The term “Terror of Bengal” is used for?

West Bengal is a state in the eastern parts of the country. It is the fourth largest state based on population. The Bengal region of India shares its borders with Bangladesh, Nepal, and some northeastern states. The capital of Bengal is Kolkata it is the third largest metropolis in India. The main river in this region is the Ganges River, divided into two parts. The climate in this region varies from place to place. The climate ranges from tropical savanna to humid in the northern region. The temperatures during the day are high but the night is accompanied by a cool breeze carrying the moisture from the Bay of Bengal. 

Terror of Bengal

Terror of Bengal

The term ” Terror of Bengal ” is commonly used for water hyacinth. The scientific name of this plant is Eichhornia crassipes. It is commonly known as water hyacinth. The hot and humid climate of the Bengal region is suitable for the growth of this plant. The main reason for water hyacinth to be known as the Terror of Bengal is the rapid growth of this plant. This specific plant has the ability to multiply in number very quickly when compared to other plants. As the number of these wild plants increases there will be less place for the growth of other plants and thus affecting the balance of the ecosystem. 

Water Hyacinth is a plant native to tropical regions of South America. These plants are free-floating aquatic plants. This plant has survived in the place due to its rapid growth potential. The removal of this plant is considered very difficult. Due to the rapidly multiplying property, it is now present on six continents. This plant was introduced in India by the British government at the end of the 18th century. It was spread into the Indian waters by Lady Hasting Since then this plant has continued to survive in India. It was originally introduced in Bengal. This plant is called the Beautiful Blue Devil in Bengal due to its nature. 

As this plant continues to multiply in number it covers a large area over the water bodies. The oxygen requirement of this plant is very high so it absorbs nutrients from the water bodies. This causes depletion in the oxygen levels of the water body thus damaging the aquatic life. As there is less oxygen in water than is required by the plants, many fishes and aquatic animals die.

Due to its rapid growth rate, it does not allow other plants to grow thus endangering them in the process. This plant is known for fighting for the available resources with the native plant. These plants are very strong and hence always achieve the required resources and thus causing low resources for the growth of native plants. It has caused the loss or extinction of many native plants in that region. For these reasons, it is termed the Terror of Bengal.

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FAQs on Terror of Bengal

Q 1. What is the terror of Bengal?


Terror of Bengal is known for “Water Hyacinth”.

Q 2. What is the terror of Bengal algal bloom?


In the state of Bengal, fish forms an important part of the diet and Eichhornia is one of the major causes for the scarcity of fish hence water hyacinth is called “Terror of Bengal”.

Q 3. What does the terror of Bengal multiply by?


Water hyacinth is an invasive weed that is often referred to as the terror of Bengal and it reproduces by offset. Offset refers to a small, virtually complete daughter plant.

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