Temperature Classification Using R

Temperature classification using nested if-else statements is a common programming task in which you categorize temperature values into different classes based on predefined ranges. This approach is often used for decision-making processes, such as determining whether to wear warm clothes, setting thermostat levels, or assessing weather conditions. In R, nested if-else statements are a useful tool for achieving this task efficiently and accurately.

Table of Content

  • Concepts related to the topic:
  • Classifying the Temperature
  • Classifying Temperature based on Multiple Categories
  • Temperature Classification using if-else

Concepts related to the topic:

  1. Conditional Statements: Conditional statements allow you to execute specific code blocks based on certain conditions. In R, the if-else construct is commonly used for this purpose.
  2. Nested if-else: Nested if-else statements involve placing one if-else statement inside another. This enables you to handle multiple conditions and outcomes in a structured manner.

Steps needed:

To perform temperature classification using nested if-else statements in R, follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the temperature variable with the temperature value you want to classify.

Step 2: Create a series of nested if-else statements to classify the temperature into different categories. Each nested if-else statement corresponds to a temperature range and assigns a classification based on that range.

Step 3: Print or store the classification result.

Classifying the Temperature

Let’s consider an example where we classify temperatures into three categories: “Cold,” “Moderate,” and “Hot.”


# Step 1: Define the temperature variable
temperature <- 28
# Step 2: Nested if-else statements for temperature classification
if (temperature <= 10) {
    classification <- "Cold"
} else {
    if (temperature <= 25) {
        classification <- "Moderate"
    } else {
        classification <- "Hot"
# Step 3: Print the classification result
cat("The temperature is classified as:", classification)


The temperature is classified as: Hot

This R code that defines a temperature variable and uses nested if-else statements to classify the temperature as “Cold”, “Moderate”, or “Hot” based on its value. The classification result is then printed to the console.

Classifying Temperature based on Multiple Categories


temperature <- 28
if (temperature > 35) {
  temperature_class <- "very hot"
} else {
  if (temperature > 27) {
    temperature_class <- "hot"
  } else {
    if (temperature > 20) {
      temperature_class <- "good"
    } else {
      if (temperature > 10) {
        temperature_class <- "cold"
      } else {
        temperature_class <- "very cold"
print(paste("The temperature classification is:", temperature_class))


[1] "The temperature classification is: hot"

This R code defines a temperature variable and uses nested if-else statements to classify the temperature into different categories (“very hot”, “hot”, “good”, “cold”, or “very cold”) based on its value. The code then prints the temperature classification.

Temperature Classification using if-else


# Input temperature from the user
temperature <- as.numeric(readline("Enter the temperature in Celsius: "))
if (temperature < -10.0) {
  cat("Extremely Cold\n")
} else if (temperature < 0.0) {
  cat("Very Cold\n")
} else if (temperature < 10.0) {
} else if (temperature < 20.0) {
} else if (temperature < 30.0) {
} else if (temperature < 40.0) {
} else {
  cat("Extremely Hot\n")


Enter the temperature in Celsius: 32

The output “Hot” is displayed because the input temperature of 32 degrees Celsius falls within the range defined by the condition temperature < 40.0, which corresponds to the “Hot” category in the temperature classification.


Making weather-related decisions practically can be accomplished by categorising temperature readings using R’s if-else statements. Conditional statements and nested if-else structures are among the fundamental ideas covered in this introduction.The procedure entails setting up nested if-else statements, establishing the temperature variable, and displaying or saving the outcome. Examples from everyday life show how temperature ranges can be used to categorise temperatures into categories like “Cold,” “Moderate,” “Hot,” and more. This methodology offers an organised way to manage a variety of temperature conditions, which is helpful for people working with temperature data.

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