Terminalizer : Record Your Linux Terminal and Generate Animated GIF

Terminalizer is an open-source cross-platform CLI tool that is used to record the terminal session and generate or share animated gif images.


  • Change background, title,  font, colors, window frames, transition speed.
  • Share your recording on the web
  • Add watermark

In this article, we will show you how to install terminalizer in Debian-based Linux (Ubuntu/Kali/Linuxmint/Elementary).


To install terminalizer you need to have node.js and npm installed on your computer. 

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install nodejs npm

To verify  the installation, run :

node -v && npm -v

Now install terminalizer globally on your machine by adding the -g flag to the npm install command.

npm install -g terminalizer

To verify  the installation, run :

terminalizer -v

verify terminalizer installation

Record and Render/Share

Basic command syntax

 terminalizer <command> <session>
  • To record your terminal
terminalizer record test

This will save a file test.yml in your current directory

Once the recording has been saved, terminalizer will prompt you to share the recording on https://terminalizer.com.

Reply with Yes, if you want to share the recording.

  • To play the recording
terminalizer play test

  • To render the recording
terminalizer render test

  • To share the recording
terminalizer share test

To view the gif created above, visit  https://terminalizer.com/view/e2e0411c5173.


You can also manually configure the attributes by editing the .yml file.

  • quality: Change the quality of generated image
  • repeat: -1 to loop one, 0 for infinity
  • frameDelay: Change the delay between frames in ms.
  • cursorStyle: Change the cursor style
  • fontSize: Change font size in px.
  • lineHeight: Change line-height.
  • letterSpacing: Change letter spacing in px.
  • watermark.imagePath: Add a watermark to your gif
  • frameBox.type: Change the frame box type


To uninstall, run :

npm uninstall -g terminalizer

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