TCS NQT Interview Experience

So to start with First I have written NQT test on 4th August and the results were out on the 10th of august. Luckily I cleared my NQT. So further I was waiting for my interview date. On 24/08/2019 I received a mail stating that my interview is on 26/08/2019 (Just 1-2 days gap after confirmation mail of schedule of interview).

So my suggestion is if you have cleared with NQT or whatever the first round aptitude starts preparing for the interview.

Now on the day of the Interview. The reporting time was 8:45 am. They addressed us at 9:15 am and followed by document verification (preferable only to those who are exactly on the border of their eligibility criteria.) It was around 9: 45. Interviews were started. It will be like You will be given a serial number (Preferably if you sit in the front rows you are the first to interview soon. I was sitting a little back So my interview turned up at 12:20 pm.

So you will have 2 Rounds (TR)+(MR+HR) or(TR+MR)+(HR). This depends on the panel to which you are called.

So the first round is technical for sure. If you perform well in TR then you will be shortlisted for the HR round.

So you will be taken by a volunteer till the interview room. Basically, during our time there were 27 interview panels happening simultaneously for TR round and 20-25 HR+MR panels on the other side for technical round shortlisted students.

So for my first round was only the Technical round. It went for almost 45 mins long(12:40 pm to 1:05 pm)

Technical Round: Basic introductive questions about mu family, and hobbies.

  1. Seeing my resume asked why there is a decrease in percentage from 10th, 12th to Degree.
  2. Which language are you comfortable in? I answered Java.
  3. Are you sure? Shall I ask questions on java?
  4. What is data encapsulation?
  5. From which base class all other classes in java are declared? Silence for 10-15 seconds and told I think string class but not sure sir.
  6. So is a string in java a class or a data type?
  7. Different types of loops, working of break and continue with an example program, factorial program working of switch cases working, How do you use a random generator in java? I answered all if required with code.
  8. What is subclass And class inside a class?
  9. What is the final keyword in Java? Don’t know sir.
  10. What is object Serialization? Don’t know sir.

He told me what exactly an object Serialization is. And told that “you told you are comfortable in java but you don’t know about object Serialization?”

Sir, Still I am in the learning phase. Still today I have not come across object Serialization, so I think that would be the one of the topics that I need to look upon today.

  1. Why should we hire You? Told some positive about me).
  2. Why TCS? Told some positive points about the company.

Any questions for me? How is our career growth at TCS if we got selected? He explained about 3-4 Mins. And suggested doing more online courses, work on live projects apart from academic mini-projects. And told to be kept updated.

Ok, thank you, sir, One Last question, what will be the initial work at TCS when we join? It depends on the project you will be getting. After this round time was around 1:05 pm. Since it was lunchtime I need to wait till 2 pm for the TR round results. I got selected for further round.

HR+MR round: Started for me around 2:40 pm and went on for 20 mins till 3 pm. Basic introduction after that he looked into my CV for 2 mins. During this time one more person joined i.e. MR. I wished him too.

  1. Why don’t you introduce yourself and tell me something about yourself?
  2. Why there is a decrease in the percentage in your academics? Tried to give some reasons. I think HR was convinced with my answer.
  3. Asked me to explain about projects? Explained both the projects I did.
  4. Asked why not other technologies for DBMS project? Told some reasons,. But guess he was not convinced.
  5. What is cloud computing? Told just the basic definition.
  6. What are the different cloud technologies you know? Told only 2.
  7. Did you study the Operating System? Yes sir.
  8. Okay then tell me the difference between open source and non-open source? Just told only one difference. He replied only that’s it. nothing more than that? Tried to say one more point.
  9. Okay is Linux open source?
  10. Gave some situations and asked how do I resolve in that situation? Managed to convenience the MR.
  11. Okay now tell me the real-life incident in your life where you stood as the initiator?
  12. Told some incidents from my engineering etc.
  13. Why should we hire you?
  14. Told some positive points about me.
  15. Why TCS? Told some positive points about the company and showed my willingness to join their company?
  16. Are you comfortable if placed anywhere in India? Yes sir.
  17. Are you comfortable working in shifts? Yes sir.
  18. Okay, any questions? I asked, “how’s life at TCS”? Answered with a smile “once you will join you will come to know”. Anything else?

Told about the initiative taken by TCS to conduct a 10k marathon run even for handicapped people. really I liked that sir. , and I was the volunteer for that event I mentioned. Oh, good how was your experience there? It was good sir.

MR: Okay now all your details will be verified in the background if anything found to be wrong you are application will be rejected. So are you sure about the details you provided? If anything you want to change you can change now. This will be your last chance to change? Ok, sir. The details provided by me are correct. So this was my TCS interview experience. I got selected!

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