings that could impact your overall score.


Preparing for the JEE Mains Exam requires a strategic mindset and careful preparation. Candidates must Keep in mind the five essential aspects discussed in the blog, candidates can enhance their chances of success. Remember, the journey to success is not just about mastering the subjects but also about adopting effective strategies that cater to the unique demands of the JEE Mains Exam. With dedication, focus, and a well-rounded approach, aspiring candidates can navigate through the challenges and confidently stride towards a rewarding performance in this crucial examination.

FAQs- Things To Remember Before Your JEE Mains NTA Exam

Q- What is a good NTA score for JEE Mains?

Since a percentile between 85 and 95 is sufficient to secure a spot in the NITs or IITs through this exam, a score of 250 or higher is considered a good score. However, you must rank among the top 15,000 to 20,000 in order to be admitted to the NITs or IITs.

Q- Is scoring 150 in JEE Mains difficult?

It is not difficult to score between 150 and 200 on the JEE Mains 2024.

Q- Is it easy to score 120 in JEE Mains in 1 month?

While getting 120 marks in JEE Mains in a month is a difficult feat, it is achievable with commitment and smart study techniques. The following advice will help you reach your objective: Recognise the Exam Pattern: Become familiar with the syllabus, marking criteria, and format of the exam.

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