Test Automation – UI Interviewer Experience for Infosys

Hello Everyone,

This article is going to be quite different as this short article will provide you with a POV from the interviewer’s end which I have experience with while taking interviews for Test Automation engineer-UI. I will share with you some do’s and don’ts that might help you greatly in the future.

So let’s jump into it,

I was assigned with some shortlisted candidates to take a Technical round interview for the position of Test Automation engineer-UI, the client was looking for someone with experience in Robot Framework and Python.

I always start the interview by giving a warm welcome to the candidate and making sure the candidate is comfortable to start the interview. Then I move forward by introducing myself and my work experience and then ask the same of the interviewee.

As the interview was the testing role I always started with some basic testing concepts such as regression, smoke, sanity, UAT, etc. Now here’s the catch, some candidates believe that as it’s an Automation role no other general questions will be asked and some of them surprisingly failed to answer what is Smoke and sanity testing, that’s a very big negative point.

Moving forward I jump to the Framework questions related to Robot framework, now here’s a big catch.

  • Some candidates (as per my assumption) fake the resumes that they have worked on this and that framework and fail to even answer the basics of the framework
  • Some I believe do fake it but they go through the YouTube videos only without practicing the framework on any web app, there were many cases where candidates were not able to write correct syntax and some even didn’t know how to get Xpath/locators of web elements. How do I assume that? well I was a beginner too and even I started with YouTube videos once, so while asking the questions i noticed candidates were repeating the same answers as those YouTube videos, again it might be the same right??? but the moment I twisted the question by a very small factor or asked the same question with a different approach they failed to answer.
  • Some surprisingly were able to get xpaths but failed to generate custom xpaths for complex cases like tables etc. (which is somewhat acceptable IMO)

These are some points one should especially take care of, do brush up on the basics and avoid putting fake skills on a resume. Most of the time you will get caught in it.

Happy learning!!

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