Technovert Interview Experience for Full stack developer (On-Campus)

Technovert visited our campus during the 6th semester. The whole process took 2 days and comprised 5 rounds.

Round 1 (75 minutes): This was an online assessment round. It was conducted on the Campustest platform. Around 180 students gave this round. The test was divided into 5 sections, each with a time constraint.

  1. Operating Systems- 10 questions (15 minutes).
  2. Computer Networks – 4 questions (15 minutes).
  3. Quantitative Analysis – 10 questions (10 minutes).
  4. Verbal – 10 questions (10 minutes).
  5. Aptitude – 10 questions (15 minutes).

The difficulty level was easy to medium. There was negative marking as well. The results were declared within 45 minutes of the test. Out of 180 students, 60 students cleared the round. Luckily, I was one of the 60 students.

Round 2 (60 minutes): This was an online coding round. This round had 4 questions.

  1. Reverse each word of a string:-
  2. Maximum occurring character:-
  3. Chakravyuh problem.
  4. Something about the coronavirus problem.

We were asked to focus on the logic of the solution rather than the actual code. I was able to solve 2 questions out of 4. The result of this round was declared after a few hours. Out of 60 students, 18 were selected for the next round. I was one of the 18 students.

Round 3 (2-2.5 hours): This round was scheduled for the next day. This round was an entirely different round. It was called the machine coding round. 

  • We were asked to build a console application to distribute vaccines to the hospital. The motive of this round was to check if the student is able to think and develop.
  • We were allowed to use the compiler or IDE of our choice and programming language of our choice, I used VS Code and Java.
  • The interviewers kept checking our code and asked questions about the solution. They also helped students if they were stuck at any point.
  • The question also had an extension part which further had 2 questions. This was an optional part.

I enjoyed this round a lot and completed 80% of the solution, and the interviewer went through my solution and asked me to build the extension part. The extension part was easy and I completed it in around 10 minutes.

The result of this round was declared in 15 minutes. Out of 18 students, 14 were selected. I was one of the 14 students to be selected for the next round.

Round 4 (30- 40 minutes): This was a face-to-face technical interview. There was a panel of 2 interviewers for each student.

  • This round focused on the projects listed on the resume and was asked thoroughly about the technologies used in the projects. that also asked me to show a demo of the projects.
  • They went through my GitHub account and asked questions about the repositories it had. They also asked about my open-source contributions.
  • I was asked to build a solution for the Tic-Tac-Toe problem.
  • They asked me to solve a question:-
  • Water Jug problem:-
  • Few other questions like why ReactJs ( listed in my resume), what is MERN stack?.

I gave the solution for all the problems, and they asked me to optimize the solution, I was able to do that for one problem. The interviewers were friendly and gave hints if I was stuck on a problem.

The result of this round was declared immediately and students who were selected were asked to wait and others were asked to leave. I was selected and asked to wait for the next round. 6 students out of 14 were selected for the next round.

Round 5 (10 minutes): This was a HR + technical type of round. It was also face-to-face. This also had 2 interviewers for each candidate. As I was the last candidate to be interviewed, my round lasted for 10 minutes only. The others were interviewed for 25-30 minutes.

  • I was asked about my background, education history and about my family.
  • I was asked, what are my future plans?.
  • The interviewer asked me to pick any question and explain it’s solution. I picked the reverse word of a string ( because I had solved it in the coding round.
  • Then he asked me to explain how to reverse a linked list.
  • What is HTTP, MERN Stack, NodeJS, ExpressJS?.

The result of this was declared immediately. Out of 6 students, 5 were given the offer, I was one of them. Later they gave gift hampers to the selected students.

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