How to Test GitHub Actions Before Merge?

GitHub Actions work as minor helpers, take care of tasks automatically whenever something goes wrong in your GitHub project. GitHub Actions could be likened as an ever-present friend who is ready to help anytime you need it.

Consider how nice it would be to have your code automatically tested following every modification, or how nice it would be to have your website updated quickly when you publish new changes. You aren’t even going to need to exert any effort—GitHub Actions can handle all of that for you.

They are very important because they make your life simpler and save you time. GitHub Actions can be used to automate tedious duties so you can focus on more important tasks, like writing fantastic code, instead of completing them by hand.

The Importance of Testing GitHub Actions

It is important to test GitHub Actions prior to merging them into the main branch; it’s similar to double-checking your homework before turning it in. This is the reason why:

  • Avoiding Bugs: Just like you ought to confirm your homework before turning it in, make sure your GitHub Actions are working properly before merging them. Tests help you find any errors or “bugs” in your work before they create problems for your project.
  • Preventing Breakage: It would not be good if there were mistakes or omissions in your coursework. Similarly, untested GitHub Actions could unintentionally break something that was working fine before. Testing helps prevent this by making sure your actions are consistent with the rest of your project.
  • Maintaining Quality: Testing makes sure the quality of your project is not compromised by the GitHub Actions refreshes you make. You want your project to be as good as it can be, just like you would if you were organizing the homework before turning it in.

Saving Time and Effort: Solving errors or issues generated by untested acts takes effort and time. Finding and fixing issues during testing can be far simpler than doing so after they have been resolved and merged into the main branch. It also has a lot less tension.

Test GitHub Actions before Merge

Before integrating them into the main branch, it is imperative to make sure they are operating properly. This is a simple testing procedure:

Method 1: Add Workflow Trigger on Pull Requests

  • Add the following trigger to your workflow file so that testing can be enabled without affecting the main branch:
name: premergedemo
branches: [main]
branches: [main]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.10'
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install awscli

This makes it possible for the workflow to start as soon as a pull request is made or updated, giving developers a method to test changes independently.

Event Triggers

  • push: When a push event is made to the main branch, the process is initiated.
  • pull_request: When a pull request event occurs that aims to pull from the main branch, the workflow also executes.
branches: [main]
branches: [main]


  • Describes the pre-merge job, which operates in the Ubuntu environment (ubuntu-latest). When the workflow is activated, the steps in this task will be carried out.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest


  • The code repository is checked out in this step at the version that v2 of the GitHub Actions checkout action specifies.
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
  • Using the actions/setup-python action, this step configures Python in the workflow environment. Version 3.10 of Python is required to be utilized.
  - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.10'
  • Updates pip to the most recent iteration.
  • Uses pip to install the AWS Command Line Interface (awscli). If the workflow communicates with AWS services, this might be required.
  - name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install awscli

Steps to premerge

Step 1: Here we having pre-merger repository as shown image below.

Step 2: We have two branches they are main and dev as shown image below.

Step 3: I have made the changes and pushed and the pull request raised dynamically. Here the all requests passed. For your reference refer the below image.

Step4: If you want to close the pull request you can click on close request and close the pll request.

Method 2: Create Draft Pull Requests

  • Create a draft pull request from your feature branch to the main branch.
  • This action activates the workflow, making it visible under the “Actions” menu.
  • Any updates to the pull request branch automatically trigger the workflow, allowing continuous testing.

Method 3: Use GitHub CLI for Workflow Dispatch

  • To manually start the workflow on your branch without merging into the main branch, use the GitHub CLI (gh):
gh workflow run your-workflow-name --ref your-branch
  • This command executes the workflow on the specified branch, enabling testing without merging changes prematurely.
  • The GitHub CLI supports input parameters for fine-grained control over workflow execution.

Method 4: Optional: Use Local Testing with act

  • For local testing, consider using act, a tool that simulates GitHub Actions locally.
  • While act offers offline testing, testing directly within the GitHub repository is feasible and convenient.
  • After testing, you can delete the workflow files if necessary.

Modifying GitHub Actions Workflows

  • Access Your Repository: Go to your GitHub repository where you want to create or modify the GitHub Actions workflows.
  • Navigate to the .github/workflows Directory: Inside your repository, navigate to the .github/workflows directory.
    • This is where GitHub looks for workflow files.
  • Create a New Workflow File (if needed): If you’re creating a new workflow, click on the “Add file” button and select “Create new file”.
    • Name the file with a .yml extension (e.g., test_workflow.yml).
  • Modify Existing Workflow File (if needed): To make changes to an already-existing workflow, select the desired file from the.github/workflows directory by clicking on it.
  • Edit the Workflow File: To make changes to an already-existing workflow, select the desired file from the.github/workflows directory by clicking on it.

Here’s a basic example of a workflow file:

name: Example Workflow
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout Repo
uses: actions/checkout@v2


The creation of software is simplified by GitHub Actions, which guarantees dependability, saves time, and streamlines processes. Testing minimizes errors, maintains quality, and prevents interruptions after merging. Utilizing technologies like GitHub CLI and pull request triggers ensures comprehensive testing. Developers may employ GitHub Actions to streamline processes and focus on creating exceptional code. Accepting automation improves quality and productivity in development.

Test GitHub Actions Before Merge – FAQs

How can I test GitHub Actions?

You can test GitHub Actions by starting workflows on pull requests and ensuring they execute as intended. GitHub CLI and act are other tools you can use for local and manual testing, respectively.

How do I require a pull request before merging GitHub Actions?

Before merging GitHub Actions, establish branch protection rules in the repository settings which require pull request reviews and status checks.

What is the git test command?

The git test command isn’t a part of the standard Git commands. The usual methods for testing in Git workflows involve writing tests for your code and running them via appropriate testing frameworks or through continuous integration services like Jenkins or GitHub Actions.

Can I test a pull request before merging?

Yes, by testing a pull request before merging, applying workflow triggers to pull requests, and using tools like GitHub CLI for manual dispatch, you can ensure seamless integration without halting the main branch.

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