TCS Interview Experience | TCS Prime

There were 3 interviewers for the Technical, Managerial, and HR rounds. The interview began with the technical round.

Technical Round:

First Question: My Introduction

I introduced myself in the following order: Education, Experience, Projects, and Skills, emphasizing my MERN project that I did from scratch and felt most confident about. Fortunately, the interviewer also knew the MERN stack, so he focused on MERN-related questions. Here are the questions, to the best of my recollection:

  1. Explain the MERN tech stack.
  2. If Node.js already exists, why do we need Express.js?
  3. Can I run two Node.js projects on my local machine, each requiring different versions of Node.js?
  4. What is the purpose of the .env file?
  5. How are applications rendered? If I want to run my application on another machine, what is the process?
  6. What are RESTful APIs? Can the work of a POST request be done using a PUT request?
  7. What is the difference between an exception and an error?
  8. Can I use MongoDB from the command line interface (CLI)?
  9. Is MongoDB NoSQL or SQL?
  10. What is state management in React?
  11. Can you explain APIs?
  12. What is the difference between GET and POST requests?
  13. Can a PUT request be used to perform the work of a POST request?
  14. Design a database for your college. Can teachers and students be in the same table as users?
  15. What subject are you most confident in?
    • I answered DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms), so he asked further questions:
      • What motivates you to study DSA?
      • What algorithms have you learned in DSA?
      • He specifically asked about Dijkstra’s Algorithm and where it is used, as well as any mobile applications where it might be applied.

Managerial Round:

Here are the questions related to the managerial round:

  1. Explain the software life cycle.
  2. If there are dynamic conditions requiring you to work in shifts, including day and night, are you comfortable with that?
  3. He also asked some family-related questions:
    • Do you have siblings? What are they doing, and what are their future plans?

HR Round:

  1. Where is your hometown?
  2. Are you aware of TCS Prime and TCS Digital?
  3. Would you strictly prefer TCS Prime, or would you accept TCS Digital if offered?
  4. Are you comfortable with relocating a long distance, such as from Lucknow to Chennai?


The questions might not contain the exact wording used during the interview. The questions were not as straightforward as they appear here. For instance, if the interviewer wanted to know if you could do simple arithmetic like adding 2 + 2, they might ask it in a more complex way, such as: “If you have 2 rupees and I give you 2 more, how many rupees do you have now?” The aim is to see if you can solve problems by determining the appropriate operations and operands. The whole interview was oral.

The interviewer was very supportive, providing continuous feedback and sometimes completing my answers if he thought I knew the answer but was unable to express it clearly.

I was unable to answer the questions in the Managerial Round, but I received an offer letter for TCS Digital.

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