TCS NQT Interview Experience

Before I start, I want to make 1 thing very clear that, your selection in interview is totally depend on your knowledge, confidence, communication skills and off course the interview panel.

Round 1 (Technical Round): I came to the room wished them, and they (in my panel there are 2 interviewers) asked me to sit.

I1. How are You Harsh.

Me. Fine, Sir.

(I handed my resume to him.)

I1. Okay Harsh, Lets have your Quick Introduction.

Me. I introduced myself. (here I want to give you a suggestion, that when you introduce yourself, on that time, you can tilt the whole interview towards your interest. As in my Introduction, after telling them my name, qualification, and technical skills, I started to tell them about the projects, which I am currently working on, because I want them to ask me the questions related to my projects.)

I1. Okay Harsh, tell me something about your ‘Wheelchair’ project.

Me. Told

I1. So How it’s worked, What’s the working principle.

Me. Told

I1. How many members in your team?

Me. Sir, we are the group of four.

I1. What’s your role?

Me. Told

I1. How long you are working on this project?

Me Told.

I1, Tell me any one Challenge that you have faced while working on this.

Me. Told.

(during that the second interviewer is continuously looking my posture, my fluency and other all round development things, and also going through my resume.)

I2. What is ‘Wincubation 1.0’, you have won Rs. 10000 in this, Explain this.

Me. Explained.

I2. So this is also one of the projects that you have accomplished.

Me. Yes Sir,

I2. Any software or tools you are good in.

Me. Sir, I have some knowledge in Static Android development and I worked in Android Studio in my Second year, and I am also well in some Adobe tools.

I2. What is Error Handling in Android.

Me. Told

I2. What is Crashing. And How can you fix when your application crashed during runtime.

Me. Told.

I2. So you know two Programming Languages C and Python.

Me. Yes Sir.

I2. If i give you a program can you solve using either of  the languages.

Me Yes sir.

I2. What kind of program you prefer, easy one or the complex one?

Me. (paused for 2 seconds) Sir, please you will decide.(smiled)

(they both smiled)

I2. Okay do you know What is palindrome. ‘Yes Sir(told)’ . WAP to check the string is palindrome. Using either of the languages but do not use any type of inbuilt function.

Me. solved (using string slicing in python.)

(He ask me to explain, and I explained him successfully)

I1. Okay, what is prime number? Is 37 a prime no.

Me. Told

(he just checked my presence of mind).

I2 to I1 : Any thing you want to ask.

I1. Its okay.

I1. Okay harsh, thank you, Wait outside.

Me. Thank you sir.

After 2-3 minutes my name was called for the next round.

Round 2: This round was the manegerial Round. (Here one person is sitting ).

Interviewer. How are you Harsh? : Fine Sir.

Interviewer. You are doing Electrical Engineering. What makes you to join TCS.? : Told.

(look these question are very common when they found that you come from core background. So be prepare.)

Interviewer. Why TCS. Why not any other company?

Me: Told.

Interviewer. Tell me something about your ongoing project.

Me told

Interviewer. Tell me some new Technologies.

Me. M.L., A.I., IoT…

Interviewer. What is IoT?

Me Told. (By giving the example, Co-relating from Electrical Engineering.)

(Then he Asked me questions related to my family background)

Interviewer: Okay Harsh. Thank you.

Me. Thank you Sir.

After this I was sent to other room, then after 5 minutes my name was called for the last round.

Round 3: (HR Round).

Some common Question..

I. Introduce yourself.

I. Family Background.

I. Your Father is a government employee. Why you are not going for government jobs.

I. You are from core Branch. How can you give your 100% to this company.

I. Do you have any plans for Higher Studies. (Always say NO. No matter if you have)

I. We will spent our money and resources to trained you. How can we assure that you will not leave TCS.

(then he explained about bonds and illegibility criteria).

(Asked  for my 10th, 12th, and graduation mark sheet)

I. Okay Harsh Thank You…


After 12 days I got the mail for Selection.. ?

Waiting for offer letter.



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