Tesla CEO Elon Musk To Launch His Own Social Media App?

Synopsis – Musk started a poll on Twitter stating asserting the value of free speech in a functional democracy. He wrote, “Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy.” Later, he added a question for the poll on the platform asking users, “Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?”

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk seems to be frustrated with the Microblogging platform Twitter where he could be seen actively posting his thoughts and interacting with people at times. The Tesla CEO is ‘seriously’ mulling to start a new social media platform. Before talking about this, he posted a series of tweets on Twitter.

Musk started a poll on Twitter stating asserting the value of free speech in a functional democracy. He wrote, “Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy.” Later, he added a question for the poll on the platform asking users, “Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?” To answer, he provided two options, “Yes” and “No” 29.6% of people opted for “Yes” while 70.40% opted for “No”, certainly, agreeing with Musk”.

Further in the thread the Tesla CEO pointing toward the importance of the responses to the poll, added, “The consequences of this poll will be important. Please vote carefully.” 

Following the results of the Twitter polls that highlighted the dissatisfaction of the users with the microblogging site, Musk by quoting the same tweet mentioned, “Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy”. Furthermore, he asked, “What should be done?”

Musk didn’t stop at the results and went on to ask the user whether a new platform is needed. He asked, “Is a new platform needed?”

In addition to the development, Pranay Pathole, who is a Pune-based (India) engineer, added a tweet regarding the context of Elon Musk’s tweet. Pranay asked Musk whether he is interested in building a new social media platform that would consist of an open-source algorithm, where free speech would be a priority and the platform will be having minimal propaganda. He asserted that such a platform is needed.

The Indian techie has become a sensation and caught the gaze of media all over the world after his interview became the talk of the town when opened up about his bond with the Tesla CEO. Reportedly, Musk frequently talks to Pathole in DM on the social media platform. Apart from this, the Tesla CEO also replies to the techie’s tweets, which has resulted in him having a significant increase in followers on Twitter.

Pathole tweeted,

 “Would you consider building a new social media platform, @elonmusk? One that would consist of an open-source algorithm, one where free speech and adhering to free speech is given top priority, one where propaganda is very minimal. I think that kind of a platform is needed.”

This is not the first time when Twitter’s algorithm is being criticized believing that it prioritizes clickbait which is usually fake news. Over a year ago, Former US President Donald Trump had criticized the algorithm. Trump was banned by Twitter and Facebook (a Meta-owned company) over his alleged incitement of the Capitol Hill Riots in January 2021.

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