TCS Ninja Interview Experience (2020 batch)

Hi all, I want to share my journey from college student to TCS professional.

Round-1: Online test

I wrote the NQT test on 3rd August 2019 and It consists of an online test that consists of the following 4 sections.

  • Aptitude (Quants and Logical)
  • English
  • Programming MCQs
  • 1 coding problem

Results were announced on 10th august and my interview got scheduled at the TCS Deccan park office on 11th August 2019. I just had 24 hours to prepare for the interview. So, I quickly brushed up all the concepts I know as much as possible.

Round-2:  Technical Interview

This was a face-to-face interview round. My reporting time was 11 30 am and I was on time to the interview location. After all the Document verification was done, I waited for my turn to attend the technical interview.  For me, there were two rounds TR and (MR+HR). If you perform well in TR then you will be shortlisted for the HR round. For candidates who reported in the afternoon had only one round (TR+MR+HR).

The following are the questions that I was asked by the interviewer in the technical interview:

  1. Tell me about yourself. This was the first question asked by the interviewer and its the most common question that will be asked for sure. So be prepared well in advance.
  2. The interviewer asked about my skillset like what am I good at. Be careful what you tell here as questions will be asked from them for sure. Sometimes this question can be asked in another way like what are your favorite subjects?
  3. Explain about your projects in brief.
  4. Explain the difference between truncate and delete.
  5. Differences between i++ and ++i .
  6. Working of while loop and do-while loop with example.
  7. Given two tables and asked to write the result after applying full join, left join, and right join.
  8. Types of languages in DBMS (DDL, DML, DCL) and what are the commands in it.
  9. Lastly, I was asked one aptitude question and asked to wait outside.

I answered all of the questions. Later, I was called for the HR round just after 10-15 min of TR.

Round-3: (MR+HR)

I wished both the interviewers and they started asking questions simultaneously. 

The questions that were asked to me are as follows:

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. Why TCS? showed my willingness to join the company
  3. History of TCS like who is the CEO of TCS, when TCS is established, etc.
  4. What is your career objective?
  5. What are your weaknesses and how will you overcome them?
  6. How was your technical round?
  7. Your academic performance is pretty good. Are you a bookworm or a candidate who does 1-day battle before the exam?
  8. Where do you want to see yourself in the next 5 years?
  9. Discuss the situation when you helped someone when they are in some struggle.
  10. Justify the strengths mentioned in the resume.
  11. How do you motivate yourself at hard times?
  12. How good are you are decision making? rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 and explain why.
  13. Why should we hire you?
  14. What if I won’t select you?
  15. Are you ready for relocation?
  16. Are you interested to work in shifts?
  17. The HR then explained to me about the bond and 1-year service agreement.
  18. Do you have any questions?

So, this was my amazing TCS interview experience. I got selected!

Here are my suggestions:

Be Confident, Be Honest, have faith in yourself that you can do well or manage. Don’t pretend something that you are not in the interview. Be careful.

Agree for relocation, service agreement bond if you want the job.

Rock the interview.

All the Best!

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