Tesco Interview Experience for PWD internship (On-Campus)

Round 1:(OA Round)

The first round was an online coding Test. in 90 minutes.

Question Topic:

  • OS
  • DBMS
  • Networking
  • Oops
  • Two Coding Problems (Sorting and String)

Round 2:(Technical Round)

  • Tell me about yourself and What did you learn in your 4 years of B.Tech
  • He asked me some OS questions.
  1. Different Scheduling Algorithms.
  2. How do you assign priority values to a process i.e. which process has higher priority and low priority?
  3. Multi-core vs multi-threading. At max how many threads can you create in a process?
  4. What is deadlock? How will you handle Banker’s algorithm and resource allocation graph)
  • Then he asked some questions on Computer Networks.
  1. What does the transport layer do? What is Congestion control and flow control?
  2. Which protocol is used for sending mail?


Basically, the way you answer will drive the interview. Interviewer generally try pick the question from your previous answer. so what ever you are answering you must be 100% sure.

  • Write a program to find whether a given linked list is a palindrome or not? (In one traversal only). I was asked to write the entire program (in online compiler) and the interviewer checked the code against various edge cases.

Round 3:(HR Round)

This was a HR round. All the 15 candidates had HR round (independent of technical round performance).

  1. Tell me about your self
  2. How will you choose your team members for a project? How will you handle if your team members are not working properly?
  3. Let’s say you need to complete your project by night. You and all your team mates are stuck up and unable to proceed further and all your friends are busy in their own works. Now how will you handle this situation?

Out of 10 Students 3 were selected.

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