TCS Ninja Interview Experience (2021 Virtual)

Due to the ongoing pandemic situation of Covid-19, there were not so many job opportunities for 2021 batch graduates. Then there came the announcement of TCS NQT (National Qualifier Test) where they decided to hire almost 40000 graduates for two profiles one is for Ninja and the other Digital. Due to covid, they thought of organizing the exam virtually as well as in offline centers.

I chose to give the exam in the center on Oct 24, 2020. The total time allotted for the test was 180 minutes. The pattern of the exam was:

  • Numerical Ability:  26 Questions (Time Allotted – 40 minutes)
  • Verbal Ability:         24 Questions (Time Allotted – 30 minutes)
  • Reasoning Ability:  30 Questions (Time Allotted – 50 minutes)
  • Technical MCQ:       10 Questions (Time Allotted – 15 minutes) 
  • Coding:                    02 Questions (Time Allotted – 45 minutes)

At the time of the result, I received a mail stating that I have been selected for the digital exam. I was among the 4 students from my college who were selected to give the digital exam. I didn’t know at that time that top performers of NQT get a chance to give a digital exam which was scheduled on Nov 12, 2020, which happened in online mode (i.e. I don’t have to go to the center to give the digital exam). 

There were 2 coding questions in which the total time given was of 1 hour. I completed 1 fully and the other part because of which I was not selected for a digital interview. 

Note: If you don’t get selected for the Digital interview you will still be having your Ninja interview don’t worry about that.

In my case say it’s bad luck or glitch or something, I was not able to select the language in which I was supposed to do coding. The drop-down menu of language selection was not opening. I generated the link again and after doing it 3-4 times then it worked properly. The bad part was while generating the link again and again my time was counted in regenerating the link. So basically I got 45-48 minutes in total. The way it was resolved was I just needed to switch the questions and the drop-down menu was active. I thought it was worth mentioning so that you don’t spend time in link generation. When I completed my exam I asked my friends even they had the same problem, but they resolved it within a couple of minutes. 

Since all 3 of my friends completed both questions fully they were selected for a digital interview and I was selected for ninja interview. 

Now came the interview which was on Dec 2, 2020. It was on Cisco Webex. There were three panelists HR, MR, and TR. HR welcomed me.

HR:  Hold your ID card in such a position that they can verify your details with an ID card, and they even took screenshots of me holding an ID card. Note: Make sure you have your ID card as well as all Marksheets (10th,12th, semester mark sheets, hardcopy as well as soft copies.) They made me put them in front of the camera so that they can check.

HR:  Ask me to introduce myself. I started by telling them about which semester I am currently in, my projects, internships, and at last what I do in my free time.

TR:  Asked me about my Hackathon (was runner-up). What were the challenges faced?    

TR:  Difference between MongoDB, MySQL, and SQL,  since I have mentioned them in my resume.

TR:  What is encapsulation followed by the difference between c++ and Java. 

TR:  Asked me to open notepad and share screen and write any program using if else condition and another was of a prime number using any language. I chose Java.

TR:  What are virtual functions? Difference between JSON and BSON? 

TR:  What is Lemmatization, stopwords, and tokenization in NLP?

HR:  Asked me about your family members.

HR:  Will you be able to relocate? I told them since I have done my schooling and college in the same city I would love to. So it would be a great opportunity for me to go to a different city, meet new people, gain knowledge.

MR:  How fast can you learn something? I told them about my internship which I did in VJTI college. I was supposed to learn how a Network emulator (EXata) works. I haven’t even heard of it until that time. But I successfully learned it within the stipulated time.

Note: Try to relate or give examples wherever necessary.

MR:  Asked a situational question that supposes you are a team leader and your team members are not able to give their 100% and there is a deadline before which you need to complete your work. What would be your reaction? 

HR:  Who is the current CEO of TCS?

HR:  At last they asked me whether I am aware of the bond structure and BGC policy (Background check policy).

Note: Important topics – Java, OOPs, Difference between c++ and java, basics of DBMS, SQL and features of JAVA as well as how compilation takes place in java. 

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