TCS Ninja Interview Experience

1st interview round – Technical Round: Questions asked in this round are:

  • OOPS concept, 
  • Turing machine(TOC), 
  • Write one code regarding the second maximum number in the array. 
  • Then the interviewer asked which programming language you are comfortable with, I told him CPP and Python. 
  • Then he asked about keywords in CPP and Arrays in Python.
  • After that, they asked about my projects.

The overall interview was easy and also interviewer was humble. The duration of the interview was 25 min. I got the selection mail on the same day and 2nd round was scheduled for the next day.

2nd round – HR round: The interviewer asked questions like-

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Why you want to join our company
  • Regarding Challenges you faced in your projects
  • Your Strength and weaknesses.
  • Are you able to relocate and work at night?.

At last, he explain company policy and bond period duration of the interview was 15 min.

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